View Full Version : weight...and not eating?

01-20-03, 05:31 PM
hey all, my ball hasnt eaten since august...ive talked to all the people on here about it and he sounded fine....but i weighed him last month and he was 1150grams and now he is 900grams.....that is alot to be losing..and he wont eat anything live or dead....should i assist feed him since he is losing that weight?

01-23-03, 09:08 AM
What you should try doing is putting him in a dark box with the food and leave him/her for about 30mins or so and then do a check up. If that doesn't work try dipping the mouses head in some chicken broth and then feeding it to the snake. It may take awhile since they don't always strike right away hold it an inch away from its face for about 10-12mins and jiggle it around. Also when defrosting the mouse keep it in a bowel of hot water until mouse is FULLY DETHAWED and test for warmth by touching with finger. Contact me on my e-mail if the problem persists cause it may be a while before i come back into the forum and e-mail is checked usually on a daily bases. I can be reached at memphis_raines89@hotmail.com. :groove:

01-23-03, 05:20 PM
ive tried every single thing a little while back and nothing happened.

01-23-03, 05:50 PM
I've been told to cool them to help slow the weight loss. Mine lost a lot of weight real fast and then stopped. As long as he is parasite free he should be fine. I would continue to monitor his weight make sure he is only handled when necessary and forget about him.

Kyle Barker
01-24-03, 03:06 PM
Do a fecal, may have some parasites. Also have you tried gerbils? Those two things have proved fool proof in my little experience.

01-24-03, 11:57 PM
Braining is something that has worked for me as well. It is always my last resort since it rather unpleasant to do, but it does work. Try the gerbil thing first though. Then try braining. Then consult a vet before you resort to a force feed.

01-25-03, 12:22 PM
So, braining--a good solid whack on the noggin and the snake will come to its senses and eat? lol