View Full Version : Report on yesterdays egg laying

Victor Freeman
04-30-02, 02:37 PM
Male: ghost het amel
<img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/ghostbox.jpg">
female: candycane het snow
<img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/bimbofull.jpg">

I didn't actually witness any breeding between these two, but I found some left overs. Ive been looking forward to this combo for a year +. I decided not to go for it last year because the male had a slight RI.

7:13 PM last night she dropped her first egg.
#2 @ 7:30.
#3 @ 7:59.
#4 @ 8:20
#6 @ 9:02
#7 @ 9:32
#8 @ 9:35
#9 @ 9:48
#11 @ 10:14
#12 @ 10:31
#13 @ 10:40
#16 @ 11:19
<img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/egg2.jpg">

<img src="http://www.cornsnakes.ca/images/pics/herps/snakes/cornsnakes/egg.jpg">
I estimated that she had 17 in there. Guess I wasnt too far off. Shes down by one egg this season. Intrestingly last year she, and her sister, layed both their clutches on the smae dates.

Cornsnakes.ca (http://www.cornsnakes.ca)

04-30-02, 02:56 PM
thats great victor!!!......congratts!!
those will be sweet little hatchlings!!!

04-30-02, 04:11 PM
Sweet! Must be a real treat to experience the laying of eggs. Looking forward to seeing the hatchlings!:)

04-30-02, 04:12 PM
I meant to say "a real treat to experience WATCHING the laying of eggs" lol!