View Full Version : screen on Tub

07-26-12, 03:43 PM
Does anybody know how to put a screen hole on the top of a tub top. for a small heat lamp.... with the least amount of humidity to get threw the whole.

07-26-12, 04:14 PM
If your talking a plastic tub you should use a UTH (under tank heater). A heat lamp would get to hot for a tub. It could melt the tub or cook your snake.

BTW Hello and welcome.

07-26-12, 05:08 PM
nice pic lol

The UTH isnt doing the job its only working for the hot spot.... i would only use a 50 watt btw so how?

07-26-12, 05:11 PM
heat lamps will not be good for a tub. tubs are too shallow u will cook the plastic and ur snake. You need to get a thermostat for the uth then it will do the job. Also, I keep my snake in her tub in the closet. There is no ac in there so it keeps it really warm and humid enough for her. Plus there is not a lot of traffic. Please dont use a heat lamp..

07-26-12, 05:22 PM
the tub is 2 and a half foot tall. and it will be a blood python.... also i have a thermastat a hydrofarm set to 86.

07-26-12, 05:24 PM
1 and a half feet**

07-26-12, 05:31 PM
Could you post a picture of the tub? It might help give us a idea.

07-26-12, 05:33 PM
its doable , i used a 5.5 gallon screen tank top , and a smaller dome light from flukers , but you must no go higher than a 25 watt bulb or maybe 50 at most or it gets way to hot. I used melted small holes inthe lid and secured the screen with tie wraps. i also had the light on a thermometer set to 95F for a boa to bask and it worked fine , you can see the probe on the branch. i also had a UTH form flukers thats ok for plastic and also on a thermostat . see photo for general idea.


07-26-12, 06:07 PM
I will deffinetly try this next time.... lol i already did it i will post the pics after i find my phone lol