View Full Version : first clutch hatched!

08-08-12, 09:51 PM
so earlier this year my girlfriends dad and i breed our two normal balls and the eggs just hatched yesterday and 6 of the 9 came out today. this is the first time we have delt with breeding pythons (we have breed corns in the past) and i was just wondering if ya'll could help me out with this one question. do these look like regular normals when they hatch because most of them have a bright orange color on their bellies. didnt know if this was something normal because i havent been able to find any pictures of hatchling normals. any help would be appreciated.

08-09-12, 06:19 AM
Can't tell from that pic, it's too small, but I think me sees a pastel or two...

08-09-12, 02:03 PM
Do you have pics of the two pythons you bred together?

08-09-12, 10:42 PM
i only have one. which is the male. they are both normals though. this is an older picture of him from about 7 months ago.