View Full Version : A more Bitter than Sweet Update...

Onyx Cross
08-04-12, 05:18 PM
Hey, guys...It's been awhile since my last post on here.
I just wanted to let you guys know how things have been... As always, I apologize in advance for the lengthy update...

Life has been hectic. Drug addicted boyfriends (now ex's), flunking classes due to depression that ransacked my life, me and my mother have not been getting along whatsoever since my brother moved back in last fall-winter, one of my geckos died due to infection not being caught on early enough, being unable to pay for the mortgage and struggling to keep the house, nearly getting kicked out by my mother a few short weeks ago, the accident with my tire blowing up only a few days ago, my upcoming birthday, and my dog just got an injury from god only knows what...
I'm just trying to enjoy the good days. But unfortunately, there's very little of those. Then there's Night school starting up soon in the fall...

And then there has been more kittens a couple months ago. These are healthy and ready to go. One already found a permanent home. And then, some more newborns a couple days ago...
My cat's a tramp and unfortunately we haven't been able to get her spayed. But hopefully that will happen within the next couple weeks...

And now, here's the real horror... I discovered my beloved BP dead today, an hour after I woke up. I tried seeing if she was just asleep so I tapped the glass some and sprinkled some water on her tail. Nothing. She was unresponsive. I went downstairs not long after and told my mother and my brother...My brother stressed me repeatedly to bury the snake and then the shock subsided and the realization that Schnitzel is gone seeped in. I tried asked my mother to help me bury her in a whisper and upon having to repeat it 2 more times, I burst into tears and told her that I really didn't want to bury her... So my mother said she would bury her...

This summer has been one horrible event after another. I will most likely not get another snake for some months, even years, as I have too much on my plate already, and they are best off with someone who is well off and able...

08-04-12, 06:10 PM
Well if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all!

Life sucks sometimes. Try not to take it too seriously as you'll never get out alive.

Onyx Cross
08-04-12, 06:14 PM
Thanks... I suppose you're right, Aaron.

08-04-12, 06:30 PM
I'm synonymous with the word "right". Just think of the positives in life. You're still healthy. Going to night school in the fall.

08-05-12, 02:31 PM
Sorry your havin a bad run! All the best!


08-05-12, 04:48 PM
I'm sorry you've been having a hard time. Keep your chin up, hang in there.


Onyx Cross
08-14-12, 02:14 AM
Thanks, everyone.
& Aaron, I'm pretty far from healthy, haha... Quite a lot of kidney/liver/bladder related issues...but that's a long story for another time.