View Full Version : Help identifying a snake

08-21-12, 07:34 PM
I work in a pet store and I got a frantic call from a woman telling me that she had a "snake emergency". I expected that she had placed a mice inside her snake cage and it had damaged her snake, I reached to find the numbers to the exotic vets office. She explained to me that she lives in an older trailer and that she was the proud owner of a Dumerils boa and she was going to feed it. She used a octagon terrarium to keep about 10-15 mice. She said as she reached in to get her mouse she noticed that they had all moved to one side. She turned on the light in her room and noticed that there was this little guy in her tank. She was frantic asking me to identify it. I told her that the only snake in this area ( Northern South Carolina) was possibly a cotton mouth. But what I noticed was that she told me that there was lack of aggression, I wondered why not. I asked her to call animal control, her husband moved the snake to a Rubbermaid container. She wanted to put it in her car for safe keeping :hmm:. This was after I told her it could possibly be a cotton mouth btw. Any ideas what he could be?

snake man12
08-21-12, 07:43 PM
It looks to be a rat snake.

08-21-12, 07:44 PM
I work in a pet store and I got a frantic call from a woman telling me that she had a "snake emergency". I expected that she had placed a mice inside her snake cage and it had damaged her snake, I reached to find the numbers to the exotic vets office. She explained to me that she lives in an older trailer and that she was the proud owner of a Dumerils boa and she was going to feed it. She used a octagon terrarium to keep about 10-15 mice. She said as she reached in to get her mouse she noticed that they had all moved to one side. She turned on the light in her room and noticed that there was this little guy in her tank. She was frantic asking me to identify it. I told her that the only snake in this area ( Northern South Carolina) was possibly a cotton mouth. But what I noticed was that she told me that there was lack of aggression, I wondered why not. I asked her to call animal control, her husband moved the snake to a Rubbermaid container. She wanted to put it in her car for safe keeping :hmm:. This was after I told her it could possibly be a cotton mouth btw. Any ideas what he could be?
Not venomous.

08-21-12, 07:48 PM
Yeah, I was pretty sure that it was, but I wanted to be on the side of caution and not let someone get hurt on my account and lack of knowledge

*Don't Mind Me*
08-21-12, 07:49 PM
a cotton mouth has a flattish head, and CAN have rough bands. But this snake looks non-venomous to me (ratsnake, maybe?)

snake man12
08-21-12, 07:49 PM
a cotton mouth has a flat head, and CAN have rough bands. But this snake looks non-venomous to me (ratsnake, maybe?)

Definatley a rat snake.

08-22-12, 07:41 AM
grey rat snake

08-22-12, 08:32 AM
Thanks guys, you are all lifesavers

08-22-12, 10:32 AM
Whatever he is, he's cute :) just thought I'd mention that haha

08-22-12, 11:34 AM
he looks full lol

08-22-12, 12:02 PM
he looks full lol

that too.... that he does... haha

08-22-12, 12:04 PM
Yeah rat snake for sure

08-22-12, 12:44 PM
prob a rat. deff not a cottonmouth. :p

08-22-12, 01:39 PM
Looks like he ate one of the mice.