View Full Version : i m finally setting up my BP home and i need some suggestions

07-27-12, 11:42 AM
so i believe its called a vision box (sorry noob) and i was wondering what is the best way to set this up to make a good home for a BP. keep in mind that i do not believe this will be the permanent home just for the mean time till i learn more and finally get my vision into a solid plan i can put into a project.

all i really want to do is set this vision box up so that my BP can get comfortable so
i have no clue how to set up a vision box because in my past with other reptiles i've only used a class tank so this is all new to me
i would like to know how would be the best way to set up the lighting and also heating, my friend gave me this vision box with green carpet in it and a few other things all i am missin is heating and lighting i will post pictures of the vision box in a few minutes

07-27-12, 11:56 AM
http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/3371/imag0932j.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/259/imag0932j.jpg/)

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http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/3508/imag0934b.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/834/imag0934b.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

07-27-12, 11:56 AM
i would assume that heat lamps would melt this my brother had borrowed this one as well from my friend and has a heat lamp on it and it started to damage it

07-27-12, 12:08 PM
Yeah, unless that screened opening is wide enough to allow for a dome fixture, it will, in the very least warp those Vision cages.

Aside from the opening on the very top, this is exactly what I have my BP in right now. 24" x 28" right? I just have a large ZooMed heat mat hooked up to a rheostat, and that's all I have for heating. No lighting really required for BPs.

So in fact, if I were, I would just cover up that one opening on the top, to help retain some humidity in there.

07-29-12, 06:42 AM
okay so yesterday i went and picked up a UTH at petco and when i get home i read on the package that the UTH should not be used on a plastic tank. . . but the guy who's very knowledgeable at petco made the suggestion and told me i had two option to test it out on the outside (under my vision cage) and if it didn't heat to the desired temp to then put it under my green carpet in the vision cage

the UTH i got was Zoo Med Repti-Therm UTH Under Tank Heaters (SKU: 95265)
right now its maxing out at about 97.5F and i don't think if i did attach it to the bottom on the vision cage that it would heat the inside so i put it under the green carpet.

i also got the Zilla Digital Terrarium Thermometer (SKU: 1238604)

the guy at petco also told me that for the size of the UTH a thermostat would be kind of overkill and not really needed so i went with his advice and left it out.

another bit of info is that surprisingly i came home and my snake had shed which was totally unexpected because i had it in one of them critter carrier boxes for almost a week and it showed no sign of shedding, once i put it into my vision cage semi set up i came home to a complete shed so i don't know that that means.

this is going to be my first day i will be having the vision cage about 85% done and going to work, i wish i could stay home to keep an eye on it but i guess ill have to just do that when i get back from work.

i also bought a mister but i am afraid to mist the inside with the UTH being inside of the vision cage

i think i might be switching out the green carpet for aspen. . . not sure yet.

07-29-12, 09:03 AM
Sooo take the UTH OUT of the vision. It's not meant to be used inside. Especially since you need to keep humidity up. You won't get any.

Here are the things you should do.

1. Place UTH under the vision.
2. Use aspen. Carpet gets filled with bacteria and becomes gross.
3. Water bowl big enough for the snake to get into.
4. 2 snug hides, one on the hot end. One on the cool end.
5. Profit

07-29-12, 06:26 PM
i have 2 hides one at the cool end and one at the hot end. . . my BP doesn't seem to pay the cool side no mind. i have a really big water bowl but i don't know if my BP is even drinking or bathing in it. . .

now correct me if i am wrong but i had plans to introduce my BP to each section by putting it in each side every other day or should i just let it explore on its own?

when i get home i'm going to take a picture of the inside

07-29-12, 06:40 PM
Leave the snake alone. It will cruse around the cage as it wishes. Ball pythons don't just roam around. They like to stay in their hides in a Ball. The more you mess with the snake the more you will just stress it out.

07-29-12, 10:10 PM
You're in for a very dull enclosure to look into if that's what you're looking for.

Just leave the snake. He'll go where he needs to be.

07-30-12, 07:15 AM
I see my Royal maybe once or twice a month outside of feeding time, the only time i see him come out of his hide when there is no food is about a quarter past midnight - this seems to be his cruising around time.

If you want a snake that you will see regularly then dont get a Royal!! :)

07-30-12, 06:46 PM
well i pretty much rescued this royal. . . i wasnt even planning on getting a snake yet but i was doin my research on a green tree boa but since my friend who works for animal control told me she had found this i took it in and figured id give it a good home

07-30-12, 07:28 PM
Ok well take my advice and have fun!

07-30-12, 09:24 PM
Ok well take my advice and have fun!

yeah so far everything is good only thing im going to replace is the green carpet and get some aspen and also put some fake plants for shade in the cool side then i will be pretty much set

07-31-12, 12:24 AM
What does he need shade for? That kind of stuff is purely for your own eyes. The snake doesn't need shade as during the day ball pythons hide. They are nocturnal.

07-31-12, 07:46 AM
You could make it a real plant, and therefore it would have a positive effect on the snake in a number of ways. Just a thought...