View Full Version : heat question...

08-17-12, 10:58 PM
So, while I'm building Pajamas' enclosure, he's living in a 125 gal tank. It's got overhead lighting, which is nice...but I"m having a problem with heat (go figure, right?) I've got an 18"x18" reptitherm heat mat in there. The hot side is around 90, but the cool side hovers around 79-80. As soon as I turn the overhead lights off, it plummets to about 75-76...is this still ok, or should I get another form of heat? Also, can I put tin foil around his enclosure to keep heat in? Would I put it inside or out? (haha, usually I have humidity problems, not heat!) Btw, i'm using the hydrofarm thermostat with the heat mat.

08-17-12, 11:53 PM
I would put a towel over the cool part to try and maintain your heat. Your daytime cool temps are great but I've read you don't want to go below 75

08-18-12, 12:01 AM
yeah, that's what I'm worried about. would I just wrap it around the glass?

08-18-12, 08:30 AM
Heat rises.. put the towel on top of the tank.

08-18-12, 08:42 AM
You can use aluminum foil. It will keep in heat and humidity really well. I know this for a fact because I cover my incubators with it. I would put it outside though because PJ might wreck it during a cruising session ;)

08-18-12, 01:22 PM
Heat rises.. put the towel on top of the tank.

It's not a screen top, or I would. it's actually a super cool fish tank, so it has the top for fish, not snakes.

You can use aluminum foil. It will keep in heat and humidity really well. I know this for a fact because I cover my incubators with it. I would put it outside though because PJ might wreck it during a cruising session ;)

good to know! I was thinking about doing it yesterday, so I'll get on that project in a few. I'm actually very pleased with how this tank is doing...this has been my only problem so far!