View Full Version : New member dropping in !

Joe Bird
07-29-12, 08:52 PM
Hey, What's up everyone ! I was roaming the internet for carpet python care and came across your site. I found it extremely helpful in my purchase and commitment to my new snake. I'm 23 and owned a wide variety of snakes from colubrids, to ball pythons, and my favorite Mexican Rosy Boa (who's 16 years old this year) Well, I'm getting a little off track here, I just wanted to say hello and thanks for all the help and info I've gotten in this short time period ! Hope to help where I can, Thanks, Joe

07-29-12, 09:19 PM
Welcome to the forum! Please read our sSNAKESs forum rules. (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/new-forum/53647-read-first-forum-rules.html)
