View Full Version : Holy leapin' lizards!!!

08-16-12, 06:31 PM
Please excuse the crappy quality, I had to extract frames from a video clip that was about 1 second long.

It happens so fast that the shutter speed limitations on my camera really stand out. (I really need a HD with fast shutter speeds)

Littlefoot ran straight at and up the wall, leaped nearly 24 inches into the air, grabbed the rat off the tongs, does a half barrel roll and lands on all four feet. I posted the video as part of a compilation on youtube, but these freeze frames tell the story.

In this frame he is already halfway through the partial flip, rotating his body 180 degrees to land on his feet.


In this frame, he is already belly down, legs extended.


and this was the closest I could get to landing, the next two frames were nothing but a smear worse than this one, and by the third frame all four feet were on the ground.


at 30 frames a second, my camera is too slow to capture this clearly, as it was all over in less than 30 frames.

08-16-12, 07:19 PM
OMG! That's my boy! I need to see the video.

08-16-12, 07:28 PM
the last post on the LF/Cera thread.

CK SandBoas
08-16-12, 09:07 PM
It's Air Littlefoot!!! Holy moly, that is some serious air being grabbed there:D

08-16-12, 09:11 PM
I just bookmarked a 720 pixel (HD) video camera that captures HD at 120 frames a second, that's 4 times faster than my existing camera, and it's only $140!!!

Then extracting frames like this should be crisp photos.

08-17-12, 05:55 PM
I think it time to put a hoop in the cage with a small basketball so he can start training.

08-17-12, 06:58 PM
I think it time to put a hoop in the cage with a small basketball so he can start training.


Those are some great shots Wayne!!