View Full Version : Close call!!
07-29-12, 07:13 PM
Today i had BARNABAS out on the trampoline to get some sun as i hadnt taken him out for 3 weeks while he was getting ready to shed.
I had bought a worm farm this morn and as he was basking, i was about 5 metres away setting up the worm farm.
I kept checking on him every min or 2
And then the eventually moved on the grass to poop,
But then as i was putting the worms in the farm, i was having some trouble and i completely forgot about BARNABAS!!!
about half an hour went by and i suddenly remembered!! I said S**T!!! and ran to the trampoline and franticaly looked through nearby gardens and trees while also trying to watch where i step so i dont tread on him!
I was hiperventilating and shaking like crazy thinking 'what if i never find him!! He wont be able to cope living wild!!! He might get hurt from wild animals!!'
I screamed for mum and she said she will look in trees gardens and open areas and i will look in the long grass.
10 min went by and then i saw his head poking out of metre long grass!
I picked him up and put him on my shoulders and just hugged him and i started crying!!
Mum came over and even gave me a hug!! ( she likes the snake but doesnt want to go near it)
I just kep saying "oh my god, that was not good"
I just stood there crying and... In a way.. 'hugging' my boy for about 5 min!!! I was saying "i love you so much, i cant believe i found you, im not leaving your side again!!"
So there was my close call!!!
07-29-12, 07:17 PM
why would you take an animal outside and then do something else? That's just silly.
07-29-12, 07:19 PM
Glad you found him... Lesson learned. ;)
07-29-12, 07:29 PM
why would you take an animal outside and then do something else? That's just silly.
I know!! It was STUPID!!! but it was the FIRST time i did it and was only a few metres away.
But lesson learned!
07-29-12, 07:43 PM
Gosh. First the husbandry thing, now this gross negligence. I can't even fathom how someone could forget about their snake for half an hour outside. I'm starting to feel really bad for your snake.
07-29-12, 08:07 PM
Gosh. First the husbandry thing, now this gross negligence. I can't even fathom how someone could forget about their snake for half an hour outside. I'm starting to feel really bad for your snake.
Well gosh im only human!!!!!:pissedoff:
I make mistakes and i LEARN FROM THEM!!!!!
CK SandBoas
07-29-12, 08:10 PM
So you took your snake outside, and you were basically 16 feet away from him, if i did the conversion correctly, and instead of keeping your eye on him every second you were outside, you got distracted by something else. Seriously, this is not something i'd be writing about, it paints you in a very poor light as an owner, and did you even consider what could have happened if he did escape from your property?
I know you said you are a very sensitive person, but right now, with this added to your husbandry, all consideration to your feelings go out the window. What is important right now is your snake, and if you can't properly take care of it, then maybe you should find someone who can.
If you consider this rude, then so be it. I'm more concerned for your snakes health and safety at the moment.......
07-29-12, 08:28 PM
Ok, so,
When people have children, and they make mistakes like all parents do, it means they should give the kids up?!?!?
NO it DOESNT!!!!
if they are highly willing to learn from their mistakes and make sure they dont do it again then thats great!! And caring!!!!
Iv seen threads on here of people forgetting to lock the doors of their enclosure and the animal escaped aso im not the only one who made a mistake!!!!
I expected these forums to be helpful and not put people rudely down just cos they made a mistake or a few!!! If they KEEP making the same mistakes THEN you can get mad!!!!!! Like i said 'I DO MAKE MISTAKES, BUT I DO LEARN FROM THEM!!! And i DO like being given advice!!! But not RUDELY!!!!!
my SNAKE was kept TERRIBLE before i took him in he was very thin and now he is healthy and beutiful!!
Iv seen threads on here of people forgetting to lock the doors of their enclosure and the animal escaped aso im not the only one who made a mistake!!!!
When i post up pics of him they all say "he is beautiful, what a lovely snake!"
If he looked *SICK or BAD *people would tell me!!
But he isnt, and thats thanks to ME!!!!
I fed him up to get him to his normal weight, i took 8 ticks of him and de-mited him!!
Amd with the shedding issue i DID make a mistake!! And i had srayed him and bumped up the humidity before i was even told to!
I knew it wasnt the best molt but i didnt know it was a TERRIBLE molt but i do NOW and i WONT let it happen again!!
I LOVE him and am doing the best i can for him!!!!
You are just focusing on the mistakes iv made and saying that You feel sorry for him!!!
Im not sure i want to continue on this forum anymore.:pissedoff:
If this is the way some people on this forum treat me instead of kindly giving me advice then i quit..
07-29-12, 08:40 PM
So you took your snake outside, and you were basically 16 feet away from him, if i did the conversion correctly, and instead of keeping your eye on him every second you were outside, you got distracted by something else. Seriously, this is not something i'd be writing about, it paints you in a very poor light as an owner, and did you even consider what could have happened if he did escape from your property?
I know you said you are a very sensitive person, but right now, with this added to your husbandry, all consideration to your feelings go out the window. What is important right now is your snake, and if you can't properly take care of it, then maybe you should find someone who can.
If you consider this rude, then so be it. I'm more concerned for your snakes health and safety at the moment.......
Yes i did consider what would happen if he escaped from the property,
Did you just compare a snake to a human? Humans don't come with instructional care sheets, you must be daft?
Or are you a troll in a closet?
Sorry if that's rude but "I'm only human" means squat when it's such a blatant disregard for the snakes well being.
07-30-12, 12:09 AM
If people dont think i care for my snake,
And they are worried about its welfare then that their problem.
Like i said, i happily take information from people telling me if iv done something wrong but NOT from rude people!! Thats just me and if you dont like it then TOUGH LUCK!!
Some or alot of the people forget that i am only human and i make mistakes and i know that most of the ppl have made mistakes with their snakes but they werent brave enough to share it on here.
Im not saying ANYMORE!!!:pissedoff:
07-30-12, 04:13 AM
I think it's time to take up herb gardening or something. Your posts are entirely too painful for me to read any more. I can't stand it.
07-30-12, 05:15 AM
Wow Reptilegal. Your attitude and justification for everything is quite alarming and childish. "Being human" is a cheap excuse to justify your actions. Maybe you should actually think first before you start broadcasting your shortcomings to the world. If you think people are going to support your negligence you've been sorely mistaken. Your posts and actions have been very questionable thus far.
07-30-12, 05:16 AM
Before I even start to say my opinion I would like to know how old you are....
07-30-12, 07:05 AM
If all you post are the mistakes that you are making then people only have a limited amount of information to base their opinion on!
Two post within a week of fairly major welfare issues will NOT give anyone a good opinion of your ability to care for this animal properly.
07-30-12, 07:11 AM
Before I even start to say my opinion I would like to know how old you are....
Take this advice... don't post any of your "human" mistakes here again. Just post positive stuff. This forum is long on knowledge but short on indulgence. What I mean by that is the amount of specific knowledge on this site is amazing but very few people are going to pat your butt and say it's okay when it's not.
Now if that was a child that was neglected for half an hour and got lost I think social services would be at your door.
You also have some .maturity issues to deal with before you start position on a public forum. If you make a stupid mistake and post it , you better believe you will catch flak. So either get thicker skin or stop posting.
As for you threatening to leave this forum, please don't use worthless threats. I personally won't lose any sleep over it.
07-30-12, 07:37 AM
Quite frankly, I don't mind people mentioning their mistakes. Heck, I've done things wrong a number of times. As long as it is framed as a lesson learned and a warning to others, it is fine. But I guess if somebody is looking for sympathy, Facebook may be the better resource.
07-30-12, 08:16 AM
Quite frankly, I don't mind people mentioning their mistakes. Heck, I've done things wrong a number of times. As long as it is framed as a lesson learned and a warning to others, it is fine. But I guess if somebody is looking for sympathy, Facebook may be the better resource.
I think this is a very well thought out post!
Having read some other 'whoops, look what I did' posts recently I would say that on a whole the community is supportive (although slightly scolding) when people post along the lines of " this has happened and please can everyone learn from my error" as opposed to the "wow, I did this, isn't that really bad"
I for one will take your lesson and apply it to my 'warning list' although many others will simply see a rookie mistake being publicised.
All the best with the future care.
Next thread "snake mysteriously died" such a shame, I love to have that stunning snake.
07-30-12, 08:44 AM
Quite frankly, I don't mind people mentioning their mistakes. Heck, I've done things wrong a number of times. As long as it is framed as a lesson learned and a warning to others, it is fine. But I guess if somebody is looking for sympathy, Facebook may be the better resource.
I too have made many mistakes over the years. Just made a boo-boo this past weekend. I posted it to a local facebook group, not looking for sympathy or anything, but it was a "Hey, I goofed up. I knew better, and look where it got me. Learn from my mistake and don't do what I did."
In this case, the lesson is: don't try to mix "play time" with your routine. I have certain times I dedicate to maintenance. Spare time can be spent taking herps outside. I don't mix the two...even if its just letting some baby tortoises basking in a tub. Lots can happen if I'm not supervising. If I have to go inside, the animals come inside with me. We can always go out and get fresh air later. Its not worth the risk of losing that animal.
07-30-12, 08:54 AM
Reptilegal there are plenty of circle-jerk derping herp forums out there. This is most definitely not one of them. Which is why I love it :D
07-30-12, 08:55 AM
Next thread "snake mysteriously died" such a shame, I love to have that stunning snake.
Yes, it really is a stunning snake.
07-30-12, 03:28 PM
Take this advice... don't post any of your "human" mistakes here again. Just post positive stuff. This forum is long on knowledge but short on indulgence. What I mean by that is the amount of specific knowledge on this site is amazing but very few people are going to pat your butt and say it's okay when it's not.
Can't entirely agree with you or many of the other members, Korbin. Was what the op did stupid? Absolutely. Should there be loads of sympathetic "that's all right dear" comments? Definitely not. But should folks not post their dumb ___ mistakes? No. There are always going to be people doing stupid things -- even some otherwise intelligent keepers. Maybe, just maybe, another newbie to the hobby might read posts concerning some of these stupid mistakes ... things they may have not considered ... and learn from them. What a novel idea.
Now if that was a child that was neglected for half an hour and got lost I think social services would be at your door.
You keep living in that fantasy world.
You also have some .maturity issues to deal with before you start position on a public forum. If you make a stupid mistake and post it , you better believe you will catch flak. So either get thicker skin or stop posting.
As for you threatening to leave this forum, please don't use worthless threats. I personally won't lose any sleep over it.
With that, I do have to agree.
07-30-12, 03:36 PM
Thing is, this is the first time that OP purposely posed a mistake. She thought the shed looked good...
07-30-12, 03:44 PM
I think we need to just drop it.. She knows how pathetic she looks lets stop acting like kids and let her move on. Hopefully she will grow up and start doing better.
Before I even start to say my opinion I would like to know how old you are....
Yikes, this is a little more harsh than I remember this community being.
Kat, quite obviously, hit the nail on the head here as regards the age of the OP. While many of us have learned things from age and maturity (it seems likely one more than the other in some cases ;) ) there are some young people on this forum looking for help and advice too. And what is age and maturity if not years of mistakes and close calls? This was a mistake, yes, and one that was hard earned (Im not sure I could say that I would actually cry at the loss of any of my snakes, if Im honest). You might notice, if you happen to have any people in your home at that age, that in cases like this they tend to respond much better to positive reinforcement than negative, too. Nobody is asking you to be a bunch of coddling idiots, but a whole bunch of "what ifs" and "you made one other mistake" are hardly saving the world either. You can say whatever you want about "you're just doing it to save the snake", but you'll never make any difference to that snake without getting through to the owner in a meaningful way first.
Starting to sound like a bunch of old people at a retirement home.
"Kids these days! No respect! Turn down that music! Rar" slams cane to the ground and tries to call the police using the remote control...
07-30-12, 04:20 PM
If she was 15 I would speak differently to her than if she was 20+ that was the only reason I was asking. A child MIGHT have a little more of an excuse than an adult would. Seeing as this person is 18+ from what I am told then they need to suck it up and get over our "harsh" advice/comments.
07-30-12, 04:36 PM
We've all made mistakes. She a young girl sharing one of her mistake that from the sound of it was upsetting and i am sure she learned a lesson from it.
I believe the reason for sharing this story was to show us the lesson she learned.
If we don't share our mistakes than how can others learn from them.
Here's a thread showing some mistakes people have made in hope other won't make the same mistakes.
The girl learned her lesson from the loss she felt when she thought the snake was gone, not from any of us or our comments. The only thing she learned from us is not to bother coming here anymore. Im not sure if that was the mission everyone was on, as the health of the snake was used as the justification for all that 'tough love'. I wonder how well that snake will get on now that we aren't all there to protect it? Ha!
07-30-12, 06:37 PM
Ok, so, iv calmed down a bit,
So here i go,
I am 22 and i am VERY sensitive. My animals are my world and it is a punch in the chest being told stuff like "i feel sorry for that snake, if you cant look after him find someone who can!" that does NOTHING but make me feel 1 ich tall! If you want to tell me what iv done wrong then GO FOR IT!! but in a NICER WAY!!
eg: instead of "that is a terrible shed! Mist him! And why would you leave the bowls out? That is very neglectful! I feel so sorry for your snake, if you cant look after him find someone who can!"
Go for: that is not a good shed at all, it looks like there isnt enough humidity in there, try spraying him and try to make sure you dont forget the water bowls again
If the shed still isnt going well try soaking him, and try to not let the next shed be like this because it is not really good. :)"
Explenation on the The shedding thread:
It was his FIRST shed with me
I knew it was not the 'best' shed but i DIDNT know it was TERRIBLE
Before i took the photos i put back in the 2 waterbowls which i 'acidentaly' left out, it was a mistake, and i WONT do it again as iv put a sign on the enclosure to remind me, not that i WILL forget, just incase.
Straight after i took the photos i sprayed him with warm water, and within 10-15 min it all came off in one piece and felt like cling wrap, so it wasnt dry.
And i KNOW what to do next time so he WONT shed roigh again!
Explenation on the close call thread:
I ADMITTED what i did was STUPID and yet i still got criticised?!?!
Maybe your right, maybe i should post all the good things and not post the bad things that i make mistakes with, which were 2 mistakes in the 3 months i have had him, i know they were BIG mistakes but with the first one i CORRECTED it and no harm done and lesson learned
And the second one was STUPID of me, i have NEVER left his side before when i take him out for sun
But this time i stupidly got distracted and nearly lost him!
Im not really sure if it was half an hour, it may have just been 10 min but hey! I made a stupid mistake! And i learned from it!!
And it seems that i have made a STUPID mistake by wanting to share it!!
I NEVER said i was looking for sympathy, but i WASNT looking for stabs in the back either!!
Like is said, when i post other pics of him people say he is STUNNING,BEAUTIFUL ect, he WASNT when i first got him!!! He was given to me by a reotile keeper who had it given to HIM by a teen couldnt look after him anymore! He gad ticks, mites and was UNDERFED! and it was my care and LOVE for him that he is back to normal weight and is tick/mite free and overall healthy!!
He told me he had a diamond python that th teen couldnt look after and asked if i could keep him,
So i hopped on the net to apply for th licence and to read up as much about their requirements as possible, signed up on here hoping that i would be HELPED
and bought the snakes basking light, mite rid spray and 2 hide areas.
When my licence came through i went and purchased him and he came with his enclosure, which he is staying in until the weather warms up and then he is going into the large outdoor enclosure which has a wooden enclosed area and a big outdoor area
I know its not the best first snake,but i knew that i would go to the moon and back to try and give him the best life though i knew that there would me mistakes along the way but i dont know a reptile keeper who hasnt made mistakes.
I LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES!! and its only if i KEEP making the same mistake that is a problem!! But i WONT!!!!! NO SIREE!!!;)
PLEASE no more criticism on this thread, iv taken my share, but i guess i cant stop ya.
07-30-12, 06:40 PM
The girl learned her lesson from the loss she felt when she thought the snake was gone, not from any of us or our comments. The only thing she learned from us is not to bother coming here anymore. Im not sure if that was the mission everyone was on, as the health of the snake was used as the justification for all that 'tough love'. I wonder how well that snake will get on now that we aren't all there to protect it? Ha!
I am on ANOTHER snake forum and they are FRIENDLY,NOT RUDE AND HIGHLY HELPFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
07-30-12, 06:47 PM
Yikes, this is a little more harsh than I remember this community being.
Kat, quite obviously, hit the nail on the head here as regards the age of the OP. While many of us have learned things from age and maturity (it seems likely one more than the other in some cases ;) ) there are some young people on this forum looking for help and advice too. And what is age and maturity if not years of mistakes and close calls? This was a mistake, yes, and one that was hard earned (Im not sure I could say that I would actually cry at the loss of any of my snakes, if Im honest). You might notice, if you happen to have any people in your home at that age, that in cases like this they tend to respond much better to positive reinforcement than negative, too. Nobody is asking you to be a bunch of coddling idiots, but a whole bunch of "what ifs" and "you made one other mistake" are hardly saving the world either. You can say whatever you want about "you're just doing it to save the snake", but you'll never make any difference to that snake without getting through to the owner in a meaningful way first.
Starting to sound like a bunch of old people at a retirement home.
"Kids these days! No respect! Turn down that music! Rar" slams cane to the ground and tries to call the police using the remote control...
Correct!! At least SOMEONE here understands!! I wish there were more of you on this thread!;)
A few observations:
Why, when Wayne, one of our respected moderators, courageously posted about chomper and the mistakes made and what he learned from it, did no one flame him? In fact, apporpriately, members complimented him on his courage.
Why is it not okay to flame (bully) a child or teenager, but okay to flame (bully) an adult?
Treating people with disrespect is disrespectful whether child or adult. Public forum or face to face.
I suppose those of our members who have never made a mistake are entitled to judge.
Our reptiles are certainly very important. But if there were, God forbid, a fire in your home, you would certainly look after your significant other and child, if you had them, before your the excuse that your are looking after the animal, while having complete disregard for the human owner, just falls short somehow.
One of our members has a quote at the end of his signature, "ALWAYS judge a person by the way they treat someone who can be of NO POSSIBLE USE TO THEM !" comes to mind.
There are many experts on this forum with a wealth of knowledge which is why many of us chose to become members. But if we make mistakes taboo, no one learns. It becomes a playground for the elite keepers who "know it all" and the noobs are left to flounder. Not what this forum puts itself out to be.
Mistakes are how all the "experts" became experts. Don't forget that.
If you want to help someone, help them. If all you want to do is rebuke or judge, perhaps you should consider whether you have the animals and it's keepers best interests in mind or whether we are just bullying for the sake of bullying.
07-30-12, 07:15 PM
I think this is for you....
I am on ANOTHER snake forum and they are FRIENDLY,NOT RUDE AND HIGHLY HELPFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally been flamed here and returned. You will find this to be the #1 forum out there. What you did was childish, take a deep breath and use the block feature.
I think this is for you....
I could never get mine to breed. Can you link a care sheet?
07-30-12, 07:25 PM
umm what locale did you have? Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of locales of rocks and if you don't have the same locales then they just never breed!
Most common are the gravel, granite, pebble locales. Sometimes there's the smooth or rough beach locale which are the same locale but different morphs so they can be bred together.
Well I have a trio of pebbles and I lowered the temperatures, but they still just sit there and do not even interact. I'm upset I thought I was going to be a big time breeder, I guess I'll move on to somthing else.
07-30-12, 07:39 PM
I got 1.1 pebbles doing pretty well! I need some new blood in my collection though. Wanna do a swap of females and maybe that'll work for you!?
If all you post are the mistakes that you are making then people only have a limited amount of information to base their opinion on!
Two post within a week of fairly major welfare issues will NOT give anyone a good opinion of your ability to care for this animal properly.
I got 1.1 pebbles doing pretty well! I need some new blood in my collection though. Wanna do a swap of females and maybe that'll work for you!?
Sure how do you sex them though?
07-30-12, 08:31 PM
I probe mine.
07-30-12, 08:37 PM
Jay and Aaron... I've got a pebble collection too :D
07-30-12, 08:37 PM
I NEVER said i was looking for sympathy, but i WASNT looking for stabs in the back either!!
I have to ask: so what WERE you looking for, if it was neither sympathy nor criticism?:hmm:
07-30-12, 08:41 PM
A few observations:
Why, when Wayne, one of our respected moderators, courageously posted about chomper and the mistakes made and what he learned from it, did no one flame him? In fact, apporpriately, members complimented him on his courage.
Why is it not okay to flame (bully) a child or teenager, but okay to flame (bully) an adult?
Treating people with disrespect is disrespectful whether child or adult. Public forum or face to face.
I suppose those of our members who have never made a mistake are entitled to judge.
Our reptiles are certainly very important. But if there were, God forbid, a fire in your home, you would certainly look after your significant other and child, if you had them, before your the excuse that your are looking after the animal, while having complete disregard for the human owner, just falls short somehow.
One of our members has a quote at the end of his signature, "ALWAYS judge a person by the way they treat someone who can be of NO POSSIBLE USE TO THEM !" comes to mind.
There are many experts on this forum with a wealth of knowledge which is why many of us chose to become members. But if we make mistakes taboo, no one learns. It becomes a playground for the elite keepers who "know it all" and the noobs are left to flounder. Not what this forum puts itself out to be.
Mistakes are how all the "experts" became experts. Don't forget that.
If you want to help someone, help them. If all you want to do is rebuke or judge, perhaps you should consider whether you have the animals and it's keepers best interests in mind or whether we are just bullying for the sake of bullying.
I can't speak for anyone else, but for the most part, I teach how I was taught. I didn't learn much by being patted on the back and being told "thats okay. everything's still alright." I made mistakes. When I was in error, someone else called me out on it. I may not have liked it, but I look back and nod to myself, "yep, they were right, and I was wrong."
I don't regret it. It can be rough and curt sometimes, but its just the freakin internet. People need to put their big girl panties on and just deal. After all, you're here for the animals, right? Not to be coddled.
07-30-12, 08:59 PM
Jay and Aaron... I've got a pebble collection too :D
Bah i bet they are just "normal" pebbles and not the exclusive ones I work with.
07-30-12, 09:01 PM
I think this is for you....
Because i made 2 mistakes that i LEARNED from?
07-30-12, 09:06 PM
If you are truely 22 then it should not just a mistake, it should be common sense not to leave a snake alone in your backyard.
07-30-12, 09:23 PM
Bah i bet they are just "normal" pebbles and not the exclusive ones I work with.
If you start proclaiming to be a Pebble God I will piss on your paper mache pedestal until it crumbles beneath you :mad:
07-30-12, 10:51 PM
If you are truely 22 then it should not just a mistake, it should be common sense not to leave a snake alone in your backyard.
He wasn't alone, I was just a few metres away, and I was keeping my eye on him until I stupidly got distracted.
I'd never left his side before while he was out
And I will never do it again!
If the definition of coddling is not speaking the truth, then I have to agree with Student. I believe we should speak the truth in promoting good husbandry every chance we get, even if the truth may hurt the op. I just have a problem with speaking the truth in a hurtful way. Sometimes we do things because it's the way we were taught. Sometimes we do things because we were never taught any other way.
07-31-12, 12:10 AM
These are in the RULES OF THE FORUM
1. No content that is considered racist, sexist, obscene, objectionable or otherwise offensive comments will be tolerated. All such posts will be deleted without notice.
We try to maintain a family friendly atmosphere whenever it is possible within the main subject matter of this community. Please keep this in mind when participating.
3. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. We take politeness very seriously. You are welcome to challenge others points of view and opinions, but do so respectively and thoughtfully.
15. Whenever you are participating in this community, please keep in mind that we strive to create a fun, friendly and inviting atmosphere. So, please have fun and enjoy the forums!
07-31-12, 12:20 AM
These are in the RULES OF THE FORUM
1. No content that is considered racist, sexist, obscene, objectionable or otherwise offensive comments will be tolerated. All such posts will be deleted without notice.
We try to maintain a family friendly atmosphere whenever it is possible within the main subject matter of this community. Please keep this in mind when participating.
3. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. We take politeness very seriously. You are welcome to challenge others points of view and opinions, but do so respectively and thoughtfully.
15. Whenever you are participating in this community, please keep in mind that we strive to create a fun, friendly and inviting atmosphere. So, please have fun and enjoy the forums!
There's a lot of "try" and "whenever possible" and other words like "please" in there and to me, and my understanding of the English language is that those phrases and words do not mean "I must" so I fully believe my suggestion of a future pet for you is warranted.
I suppose we can do some trading Wildside. Let me know how many pairs you want.
07-31-12, 12:23 AM
There's a lot of "try" and "whenever possible" and other words like "please" in there and to me, and my understanding of the English language is that those phrases and words do not mean "I must" so I fully believe my suggestion of a future pet for you is warranted.
I suppose we can do some trading Wildside. Let me know how many pairs you want.
Well then what about 1-3 and 15!!!!!!
07-31-12, 12:26 AM
Well then what about 1-3 and 15!!!!!!
I just said those all use questionable wordings to what "I must" do in each of my posts. Apparently you didn't read my previous post.
My suggested pet post was purely a suggestion. A legitimate one. I don't see that as offensive, racist, sexist or obscene. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's against the forum rules.
Also, I believe TWO other forum members found my post fun and inviting to both comment and continue on with the suggestion as a side hobby. All three of us have various pet rocks in our collections.
07-31-12, 12:33 AM
Well i wasnt specifically refering to YOU!!
But i did find that stupid pet rock thing offensive!
And i didnt start this thread to have you and others talking about rocks!!! Start your own thread for that!!!!
07-31-12, 12:36 AM
Well i wasnt specifically refering to YOU!!
But i did find that stupid pet rock thing offensive!
And i didnt start this thread to have you and others talking about rocks!!! Start your own thread for that!!!!
Stupid pet rock thing?! You know it's probably the best pet for you.
Look if the pet rock and it's box and straw nest seem too much husbandry and attention for you then maybe a pet string so you can cut it to size to keep a proper eye on it or tie it your finger as to not get so easily distracted and lose it.
The pet stick is also wonderful since you can leave outside and it'll just be at home with his cousins and not only survive until you remember it but thrive!
07-31-12, 01:02 AM
Ok, I guess I shouldv NOT learned from my mistakes or 'lack of common sense'
So I guess next time I should keep his enclosure bone dry when he molts and not do anything to fix it,
I should leave him outside on his own ALL the time from now on
When I wrote that thread asking if I should take my python to the vet cos I think he may have a respiratory infection, or leave him be cos he is getting ready to shed, I shouldv not asked and done what I think I should do
When I wrote that thread asking for good reptile vets that will look after him as best they can, I should not have asked and if he is sick just let him suffer
I should've left him with his previous owner to stay underfed,tick infested and mite infested...
Think about that.. think about the good things I HAVE done and asked!! They OUTWEIGH the mistakes I made!!!.
07-31-12, 01:12 AM
Hey, and what the heck is with this??
Its not uncommon to come off in big peices
As long as it comes off its fine???
Why did I get backstabbed with my shed thread??
07-31-12, 01:19 AM
In big pieces as in the shed caught on something in the cage and ripped, I believe..
took another glance at the shed your snake was having, it looked like it was kind of 'flaking' off, which is not good.
07-31-12, 01:25 AM
In big pieces as in the shed caught on something in the cage and ripped, I believe..
'but as long as it all comes off it's fine'
And my pythons did come off in a long piece I had put up a pic!!
Yes it was not good! I admitted it! and I corrected it and his shed ended well
07-31-12, 01:32 AM
This is getting silly now... Reptilegirl, grow up as your 22 and learn to take a joke about the pet rock thing. Yes everyone makes mistakes and almost everyone gets told theyre wrong at some point...
However, banging on about other forums and then trying to throw our own forum rules into this is not the way to go and will induce more hostility. You should feel good about the fact that you took in an unwanted snake and fed him up, however remember your not the first to do this and it doesn't mean people won't jump on your mistakes either..
Btw, if some one hatches any pebbles I'll have a couple :D
07-31-12, 04:45 AM
I think after 5 pages this one needs to take a nap.....
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