View Full Version : Cassie update

08-27-12, 04:43 PM
Hello again! finally back at home forever! so daily cassie updates! everything is going great. just some minor things; I give her a rat pup or 2 every week, she eats lots of crickets, like 1000 every 2 weeks, tons of worms, and horn worms! She is pretty active.
i aded some fake plants on the sides and in the soil! im going to add some grass in the corners and as soon as i can find leaf litter ill cover it in that. other than that its all great!

a couple of questions; can i put grass seed in the cage? or will that hurt her? or the crickets will eat it? anyways i just want to know if grass seed will grow.

Heres some picssssssss


is that a burn on her head? what can i do for that? poly sporin? got no idea how that got there




08-27-12, 05:12 PM
Nice to see you back on here Brady :) Cassie is looking great!

08-27-12, 05:13 PM
what do you think of that burn? what can i do?

08-27-12, 05:25 PM
what do you think of that burn? what can i do?

BarelyBreathing, Wayne, and the other monitor people will be on soon to help you out.

08-27-12, 05:26 PM
as always:D

08-27-12, 06:04 PM
Hi Brady. Long time no talk. I don't see a burn, I see some stuck shed. Then again I'm viewing this on my phone and the pictures are very small. Second opinion?

08-27-12, 08:12 PM
I see it, it's pretty minor. I could be mistaken so I'd wait for some other people to chime in, but from my understanding it should heal up fine without any medication. Monitors have great immune systems and are fast healers.
Do you know how it happened?

08-27-12, 10:57 PM
Chomper got burned on his basking lamp once. It healed up fine.

With your fab conditions in there, it will heal (if it's a burn)

Now find out how it happened and fix it.

08-27-12, 11:03 PM
Welcome back, Brady! Nice to see you and Cassie again! :D

08-28-12, 03:41 PM
Yay :) so I was having so much trouble with humitdy, every morning the glass would be fogged like I couldn't see in, it was around 95% but I added more sand in that I think will
Help lots!! We will See pics will be up soon!

08-28-12, 04:15 PM
Brady, My front window is covered in water every morning too.

as soon as you turn off the lights, the humidity goes way up.

it's very normal. The room cools off a little, but the cage don't cool off as much and condensation occurs.

08-28-12, 04:33 PM
Sounds like a great problem to have for a Sav enclosure Brady!

08-28-12, 04:39 PM
Do what I do, open up and wipe it off.. or just leave it, roughly 2 hours after you turn on the lights, it's gone.

08-28-12, 04:41 PM
Yah! Haha my windows fogged up during the day tho
To! I'm using 2 75 watt floOds to... This PVC cage holds in humitdy just unreal! I'll
Get you guys way more pics soon! Cassie is super friendly! Yesterday I found a log covered in white... I think it was urates, there was lots of it
Over a log, and I seen her lifting her leg checking her vent it
Was wierd anyone know what this is?

08-28-12, 09:39 PM
Remember, having the windows fog up isn't necessarily a sign that it's too humid.. Just means that the glass isn't warmed up yet.

08-28-12, 09:49 PM
Yah! Haha my windows fogged up during the day tho
To! I'm using 2 75 watt floOds to... This PVC cage holds in humitdy just unreal! I'll
Get you guys way more pics soon! Cassie is super friendly! Yesterday I found a log covered in white... I think it was urates, there was lots of it
Over a log, and I seen her lifting her leg checking her vent it
Was wierd anyone know what this is?

Missy prissy making sure she wiped good.:D