View Full Version : new "rack" idea...

08-06-12, 10:14 AM
just runniing this by you all...

for my adults i will be using all 41 qt tubs, male and female. what i was planning on doing, since i have 2 that is ready for adult tubs, and the rest are still babies. is to just make a seperate rack for the tub...

example..... make a rack "slot" for each tub. make it out of melamine and make it to only fit 1 tub...

make a second one, and they will be stackable. so when all done, they will LOOK like a rack, but there will be 8 stacekd individual "slots" if you will...

hard for me to explain right now, im suppose to be cleaning the house, but the wife is on the phone, so i wanted to hop on really fast and see opinions about it...

:) if you understand my thinking, what are your opinions?

08-06-12, 11:06 AM
just runniing this by you all...

for my adults i will be using all 41 qt tubs, male and female. what i was planning on doing, since i have 2 that is ready for adult tubs, and the rest are still babies. is to just make a seperate rack for the tub...

example..... make a rack "slot" for each tub. make it out of melamine and make it to only fit 1 tub...

make a second one, and they will be stackable. so when all done, they will LOOK like a rack, but there will be 8 stacekd individual "slots" if you will...

hard for me to explain right now, im suppose to be cleaning the house, but the wife is on the phone, so i wanted to hop on really fast and see opinions about it...

:) if you understand my thinking, what are your opinions?

I think it's funny that you hop on the internet when you're supposed tobe cleaning house. You are a true domestic diva ;)

08-06-12, 11:08 AM
I think it's funny that you hop on the internet when you're supposed tobe cleaning house. You are a true domestic diva ;)

:P lol yea, wife didnt find it funny lol.

08-06-12, 11:11 AM
The only downsides I see are 1) that you'll be using a lot more material all together than you would just building a normal melamine rack, and 2) that your finished product will be bigger and heavier than otherwise because of the extra material involved.

Since you need two now why not just build a double "slot" rack now. That will at least cut down on the wasted material.

08-06-12, 11:12 AM
:P lol yea, wife didnt find it funny lol.

My old man never does either.


08-06-12, 11:12 AM
The only downsides I see are 1) that you'll be using a lot more material all together than you would just building a normal melamine rack, and 2) that your finished product will be bigger and heavier than otherwise because of the extra material involved.

Since you need two now why not just build a double "slot" rack now. That will at least cut down on the wasted material.

it will be heavier, but i could seperate all the "slots" and move them easily...

what iw as thinking is just to build a small one, like 4 slots, then building another 5 slot one, and stacking them... instead of building a HUGE 9 slot rack, just build a 4 now, then a five slot later on.

08-06-12, 01:12 PM
i was also thinking of just using 2x4s for the sides, and using melamine for shelving. instead of using melamine all around... still not 100 percent sure.