View Full Version : A story of heartache and happiness.
08-09-12, 03:18 PM
On Tuesday morning I went a local mom and pop pet shop to look around and see if they had some supplies I normally use for my reptiles for cheaper. They had a very limited reptile section, but was happy to find some aspen for a pretty good price.
As I kept walking around, I noticed that they also had some animals for sale. Mainly it was just birds and hamsters, but I was surprised to see that they had reptiles too. They had some gecko's and a couple baby dragons. But it was what I saw next that led to my heartache.
Sitting in a five-gallon tank, was a ball python. It didn't have any heat whatsoever. No hides, no water. He was just sitting on newspaper that looked like it hadn't been changed in about a month. I approached the tank and the smell that was coming out of there was something not of this world. It smelled like death.
I asked one of the guy's working there if he knew why that poor snake was in the condition that he was in, and all he said was "How should I know?" and just walked away. I was just too stunned to even say anything back.
So out of my frustration, I demanded that they open the tank and let me examine him. At first they said no, because they said he wasn't the nicest snake ever. But I still demanded that they let me see him. They finally gave in.
He had severe scale rot and was very skinny. The last time he ate was almost a month and a half ago! The second I grabbed him (or her) she wrapped around my arm, absorbing in all the warmth she, or he, could get. That's when I decided to take him home. They gave him to me for $50. I paid quickly and went straight to my vet where she gave me some antibiotics.
Now, I'm very new to the whole snake thing. I just got my first last week and I love him to itty bitty pieces, but this one, this one just stole my heart completely. He's the sweetest thing in the world.
I now have Chance in my reptile room, along with Bono, my other BP, Betsy my Bearded Dragon, Louie my Leopard Gecko and Daisy and Lola, my Crested Gecko's. I have him with paper towel that I change daily, some hides and water dish. He's living comfy in a 40gal breeder tank and I hope to feed him soon.
That's my part of the happiness, but one thing that I left out is that ... IT'S A PIED! He's so beautiful. I'll post some pics of him once he's feeling up for it.
So yeah, that's my story guys. :yes:
08-09-12, 03:21 PM
Ummm, youREALLY REALLY should have this new snake as far away as possible from your others in case it has some transferrable illness.
I appreciate the good thought behind what you did but unfortunately the shop will probably just get another one to chuck in that tank, they got their money this time and will probably get it for the next one too :(
snake man12
08-09-12, 03:22 PM
Omg you were like a godsend to that snake. And wow a pied . I can't wait for the pics.
08-09-12, 03:25 PM
Ummm, youREALLY REALLY should have this new snake as far away as possible from your others in case it has some transferrable illness.
I appreciate the good thought behind what you did but unfortunately the shop will probably just get another one to chuck in that tank, they got their money this time and will probably get it for the next one too :(
Yeah, I know I gotta move him. I'm just waiting for my parents to make room in the spare room we have as a quarantine area. He should be moved there by tomorrow.
08-09-12, 03:25 PM
Yeah, I know I gotta move him. I'm just waiting for my parents to make room in the spare room we have as a quarantine area. He should be moved there by tomorrow.
Cool, i just hope its not too late for the others :)
A month and a half for a ball python not to eat is nothing.
I hope that you can provide it with better care than it had at the pet shop.
Often this is not the case.
Also, know that you "saving" this snake is only opening up that 5 gallon fish cage for another snake.
08-09-12, 03:58 PM
A month and a half for a ball python not to eat is nothing.
I hope that you can provide it with better care than it had at the pet shop.
Often this is not the case.
Also, know that you "saving" this snake is only opening up that 5 gallon fish cage for another snake.
Well, at least I can feel better about saving this one. You can't save everyone, can you?
08-09-12, 04:00 PM
No you can't save them all and congrats to you for taking this one in. I have to agree with Mykee though. By buying that one you just gave the store another reason to get more and put them in the same condition.
People need to let these animals die (as sad as that is) to stop pet stores from selling them. They won't keep stocking animals that pass away and never sell.
If you want to "save" snakes report places like that to the proper authorities instead of giving them business.
08-09-12, 04:01 PM
going on what Lanky said... really shouldn't have it near your other snake/s... but very nice job on the rescue!!!!! post pics asap! cant believe they would let a snake live like that, even let alone a pied...
snake man12
08-09-12, 04:02 PM
going on what Lanky said... really shouldn't have it near your other snake/s... but very nice job on the rescue!!!!! post pics asap! cant believe they would let a snake live like that, even let alone a pied...
I don't understand why they would mistreat such an expensive snake.
08-09-12, 04:04 PM
going on what Lanky said... really shouldn't have it near your other snake/s... but very nice job on the rescue!!!!! post pics asap! cant believe they would let a snake live like that, even let alone a pied...
I don't really think they knew it was a pied. Cause if they did, no way would they let it go for so little.
But thanks everyone. I tried to do right, and yeah, I know it'll open up another window to stick in another snake, but maybe someone else would help, too.
I don't know. But I'm glad I did what I did, and at the end of it all, I feel like a did a good deed.
08-09-12, 04:06 PM
Glad you rescued him. Now, you should anonymously report the store and suggest an inspector stop by. That's what I would do.
08-09-12, 04:07 PM
Glad you rescued him. Now, you should anonymously report the store and suggest an inspector stop by. That's what I would do.
Yeah, that's what I plan to do.
08-09-12, 04:26 PM
I don't understand why they would mistreat such an expensive snake.
yes, but, expensive or not, still dont deserve to be treated like that. must be a very terrible pet store...
I want pics, I doubt you picked up a pied for $50, because the breeder that sold it to the pet store sold it to them for a hell of a lot more than $50, so the pet store knew exactly what it was.
I want pics, I doubt you picked up a pied for $50, because the breeder that sold it to the pet store sold it to them for a hell of a lot more than $50, so the pet store knew exactly what it was.
Unless someone just brought it in cause they didn't want it anymore? I know people who do that at our local pet store.
08-09-12, 05:49 PM
Maybe het pied?
snake man12
08-09-12, 06:14 PM
Maybe het pied?
This seems more likely^^
08-10-12, 11:40 AM
but maybe someone else would help, too..
A few things...
This is what everyone has been saying in this thread to NOT do.
I think it's not a pied but maybe a ringer...
08-10-12, 11:53 AM
Stories like this burn me up! It honestly is not at all hard to take care of animals in a pet shop. I know because I used to own one. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of behavior. Here's my advice...
Next time you feel the need to save a snake, mill around until the store has a few people in there. Then work out your deal, pay, get the animal in your possession and then verbally assault the owner/manager (whoever has the highest authority at that point). Point out every terrible thing they are doing loud enough for the audience to hear. Word will start spreading like wildfire not to buy from there anymore ;)
08-10-12, 11:58 AM
On Tuesday morning I went a local mom and pop pet shop to look around and see if they had some supplies I normally use for my reptiles for cheaper. They had a very limited reptile section, but was happy to find some aspen for a pretty good price.
As I kept walking around, I noticed that they also had some animals for sale. Mainly it was just birds and hamsters, but I was surprised to see that they had reptiles too. They had some gecko's and a couple baby dragons. But it was what I saw next that led to my heartache.
Sitting in a five-gallon tank, was a ball python. It didn't have any heat whatsoever. No hides, no water. He was just sitting on newspaper that looked like it hadn't been changed in about a month. I approached the tank and the smell that was coming out of there was something not of this world. It smelled like death.
I asked one of the guy's working there if he knew why that poor snake was in the condition that he was in, and all he said was "How should I know?" and just walked away. I was just too stunned to even say anything back.
So out of my frustration, I demanded that they open the tank and let me examine him. At first they said no, because they said he wasn't the nicest snake ever. But I still demanded that they let me see him. They finally gave in.
He had severe scale rot and was very skinny. The last time he ate was almost a month and a half ago! The second I grabbed him (or her) she wrapped around my arm, absorbing in all the warmth she, or he, could get. That's when I decided to take him home. They gave him to me for $50. I paid quickly and went straight to my vet where she gave me some antibiotics.
Now, I'm very new to the whole snake thing. I just got my first last week and I love him to itty bitty pieces, but this one, this one just stole my heart completely. He's the sweetest thing in the world.
I now have Chance in my reptile room, along with Bono, my other BP, Betsy my Bearded Dragon, Louie my Leopard Gecko and Daisy and Lola, my Crested Gecko's. I have him with paper towel that I change daily, some hides and water dish. He's living comfy in a 40gal breeder tank and I hope to feed him soon.
That's my part of the happiness, but one thing that I left out is that ... IT'S A PIED! He's so beautiful. I'll post some pics of him once he's feeling up for it.
So yeah, that's my story guys. :yes:
Yeah, I know I gotta move him. I'm just waiting for my parents to make room in the spare room we have as a quarantine area. He should be moved there by tomorrow.
Why bother to quarantine this new one? You obviously didn't quarantine your last one. Please don't tell us you do something and then be so obvious that you really don't.
As for sending an inspector I wouldn't waste my time as the evidence left the store when you purchased that snake.
08-10-12, 12:09 PM
I commend your efforts. I agree with others that this shop will likely find another BP to suffer in those horrible conditions. I would call the humane society (or any other animal sanctuary / regulator) and expose those jackasses (sorry for getting heated) for what they are. Hopefully they will take their license away!
08-10-12, 12:27 PM
I don't think you guys understand. In order for a store to be shut down there has to be evidence of animal cruelty and it has to be observed by a person with some authority. Good luck finding a person with authority who doesn't have a broad range of what is and isn't acceptable as far as "cruelty" goes. In this day and age you have iphones and facebook. Take a picture of the terrible conditions and post it in your newsfeed with "Share" if you think this shop should be shut down. Bottom Line: It's a fatal blow to the shop's reputation, which in turn will be a blow to their bottom line. Got it?
08-10-12, 12:31 PM
I don't think you guys understand. In order for a store to be shut down there has to be evidence of animal cruelty and it has to be observed by a person with some authority. Good luck finding a person with authority who doesn't have a broad range of what is and isn't acceptable as far as "cruelty" goes. In this day and age you have iphones and facebook. Take a picture of the terrible conditions and post it in your newsfeed with "Share" if you think this shop should be shut down. Bottom Line: It's a fatal blow to the shop's reputation, which in turn will be a blow to their bottom line. Got it?
Posting a picture or two on facebook is a fatal blow to a shop's reputation?
08-10-12, 01:02 PM
Posting a picture or two on facebook is a fatal blow to a shop's reputation?
Can be if done right :D
For bad shops, for good shops it can be a tremendous boost in advertising.
08-10-12, 01:31 PM
Can be if done right :D
For bad shops, for good shops it can be a tremendous boost in advertising.
Wild's right. It can rally a lot of fuss, controversy and exposure to the place. Not entirely foolproof, but like Wild said, its probably more effective than making a call to the local humane society or animal control, neither of which are knowledgeable enough with herps to make any kind of fairr assessment.
I may post a thread about how to handle these kind of situations soon.
08-10-12, 02:33 PM
okay so.. where are pics already?????
08-10-12, 03:35 PM
Not that this is a defense for ignorance , but often these owners of pet shops do not have the know how to care for a lot of animals they sell . It should be the they should educate themselves how to care for animals. Before going off Half cocked and raising hell , why not try having a civil discussion about the care of certain animals. Maybe the employee was an idiot but perhaps the business owners are reasonable. You never know , you could just end up saving all the animals that do go through that shop. All to often some on this board are too quick to judge. If the store owners are ingnorant and unwilling to learn then call an inspector. Why ruin someone's livelihood on what is an ignorant and uneducated mistake. Just my opinion . We all started out with our animals
Knowing little to nothing about them .
08-10-12, 04:01 PM
Not that this is a defense for ignorance , but often these owners of pet shops do not have the know how to care for a lot of animals they sell . It should be the they should educate themselves how to care for animals. Before going off Half cocked and raising hell , why not try having a civil discussion about the care of certain animals. Maybe the employee was an idiot but perhaps the business owners are reasonable. You never know , you could just end up saving all the animals that do go through that shop. All to often some on this board are too quick to judge. If the store owners are ingnorant and unwilling to learn then call an inspector. Why ruin someone's livelihood on what is an ignorant and uneducated mistake. Just my opinion . We all started out with our animals
Knowing little to nothing about them .
That info is so wrong.
08-10-12, 04:02 PM
I would like to point out that the only problem mentioned in this thread was this snake. No other animals were claimed to be miss treated.
Why bother to quarantine this new one? You obviously didn't quarantine your last one. Please don't tell us you do something and then be so obvious that you really don't.
I definately understand the point of view that purchasing a mistreated animal just enforces the mistreatment of future animals, but that has already been pointed out, and I feel the tone towards the OP is slightly unfair. Korbin, it seems from the OP's post that he has two snakes. Why would he quarantine his first ever snake? Quarantine it from whom, the mosquitos in his room? Like you guys, I am still waiting on pictures, but it seems like you guys kinda jumped all over him here and I cannot figure out why.
08-10-12, 04:24 PM
You are correct Korbin , let me rephrase it . None of us were born with the knowledge of these animals , we all had to learn about them some how . And as a pet shop owner one should perform due diligence and learn before they try to bring these animals in . But chastising someone who may not know better or perhaps had been given wrong information from their supplier is not the first step in my opinion . I deal with a large chain store as there is nothing else in town . I find their know how is pretty good for a large chain . But average mom and pop stores may be uneducated in what they are doing and are perhaps open to friendly advise from someone who knows . That is really the point I was trying to make . All too often I come on here and find a " Lynch Mob mentality " rather than a calm and educated offer of advice . As herpers we will get a lot further with education instead of tearing at someone's throat . That is and always be my approach . I have learned so much from this group and I hope to learn so much more . I think everyone can Benefit equally with diplomacy . At least if they are receptive to it . If not then tear their throats out .
08-10-12, 05:31 PM
I definately understand the point of view that purchasing a mistreated animal just enforces the mistreatment of future animals, but that has already been pointed out, and I feel the tone towards the OP is slightly unfair. Korbin, it seems from the OP's post that he has two snakes. Why would he quarantine his first ever snake? Quarantine it from whom, the mosquitos in his room? Like you guys, I am still waiting on pictures, but it seems like you guys kinda jumped all over him here and I cannot figure out why.
From what I have read a snake ri can be passed to other reptiles and vice versa. They have other herps so I would recommend quarantine before throwing anything in the reptiles room.
08-10-12, 05:51 PM
I would think it would
Be wise to quarantine any snake that had a questionable past for proper care . Better be safe than sorry . In another post I am in the process of getting another Bp that will not eat and is quite small . He is from the same clutch as Dave our youngest and is still the same size as Dave was when we got him in Dec. He will be under quarantine when I get him home for sure . Just better safe than sorry.
08-10-12, 05:52 PM
I would think it would
Be wise to quarantine any snake that had a questionable past for proper care....
Quarantine is for ALL animals. Not just one's with questionable care.
From what I have read a snake ri can be passed to other reptiles and vice versa. They have other herps so I would recommend quarantine before throwing anything in the reptiles room.
I did not know he had other reptiles, and I agree that quarantine is a must. However, my main point stands- why is everyone being so rude to the OP?
Side note:
is it really possible for RI to be passed inter-species? I have never even considered that.
I did not know he had other reptiles, and I agree that quarantine is a must. However, my main point stands- why is everyone being so rude to the OP?
Side note:
is it really possible for RI to be passed inter-species? I have never even considered that.
RI's can't (trust me, I've got a FeLV+ cat, i know most of the inter species diseases). Certain mites can though, I believe.
08-10-12, 07:26 PM
I did not know he had other reptiles, and I agree that quarantine is a must. However, my main point stands- why is everyone being so rude to the OP?
Side note:
is it really possible for RI to be passed inter-species? I have never even considered that.
From what I have read on other forums some people truly believe an ri can pass from snakes to lizards or vice versa. Others think it is hogwash. I am not sure as I have never worried about other herps.
RI's can't (trust me, I've got a FeLV+ cat, i know most of the inter species diseases). Certain mites can though, I believe.
Actually I believe snake mites can only affect snakes but not lizards or turtles.
Actually I believe snake mites can only affect snakes but not lizards or turtles.
There's other types of mites that snakes can get though, right? I could be way off...xD
08-10-12, 07:39 PM
I think they only get one type... now I could be way off.
*shrug* who knows xD My cat is deathly afraid of my snakes anyways (though she enjoys watching pajamas from my bed), and the dog...well...he's not allowed near them xD
08-11-12, 04:28 AM
Although I agree with what most people say about not buying animals not being kept in proper conditions from a pet store, I think you did good in getting this one. I try really hard to NOT buy animals from pet shops but I do have a couple....I couldn't help myself. I hope yours gets better and starts eating for you again. Remember to leave him alone for a few days aside from spot cleaning. It will help him.
Not that this is a defense for ignorance , but often these owners of pet shops do not have the know how to care for a lot of animals they sell . It should be the they should educate themselves how to care for animals. Before going off Half cocked and raising hell , why not try having a civil discussion about the care of certain animals. Maybe the employee was an idiot but perhaps the business owners are reasonable. You never know , you could just end up saving all the animals that do go through that shop. All to often some on this board are too quick to judge. If the store owners are ingnorant and unwilling to learn then call an inspector. Why ruin someone's livelihood on what is an ignorant and uneducated mistake. Just my opinion . We all started out with our animals
Knowing little to nothing about them .
It's true that often these pet stores don't know much about the animals they sell, I have personally tried to give a couple of local stores advice on the keeping of some animals and I pretty much got snubbed like I didn't know what I was talking about. And I did it in the most kind way I could. I didn't accuse them but suggested their information may be out of date and gave them a few websites for better care information. You can't sell a dead animal. They never listened...I know because I used to check up on the animals without saying anything about them. I still see a sav being fed mice on a daily basis and no inverts and still in an enclosure that's too small, too cool, and too dry for him, even after giving them Wayne's sites to go to for information. He's not active as he's always laying in the same spot and I've never seen him move, even when I tap on the glass a little. :(
Even in past experiences have I ever gotten anyone in a pet store to listen to me about better care for the animals they sell.
08-11-12, 06:57 AM
I may post a thread about how to handle these kind of situations soon.
That would make a good sticky, this topic pops up allll the time.
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