View Full Version : Milk snake vs corn snake what's the difference

08-23-12, 03:57 PM
Difference in keeping size etc

08-23-12, 04:10 PM
Corn snakes usually get just a wee bit bigger, not always, as I have a Pueblan Milk snake that's close to 4 feet long.

Corn snakes are actually a breed of rat snake, but tend to be a lot mellower than milks or rats.

Corn snakes are uber common, milks a little less so.

One thing most milks have in common is they are flighty, and likely to musk you when handled. A corn usually won't do that, I stress usually, since any snake can get spooked and fling nasty smells at us.

Care is about the same, they all come in pretty colours... or lack of colours.

08-23-12, 04:15 PM
big milk...


little milk...


corn snake...


08-23-12, 05:23 PM
As far as care.....all colubrids can be kept similar if they are provided a thermal and humidity gradient.

The Central American Milks (hondurensis, polyzona, abnorma, andesiana, stuarti, oligozona, micropholis & gaigeae) grow as long or longer than guttata.
But since the Hobby Hondo craze of recent past and current it is difficult to find pure strains of each in the hobby today.

Milk Snakes from Mexico are typically larger adults than the Milks in the United States.

And...Just as corns are ratsnakes, milks are kingsnakes (ophiophagus).

08-23-12, 05:25 PM
Here's a big milk....Black Milk. They hatch out as tricolors and turn black with age.
This is not me in the photo btw.


Here's another my buddy Shannon Brown has:
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQvz44nI3Y25Wn8fSz7x3kj68il09qw DuxtvtIiu5tYJn9ouSXu8uiFE5hjw

08-23-12, 05:28 PM
Hondurans get rather large too...
Again...this is not me....lol

snake man12
08-23-12, 05:32 PM
That is one big honduran!!!

08-23-12, 08:21 PM
Holy crap! I have a publan milksnake will he get that big? I heard 3 to 4 ft was norm those are big

08-23-12, 09:41 PM
Pueblans very seldom get over 4 feet.

08-24-12, 01:08 AM
Holy wow those are some huge animals! I know it's not common, but I never realized exactly how large they have the capability of getting!

08-24-12, 01:35 AM
It is common for pure Hondurans and pure Black Milks to get that big........
It isn't common for a Nelson's, Pueblan, Sinaloan or Mexican Milk to get over 4 feet.

08-24-12, 01:48 AM
Ahhh. . I don't know much about milks. It was my understanding that it wasn't common for them to get over 4'...I guess that was just an average throughout the milks....I learn something new everyday :D

08-24-12, 04:08 AM
There are many subspecies of milksnakes (triangulum).
Each have there own size range......

snake man12
08-24-12, 08:28 AM
There are many subspecies of milksnakes (triangulum).
Each have there own size range......

Do you happen to no about Mexican black kings? Like size wise.

08-24-12, 08:44 AM
I had a MBK that was at least 4 ft.

08-24-12, 10:04 AM
L. g. nigrita can grow to over 5 feet. Much like desert and California kings.

08-25-12, 09:46 AM
There is a lot of variation in both species. Some Corns get really big like 5 feet, while others rarely get over 3 1/2 feet. Milks do have the biggest variation, as some remain under 3 feet, and some get to 6 feet or better. I like them both. Oh, not all milks are super jumpy. Some tend to calm down much faster than others. Sinaloans, and Nelsons are fairly calm, after a short time of handling, and they remain calm. Some Corns can also be pure evil, lol. Yet most are very mild tempered, and tame.



08-25-12, 10:15 AM
How about ball pythons do they get big I heard they are more docile than corns

08-25-12, 10:57 AM
Ball pythons are more "lap snakes" because they tend to chill rather than explore around all the time. That doesn't mean that they won't though. The average range for length is between 3-5 feet, but some will exceed that. One of my males is over 4 feet and he's almost 2 years old, while my 2 year old female is not quite 4 feet. (She might not even reach that). All snakes vary on "personality" overall, but Ball Pythons are an awesome choice :) Plus they are easy to take care of and with handling they are quite docile.

08-26-12, 06:51 PM
I remember seeing a Ball Python, about 6 feet. They can get large, but they add more bulk, than length.