View Full Version : help with Baby Garter Snakes!!

08-16-12, 01:37 PM
My mother Garter snake just had babies less than 3 hours ago. There are 7 of them, but I don't know what to feed them! I need experienced help! Please don't say, "Let them go.", because I want to see how long I can keep them. I'm hoping at least a couple years.

08-16-12, 04:21 PM
Go buy some small feeder fish. For baby garter snakes "Feeder guppies" are best.

You can cut up night crawlers into small chunks, or cut up some frozen trout.

In this picture, I am feeding a litter of baby garter snakes chopped up trout with some chopped up pinkie mouse mixed in.


08-16-12, 04:37 PM
You can also try putting the guppies in a small Tupperware container with a hole cut in the lid so the snakes can go in and eat live fish. The lid also keeps the fish from jumping out of the water when the snakes enter. I'm not sure how well that will work for hatchlings, but I've had good success in the past with juvenile and adult garters feeding that way.

08-16-12, 04:42 PM
I would never try that with babies, they may become trapped and drown.

I use a small feed box and let the fish flop around in there, the motion drives little garters crazy.

08-16-12, 04:46 PM
I would never try that with babies, they may become trapped and drown.

I use a small feed box and let the fish flop around in there, the motion drives little garters crazy.

I never thought about them drowning. Like I said, I've never tried that with a baby hatchling. My bad...

08-16-12, 08:41 PM
When I was about 6 years old my dads garter had tons and tons of babies. This was back in the 80s, we didn't know what to feed them. When we let them go in the back yard some died from eating ants. Poor guys they were probably so hungry. We still talk about them to this day. And wonder if any survived. I think that was the best thing to do at that time. If it were this day and age we probably could've kept them til they were juvies. Let us know how your garters are doing!! Maybe take some pictures of them.

08-17-12, 08:46 AM
Go buy some small feeder fish. For baby garter snakes "Feeder guppies" are best.

You can cut up night crawlers into small chunks, or cut up some frozen trout.

In this picture, I am feeding a litter of baby garter snakes chopped up trout with some chopped up pinkie mouse mixed in.


Thanks. I don't have a pet store that sells feeder fish. Would they eat minnows? If not, Then I'll do the worm thing.

08-17-12, 09:41 AM
Thanks. I don't have a pet store that sells feeder fish. Would they eat minnows? If not, Then I'll do the worm thing.

Yes they will do fine on minnows, if you have a creek and a net, then go catch some.

Discard any minnows that have unusual black or red spots on their skin, the minnows with black/red dots on them where they don't belong are carrying parasites.

I can get a farm raised trout at my local grocery store for about $5, and it will feed a pack of baby garters for a month.

08-17-12, 10:01 AM
Thank you. I'll try that. You've been an awesome help. :)

08-17-12, 01:54 PM
Wayne is the one to talk to about Garter snakes he knows most info on Garters. haha

08-18-12, 10:18 AM
Okay, I'll try him. Thanks.

09-19-12, 05:32 AM
Any updates??

09-19-12, 06:19 AM
Yes, would be interesting to know. I got a young garter on Saturday that hasn't eaten yet. (I've tried small feeder fish, chopped up pinkies, and will try salmon tonight.) I expect garters to eat about twice a week, so it would be interesting to hear what worked for you.

09-19-12, 10:12 AM
My red sideds both prefer trout, and my wanderings refuse everything but slugs, at the moment lol

09-19-12, 10:48 AM
Yes, would be interesting to know. I got a young garter on Saturday that hasn't eaten yet. (I've tried small feeder fish, chopped up pinkies, and will try salmon tonight.) I expect garters to eat about twice a week, so it would be interesting to hear what worked for you.

try little earthworms.

09-19-12, 10:52 AM
try little earthworms.

I'll dig tonight. Earthworms and salmon ... dinner is served.

09-19-12, 10:57 AM
I am now going to move this to the Thamnophis section where it belongs, I just now noticed it was in food for thought.

09-20-12, 08:06 AM
Okay, salmon didn't work. I will have to stop by a pet store at night, anyhow, so I will pick up night crawlers. (No luck digging in my backyard.) Somebody also recommended scenting cut-up pinkies with the oil from a can of tuna.

The snake is still very active, so I'm not too worried yet, but I'd rather have feed soon.

09-20-12, 08:08 AM
you may have to cut the night crawler into little chunks.

09-20-12, 08:18 AM
Yes, I was prepared to do that. I also cut up the pinkie into tiny pieces, earlier.

09-20-12, 08:26 AM
have you tried live guppies?

09-20-12, 08:30 AM
Yes, would be interesting to know. I got a young garter on Saturday that hasn't eaten yet. (I've tried small feeder fish, chopped up pinkies, and will try salmon tonight.) I expect garters to eat about twice a week, so it would be interesting to hear what worked for you.

Oops, my bad.. went back.

This sometimes works for me.

Take a small poly sandwich style food storage box, or the plastic tray that deli meats come in, put just a splash of water in the bottom, and drop the live fish in there, put the snake in with it, snap on the top and let the fish flop around.

The motion will often trigger a feeding response.

09-20-12, 08:40 AM
Oops, my bad.. went back.

This sometimes works for me.

Take a small poly sandwich style food storage box, or the plastic tray that deli meats come in, put just a splash of water in the bottom, and drop the live fish in there, put the snake in with it, snap on the top and let the fish flop around.

The motion will often trigger a feeding response.

That sounds like a plan. The last time I put the live fish in a shallow bowl, which works like a charm for my adult garter, but not my young one. I have a stack of the deli storage boxes you are talking about. I'll try that tonight.

09-21-12, 06:24 AM
Alright, the trick with the deli meat cup worked like a charm. She took 5 out of the 6 feeders that I bought. The hardest part was getting her into that small cup, fast little devils that they are. I'm happy for now, and it gives me time to think about how to transition her to something more nutritious.

Now, I have one corn snake to figure out ... but that is another thread. :D

09-21-12, 06:35 AM
Great news!!!

Whole feeder fish are quite nutritious, many a garter snake out there in the wild have done rather well on a steady diet of that.

09-21-12, 06:44 AM
Great news!!!

Whole feeder fish are quite nutritious, many a garter snake out there in the wild have done rather well on a steady diet of that.

Yes, I'm very happy. Thank you for the good advice. The garter seemed more active this morning, watching me get ready, dangling from her climbing structure.