View Full Version : Aspen vs Eco

08-21-12, 02:41 PM
I was just looking around and noticed some comments on Eco substrate. I have 8 snakes, Colubridae's and Boa's. I have all of them on aspen bedding except for the BRB, she is on Repi Bark for the humidity. I was just wondering what everyone thought about the 2. I like the ease of storage for the Eco stuff and clean up with a shop vac would be rather easy.

I just wondered what people though about the 2? Is there more of a concern about ingestion from the Eco since its smaller? I feed all my snakes f/t in their tanks.

Just wanted to get some insight on the Eco mainly and see what people think.. Plus on Pet mountain you can get 3 blocks of the stuff for like 5 bucks.

Thanks for the advice....

08-22-12, 05:45 AM
Personally I'd be a *lot* more worried about ingestion of Aspen than anything else. I won't have the stuff in the house and I've never felt it belongs in a reptile tank.

I've never used Eco stuff and likely never will for a snake. I can see it being handy for a lizard, however.

I've had great success with newspaper, plantation soil and forest moss, but that's all I will use and it depends on the snake in question as to which medium I use in it's tank :cool:

08-22-12, 06:50 AM
as Todd said aspen is a pain in the butt at feeding time (snake ingesting it)

also i and other carpet keepers have found,that the amount of dust that comes in the aspen,can cause mild respiritory issues in carpets

cheers shaun

08-22-12, 07:19 AM
I, along with the guys at BHB (snakebytes videos), use Aspen Sani Chips for my colubrids.

No problems at all. If they DO get ingested, the chips are small squares that easily pass through. Most, though, just scrape off as the mouse is ingested.

08-22-12, 07:33 AM
I, along with the guys at BHB (snakebytes videos), use Aspen Sani Chips for my colubrids...

I honestly couldn't think of a worse example to follow :(

08-22-12, 07:35 AM
as Todd said aspen is a pain in the butt at feeding time (snake ingesting it)

also i and other carpet keepers have found,that the amount of dust that comes in the aspen,can cause mild respiritory issues in carpets

cheers shaun
Were they using aspen from Zoo Med?

I love using aspen. It doesn't smell, dries quick enough to not get moldy, and looks good. Also, I feed them in the enclosure on aspen with no issues.

Didn't you have a nice pairing you were showing off earlier this year, Shaun?

08-22-12, 07:56 AM
I honestly couldn't think of a worse example to follow :(

Will you expound? I wasn't aware they had a bad reputation in the hobby.

08-22-12, 08:11 AM
Thanks for the info but i think i found my answer before anyone responded to my question.... at least from the standpoint of others. I couldn't really find any good things about the Eco stuff from just searching the net, for snakes that is... So i think i will stick with Aspen. I know everyone says newspaper would take care of any ingestion issues, but im not a breeder so i want my enclosures to look nice.

08-22-12, 08:25 AM
Will you expound? I wasn't aware they had a bad reputation in the hobby.

Oh man, that ugly can of worms would sidetrack this substrate thread, so I'm not going to open it but there are lots of comments on them already in this forum if you search for them :)

08-22-12, 08:42 AM
Oh man, that ugly can of worms would sidetrack this substrate thread, so I'm not going to open it but there are lots of comments on them already in this forum if you search for them :)

10-4. Thanks!

08-22-12, 08:44 AM
10-4. Thanks!
BHB Reptiles Thread (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/varanid/93929-my-respect-snakebytestv-gone-4.html#post750755)