View Full Version : Three new amphibians
08-05-12, 05:18 PM
So when I was in the Adirondacks I caught two young toads and a spotted salamander. The spotted has had two small crickets and the toads have had more then two small crickets each day for the past week. Does anyone know how much I should be feeding these little guys? I've named the lighter colored toad Feisty, the darker toad and the salamander don't have names yet. Does anyone have any Ideas for names?
08-23-12, 11:16 PM
they would love to go back home :D
08-23-12, 11:31 PM
just put them back...
08-25-12, 01:48 PM
Sorry they are permanent residents. Release is not going to happen.
snake man12
08-25-12, 08:33 PM
just put them back...
Why does everybody have pms about wild caught herps and amphibians????????
08-25-12, 09:01 PM
why take an animal that had all the room in the world and put it in a box?
snake man12
08-25-12, 09:03 PM
Do you own any herps?
08-25-12, 09:05 PM
yes but there all CB
snake man12
08-25-12, 09:09 PM
Their ancestor weren't, so why don't you go release them all from their boxes back in to the wild?
08-25-12, 09:13 PM
there not there ancestors
and because i dont live any where near where there from :p
snake man12
08-25-12, 09:21 PM
Sorry I was rude but I get pissed of when people keep telling others to release it, release it!!
08-25-12, 09:25 PM
well we all have our opinions :)
08-25-12, 09:25 PM
I just don't think its right to take from the wild when we are perfectly capable of buying animals that actually need homes.
08-25-12, 09:54 PM
Hmmm well we have a perfectly happy fat toad named squeker I bought him a big critter cage I throw a dozen crickets in every 10 days and keep the dirt moist so they can burrow in it like mud. I wasnt going to keep it but my little girl found him and named him he really does squeak! So my opinion keep the toads and have fun with them little guys love attention and jumping around ;)
08-25-12, 10:19 PM
I honestly don't see the issue with these animals being wild caught. They didn't have any kind of stressful importing to deal with like most and they aren't endangered or vulnerable in my area so I don't see the problem. If you can catch one why buy one? These animals are very healthy and active.
08-25-12, 10:20 PM
I agree with snake man12. I don't see a problem with wild-caught animals if you do your homework, just don't catch endangered animals for pets please. My first snake when I was a young teen (probably over 10 years ago) was a Red Belly snake that I caught in my yard. She adapted quite well and did not seem to suffer any adverse side-effects. I also used to keep spring peepers when I was a kid...not the males (I enjoy sleeping)
I would say appropriate sized, gut-loaded crickets for food, a moist environment with a good sized water dish for humidity. Watch out for mold in a high humidity environment. Oh and provide plenty of hiding spots.
08-25-12, 10:30 PM
I just don't think its right to take from the wild when we are perfectly capable of buying animals that actually need homes.
08-25-12, 10:33 PM
but sense it seems your going to keep them i might as whale help :D i suggest a deep soil so they can burrow and make there own hides and also if you can get your hands on earth worms they wil love it its a amphibian delicacy :)
snake man12
08-25-12, 10:33 PM
I would never take an endangered species form the wild but common toads and salamanders? I see em every day they are abundant ans they will be fro a long long time.
I used to have a couple fire belly toads and they loved the occasional meal worm.
08-25-12, 10:37 PM
I would never take an endangered species form the wild but common toads and salamanders? I see em every day they are abundant ans they will be fro a long long time.
I used to have a couple fire belly toads and they loved the occasional meal worm.
I didn't say you would, I was stating that so no one would assume or accuse me of advocating catching endangered animals for pets.
snake man12
08-25-12, 10:46 PM
That wasn't directed towards you but it was just a statement.
08-25-12, 11:36 PM
Why does everybody have pms about wild caught herps and amphibians????????
You got me.... every summer thousands upon thousands of garter snakes, toads, yada yada, get run over by cars, lawnmowers and stomped on, I don't see anyone whining about that.
08-25-12, 11:40 PM
You got me.... every summer thousands upon thousands of garter snakes, toads, yada yada, get run over by cars, lawnmowers and stomped on, I don't see anyone whining about that.
i would complain about it if i saw it but none of that happens i my area
08-26-12, 07:07 AM
oh it happens, you just don't always see it happen.
08-26-12, 07:09 AM
aww man now you got me thinking about the garter snake I had to kill because half of his body was smashed into the road but his neck and head was still alive. That was years ago and it still makes me sad. It's very hard for me to kill animals, even if it is the humane thing to do...people laugh because I always let spiders go instead of squashing them...
08-26-12, 07:37 AM
aww man now you got me thinking about the garter snake I had to kill because half of his body was smashed into the road but his neck and head was still alive. That was years ago and it still makes me sad. It's very hard for me to kill animals, even if it is the humane thing to do...people laugh because I always let spiders go instead of squashing them...
I had to finish off more than one animal for that same reason.. it sucks, but it's the right thing to do.
08-26-12, 08:23 AM
That happens with tiny baby toads all the time around here. Makes me real sad.
08-26-12, 08:31 AM
That happens with tiny baby toads all the time around here. Makes me real sad.
Just a few days ago, I caught 2 people on 4 wheelers riding them next to my wetland, I went off on them.
I don't even walk near that area right now, the ground is peppered with tiny baby toads at the moment.
After all that work pumping water over there to keep the tadpoles alive, I am not about to let people squish them now that they have legs.
08-26-12, 07:15 PM
I cant stand people and their four wheelers, they are so destructive. If they want to let loose on their four wheelers they should go to a place that has trails already.
08-26-12, 07:34 PM
I cant stand people and their four wheelers, they are so destructive. If they want to let loose on their four wheelers they should go to a place that has trails already.
That's the thing.. I run a 4 wheeler / dirt bike park.
My customers are great, I give them rules, like stay out of my wildlife preserves, it's the neighbours that go where I don't want them.. they sneak in so they don't get to agree to my rules.
The only thing i would be very careful of is bringing parasites and other things in with them. A lot of CB animals will not have what it takes to fight them off. I hunt them with my camera and leave them for others to enjoy having as little effect on the ecosystem as possible But that is just me enjoy them and take care of them the best possible oh and do your homework to see if they have any special needs.
08-27-12, 07:49 AM
The only thing i would be very careful of is bringing parasites and other things in with them. A lot of CB animals will not have what it takes to fight them off. I hunt them with my camera and leave them for others to enjoy having as little effect on the ecosystem as possible But that is just me enjoy them and take care of them the best possible oh and do your homework to see if they have any special needs.
^^ This ^^
Keep them away from any captive bred species you have.
08-27-12, 09:53 AM
Yup I don't have any captive bred amphibians so I'm not terribly worried of parasites. Everyones doing great, they are eating well and enjoy burrowing under their moss. I also caught a Grey tree frog and he's doing great as well.
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