View Full Version : Hurrok's Art Dump (Pic Heavy)
Well, it seems as though there are a couple people doing this so I thought that I would share mine as well. :)
I've been drawing since I could basically hold a pencil and was fascinated by dinosaurs, dragons and horses. I remember thinking that one day I want to be a well known artist, so now I hope to be on my way! Pretty much everything has been self taught, but I have taken some small courses on the side when I was in Middle School to understand more aspects and try different mediums. I generally enjoy Graphite and Pen the most but I occasionally do some digital and sculpture. Drawing on people is also a fun time as well haha.
I am currently enrolled in college in Vancouver taking 3D Modeling. So I am working with and creating 3D models in Maya which is quite different and quite neat! My goal is to either become a Concept artist, Story-boarder, Matte Painter or go into Tattooing. Haven't really decided yet.
Anyways here we go, I will start from oldest (2007) to most recent. :)
Demonic Angel for my friends Novel Series. (2007)
Fresian Stallion, Photoshop. (2007)
Tribal Dragon, Graphite (2007)
Random Skull horse, watercolour and acrylic. (2007)
Fresian Stallion, Graphite (2007)
08-21-12, 11:52 AM
You're very talented. Friesians are my favorite breed. Not surprising at all, is it?
Dragon, Photoshop (2011)
My right footed Dragon! India Ink Pen (Started him like 5 years ago, finished him a couple months ago :P)
Skull Study (2012)
Drew this on my friend during a class, India Ink pen. (2012)
Dragon, Black Pen. One of my favourites :)
You're very talented. Friesians are my favorite breed. Not surprising at all, is it?
Thank-you :) They are so magestic and captivating, a true beauty of nature.
08-21-12, 12:02 PM
you're wanting to do the same thing as me, haha :D
Wonderful work. :3
08-21-12, 12:13 PM
That Dragon on your friend's arm is bad a--.... Very nice
08-21-12, 12:58 PM
Very nice work....I like the dragon on your friend's arm...did he end up with a tattoo of it? I totally would have; it's too cool to just wash off. :)
you're wanting to do the same thing as me, haha :D
Wonderful work. :3
Thank-you :)
That Dragon on your friend's arm is bad a--.... Very nice
Haha thanks! He liked it quite a bit, but sadly it was gone the next day.
Very nice work....I like the dragon on your friend's arm...did he end up with a tattoo of it? I totally would have; it's too cool to just wash off. :)
Thanks :) No he didn't it was just boredom in class and he always wanted "tattoos" each class so it was a frequent thing. I was sad to see it washed off :(
08-21-12, 03:17 PM
I would've gone straight to the ink parlour :eek:
08-21-12, 04:22 PM
Wow, nice work!! I love the horses... can you do an appaloosa? :D
Thanks Wildside, lots of people in my class were wondering if he was going to, but I guess not since it was washed off the next day :( Oh well!
Wow, nice work!! I love the horses... can you do an appaloosa? :D
Thanks very much, I love horses :) And I can do an Appy, absolutely!
And another, done in 2011 for my BF. He loves tigers :)
08-22-12, 11:54 AM
awww, that's so cute!
awww, that's so cute!
Thank-you :) I'm really happy with how the females face turned out :D
08-22-12, 12:07 PM
What medium is that anyways? I can't tell if it's digital or if it's some really well done painting or drawing! No matter what it's absolutely beautiful. I'm jealous :D
What medium is that anyways? I can't tell if it's digital or if it's some really well done painting or drawing! No matter what it's absolutely beautiful. I'm jealous :D
It's done with Graphite, a long 4 hours! I usually get speedy with my work as I don't want to lose interest but I'm obsessed with detail...kind of weird haha. I had to sharpen up the black as I don't have a scanner big enough and not a very good camera/lighting. The original is softer and not as contrasted (background). Thank-you very much, I appreciate the compliments :)
08-22-12, 12:16 PM
I give compliments when they're earned, hehe. :) no need to thank.
It's even more impressive with it being graphite, haha. It really is hard to tell that its not digital though. At least in the size pic the forum standard is. If I could zoom in I could probably tell but eh. Who'd want to? It's fantastic and that's all that matters!
I give compliments when they're earned, hehe. :) no need to thank.
It's even more impressive with it being graphite, haha. It really is hard to tell that its not digital though. At least in the size pic the forum standard is. If I could zoom in I could probably tell but eh. Who'd want to? It's fantastic and that's all that matters!
:D You are too kind. Graphite is my favourite medium to work with by far, mostly because you can really create some nice shading with it. Shading is so fun! :D Yes it is shrunken down quite a bit, it is about a foot and a half across and whatever corresponds height a decent size :) I'm used to working on printer sized paper, so it was a bit of a step up.
08-22-12, 12:27 PM
Very nice. I prefer digital work, clay, or India ink myself. :)
Largest thing i've done is featured in my art dump. I believe the first image, the one of the koi circling each other. That thing is nearly 9 foot tall (maybe 8). To reach the top me and my partner both had to stand on stools / chairs >XD
That was india ink and acrylic. :)
Clay is fun too, I've just started to experiment with it and it is quite relaxing and a totally different experience.
I saw that! That's pretty impressive and acrylic can be hard to work with as it likes to dry fast :/ Well done! Plus Koi are one of my favourite fish :) I've worked with India Ink straight from the bottle, it's quite nice but I haven't touched it in probably 10 years :P
08-22-12, 12:49 PM
I always work with india ink straight from the bottle. :D All the black lines were done with india ink - we were worried the white would show through the india ink, but it didn't and it was an amazing experiment that worked wonders!
That took us... around 3 months I think to do. And we finished early. :D
I'm personally not a fan of acrylic. I avoid it at all costs. Just not a fan of how it acts, haha. India ink, oil, water color. :)
Awesome! I used it from the bottle and have a few bamboo brushes for it :) All I have used that has India Ink is the fine tip felts. They are awesome and react well with paper.
That's pretty good! 3 months is a while but for the size and detail that's very good.
Me either, I try to avoid it too. I really don't like working with it as it blends horribly and likes to dry way too fast. Oil is very nice, and watercolour too! I used to work with Watercolours a lot when I was in Highschool :D
08-22-12, 01:11 PM
For my india ink I just used soft watercolor brushes rather than bamboo ones. The fine tip is really effective. :)
I tried to really branch out in my last few years of highschool, just messing around and finding things that looked cool and expanding on those. Although all these mediums are useful, my ultimate goal is to try for concept design. I love making the unbelievable realistic enough that if it suddenly came alive it would thrive. :D
I have two brushes that are made from Bamboo with Goat hair, they are wondrous!
Me too, I love concept and creating some crazy stuff that people will be impressed with. I'm obsessed with detail and trying to make things look realistic as well. Looks like we are on the same page! :D
08-22-12, 01:38 PM
I'm more about stylized realism though. Anatomically correct and looks realistic - but with subtle stylistic twists that cannot be replicated easily. :) Also I just enjoy making creatures, stories to put them in, and a world they can call home! <3
I'm starting to think we have the same mind? Hahah :P
08-22-12, 01:49 PM
or just great ones? Great minds think alike :D
Im really happy that there are so many artists here on the forum! I was wondering if I was the only one. I guess I opened the flood gates for us art farts to come out into the open haha
Indeed! :D
I know I didn't realize it either. And I'm thinking that you did!
08-22-12, 01:56 PM
you are very talented pal
loved what you drew on your friends arm
cheers shaun
Thank-you! :)
That one is definitely one of my favourites to this day!
Something I finished up yesterday...
Graphite, 2 hours, no reference.
09-10-12, 11:59 AM
Nice work!
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