View Full Version : Going to rescue my first Ball

08-12-12, 03:47 PM
Found an add on craigslist for a Ball that these people got as a gift about to months ago. From what it sounds like they know nothing about snakes so I told them I'll come pick her up. The owners said she's 3 1/2 months old and the problem is she wont eat. They said the cage they have for her doesn't have a top so they have book stacked up on it to keep her from getting out????
Once I get back I'll post again and let everyone know what I found out.

08-13-12, 08:49 PM
Are they asking for a rehoming fee?

snake man12
08-13-12, 08:53 PM
If they are they are out of their minds.

08-13-12, 08:53 PM
Cage with no lid, wow. Hopefully they'll let you take it for free and give it a good home... Keep us posted.

08-13-12, 11:24 PM
Well I brought her home last night. They gave me to her for free. Right after I went to the store and picked up a top and another thermometer and hygrometer. They had neither so it was obvious temp and humidity was a problem. After I got her settled in she pooped or pee'd I'm going to guess pooped but it was nothing like I ever saw it was watery and green. Im guessing she has internal parasites. Ill be bringing her to the vet tomorrow to get her checked out