View Full Version : WANTED - Crocodile Monitor Lizard Owners

08-11-12, 04:27 PM
If you have a Varanus salvadorii [Crocodile Monitor Lizard] that has :
chronic bleeding gums or
chronic sores around the mouth or
has blood-stained saliva

I would be very grateful if you could contact me off-list at Varanaman-UK@o2.co.uk .


I am doing a survey on V. salvadorii in captivity and would really appreciate your help.

Many thanks,
Richard Butler
Education Committee Member
British Herpetological Society

08-12-12, 11:17 PM
Its stress based or from losing teeth I believe. That is the only times I really noticed it and I wouldnt say it was chronic or normal by any means.

08-17-12, 02:39 AM
Probably not a whole lot of people eager to pry open those jaws to get a closer look though, LOL. I would guess the same though, stress and broken teeth, though I have noticed it in a number of captive salvadorii.