View Full Version : Ball python feeding sizes?

08-22-12, 02:30 AM
So I've currently got the two ball pythons - one of which is nearly four foot and weighs 1700grams or so. The other is probably right on 3 foot.
I'm seriously considering buying frozen rats online and I'm not sure what to buy them.

Valentine can take what is considered a 'large' rat at a typical pet store. Not mother-rat size though. She can take larger prey than I've been able to give her, mainly because the darn things keep coming up and hitting her nose... thus, my reason for considering frozen and shipped rats.
Romeo took two small rats (4 inches from nose to butt I think) with no problem but she's got a smaller head than valentine.

Anyone know a good site that would ship frozen rats? I checked one out but the minimum payment is 100$.... uh... I only have three snakes. lol

08-22-12, 04:27 AM
I find it much more cost effective for people with less snakes to get the feeders at an expo. 99% of the places that you can order frozen online like Rodent pro ( which is a great place to order from) charge $50 or more for shipping due to having to over night it. So unless you are willing to bulk order and deep freeze the feeders just find a good expo.

08-22-12, 07:55 AM
I know the US and UK are different but our overnight charge on my last order of rats was £5 on a £40 order :)

08-22-12, 10:37 AM
I recently went to an expo and several feeder stands were around - but at the time (and not for a day or so yet) I hadn't been paid.

I'd rather not keep buying live from one of my local petstores... Darn things cost 7 dollars a pop. Only benefit is that it doesn't matter how big or small, it's 7 dollars. even the large ones.

I know my local petsmart (I know :( ) sells boxes of four or so feeders for freezing, but I can't see the darn things to judge what size they are! gah. I might have to go with the petsmart though. that's where my brother buys mice for his corn snake. :/

snake man12
08-22-12, 10:45 AM
I know no names but for a temporary solution Petco has the rats in bags so you can feel the size and what not.

08-22-12, 10:53 AM
I'll be going to petsmart (it's the only one of those two big businesses close to me) to get some substrate and some things here soon anyways. I'll ask to see their frozen rats.

I know romeo doesn't mind fresh killed, she downed one no prob. I'm hoping the both of them will make the change to f/t alright.

08-22-12, 11:44 AM
Might see if any fellow snake keepers in the area want to co-op on an frozen order to split the cost of shipping. Ive done that in the past. It's an idea.

Yeah, pet store prices suck. Even ordering frozen on your lonesome will come out better in the long run, if you can swing the initial cost and freezer space.

Either that, or find someone who breeds rats or start breeding your own.

08-22-12, 11:59 AM
oh I have the freezer space, lol. In my garage we;ve got a full size freezer and it's dang near empty! We never use it anymore unless our inside mini-freezer drawer is full. Even then, if something is in there it's not much.

I'm not going to be able to breed my own unfortunately, and I don't relish the idea of it >.< I used to have rodents as pets and while I don't mind buying them to feed the snakes - I would be too attached to breed them lol.

I honestly don't know if anyone on here lives near me. Frankly I would be surprised if someone was even in the next state. O.o

All I know is that the petsmart frozen feeders will likely be cheaper than buying over 25$ worth of live rodents that I'll have to end up killing on my own anyways... I have one in the freezer i'm going to thaw out today to get Val back into feeding. That one I had to kill myself :/ and I didn't like it >.<

I just don't have 150$ or so to spare for the rats / shipping. Its a great deal - but I wish they would change the minimum order price. :/

08-22-12, 12:27 PM
oh I have the freezer space, lol. In my garage we;ve got a full size freezer and it's dang near empty! We never use it anymore unless our inside mini-freezer drawer is full. Even then, if something is in there it's not much.

All I know is that the petsmart frozen feeders will likely be cheaper than buying over 25$ worth of live rodents that I'll have to end up killing on my own anyways... I have one in the freezer i'm going to thaw out today to get Val back into feeding. That one I had to kill myself :/ and I didn't like it >.<

I just don't have 150$ or so to spare for the rats / shipping. Its a great deal - but I wish they would change the minimum order price. :/

How much are the frozen rats at Petsmart? (I wasn't even aware they offered frozen rats).

I can understand not having a large sum of money on hand on the spot, but I would definitely try to save up money so you can eventually make an online order. Even with shipping, surely the price per rat will come out better.

I honestly don't know if anyone on here lives near me. Frankly I would be surprised if someone was even in the next state. O.o

Don't know until you put it out there. Put an ad on CL or ksiiji (or whatever the heck that site is), just asking if there are any reptile keepers in the area. See if you can put a flyer up at the petsmart. Put some feelers out. I'm sure you're not the only snake keeper in your area (which is where, BTW...I see Vancouver, but also a US flag...you in the U.S. or Canada?)

08-22-12, 12:32 PM
Vancouver washington, U.S. :) just on the border between washington and oregon.

I'm getting paid within the next few days... depending on how much I have left over I'll see if i'm able to get some bulk feeders. I know it's more money saved in the long run - but I don't have a job. :( I'm getting paid for dogsitting for two people this last week.

Petsmart's website says they sell feeder rats alongside mice - the mediums are around 90g to 135g if I remember correctly. You can order them online and they're still cheaper than buying live, but not as good a deal as rodentpro. I'm not sure if the one near me sells the rats at the store or if they're onling purchase only.

Might be all i'll be able to manage. :/

As for people living near me, I misunderstood. I thought you mean on the forum, haha. I'm very sure others live near me, just none that I know. As i'm still 18...and don't have much of a social life due to secluding myself, I don't exactly know a lot of people lol.