View Full Version : big worm?!

07-27-12, 07:08 PM
so my sis lives in CA and it just rained and she thought she seen a snake n went to take a pic turns out its some monster worm or..
i think its a horsehair worm maybe idk any ideas

07-27-12, 07:49 PM
kill it with fire! (lol)

07-27-12, 07:56 PM
Looks Delicious ....... http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh240/Vendettaseve/bearmaggot.gif

07-27-12, 08:22 PM
ewwww, vendetta

07-27-12, 08:33 PM
Yea monstor worm. Gross.

07-27-12, 08:36 PM
Yea monstor worm. Gross.
my sister told me it appeared to be almost 36 inches long so whatever it is its very long and very thin , also it moved very slow

snake man12
07-27-12, 08:40 PM
ewwww. I kill things like that monstrosity.

07-27-12, 08:42 PM
Weird. That kind of grosses me out.

07-28-12, 12:59 AM
its great hearing everyone say its gross because the best part of this is she told her husband next time she sees it shes making him pick it up so she can get better pics lol

07-28-12, 02:06 AM
Weird seeing one this long, don't kill it, just leave it alone.

07-28-12, 02:16 AM
Weird seeing one this long, don't kill it, just leave it alone.

she didn't kill =] and
i don't kill anything either :)
my hobby is to photograph wild animals not to kill them because we can/want to

07-28-12, 02:20 AM
she didn't kill =] and
i don't kill anything either :)
my hobby is to photograph wild animals not to kill them because we can/want to

Sorry, not directed at you, was directed at the others saying they kill things like this because they're gross. Its the same mindset that people who kill snakes because they're gross have and it needs to stop. I'm a little tired (ok a lot) so my writing is suffering. I've been up for... about 20 hours now. I feel like I'm getting old... Would love to see some of your photography, have you posted any pictures on this forum?

07-28-12, 02:27 AM
i am sorry to i should have not taken it personally , but i do agree where your coming from. there are endless snake deaths because people are afraid of them or think they are gross or all kinds of misleading information. it really does to need to stop. i do have many photos on this site mainly from my home state however in mid august i will be returning to mid CA for another rattlesnake photo shoot hopefully =D

07-28-12, 06:45 AM
I think it's kind of awesome looking actually. I wouldn't of killed it but I would like to see more pics but up-close this time. I want to know if it has the same texture as other worms or is it smooth?

07-28-12, 10:45 AM
it appeared segmented as far as texture we do not know since one one there picked it up. that will remain till its seen again.

07-31-12, 06:35 AM
the reason I originally said "kill it" was because when I first saw the photo I thought it was one of those parasitic worms that goes inside you and makes you really sick. Regular, harmless worms don't bother me.