View Full Version : Flexwatt in Melemine caging

08-27-12, 04:07 PM
Quick question. I know my options are pretty limited with heating Melamine. A radient heat panel would be one, which is something I plan on investing in soon. But what about flexwatt? I know I could put the flexwatt inside the cage, than have plexiglass/glass sealed on top of it. My question is what if I secured flexwatt inside and on top of the cage? Thoughts? Concerns? Let's here em!

What other way do you folks heat melamine?


08-27-12, 04:21 PM
Animal Plastics uses flexwatt in heating their melamine racks.

08-27-12, 04:26 PM
I have all my melamine cages heated with Intellitemp heat mats from Big Apple Pet Supply. They work great. I do have a thermostat with them. Just laying in the cage with Aspen over top.

IntelliTemp Reptile Heat Mats for Less (http://www.bigappleherp.com/Intellitemp-Reptile-Heat-Mats?sc=2&category=14)

08-27-12, 04:29 PM
Animal Plastics uses flexwatt in heating their melamine racks.
Sorry I should have specified, these are 4x2x1 enclosures.

08-27-12, 04:38 PM
Sorry I should have specified, these are 4x4x1 enclosures.Ok sorry. My bad. :)

08-27-12, 04:57 PM
I use ceramic heat emitters in all my melamine vivs.

08-27-12, 07:26 PM
I use ceramic heat emitters in all my melamine vivs.

What do you cover the ceramic heat emitter with when you have snakes in the viv?

08-27-12, 07:28 PM
I did use flexwatt for a while in my Wooden vivs but I wasn't happy with my overall radiant temps. I changed out the flexwatt and put in Radiant heat panels. I find that my temps are much more stable now.

I sealed my flexwatt under plexi but I think the lack of airflow getting to the flexwatt messed it up some how. I don't really know but I won't use flexwatt in that situation again.

Here is my viv..


08-27-12, 07:39 PM
I do what gungirl does. My room is heated so I am not worried about the ambient temp as much

08-28-12, 06:27 AM
NEVER NEVER NEVER put any heating element (like heat tape) INSIDE your snakes enclosure. Unless you don't mind burning down your house that is.
Common sense is SO rare these days.....

08-28-12, 06:54 AM
NEVER NEVER NEVER put any heating element (like heat tape) INSIDE your snakes enclosure. Unless you don't mind burning down your house that is.
Common sense is SO rare these days.....

Again, just looking for opinions. Thank you for yours.

08-28-12, 07:20 AM
i use non light emitting ceramic bulbs,with a bulb guard,in all my melemine vivariums,with no issues

they give good consistant ambient air temperatues and provide a good basking spot

they are easy to fit as well

that said imo flexwatt should do no harm to your tank mate

cheers shaun

08-28-12, 07:59 AM
What do you cover the ceramic heat emitter with when you have snakes in the viv?

I use bulbguards like these
