View Full Version : 20 Years or More

07-26-12, 07:09 AM
Another thread mentioned keepers with 20 or more years experience and I'm wondering how many of those there actually are. I'm only aware of 2 and 1 of those happens to be myself, so if you have 20 years or more working with herps, I'd love to hear from you.

NOTE: I'm kinda looking to hear from 20+ year veterans with good track records, not those who can mark the decades by the number of reptile corpses they've left behind, so to speak - those are a dime a dozen, but if you've got that much experience and have successfully kept things alive for many years, be proud of your accomplishments and let it be known to the rest of us :)

Someone has pointed out that I'm likely going to hear from a few people who's responses I won't even see, but those are commercial types and I'm looking to hear from private individuals who are committed and responsible with their animals, not large-scale breeders or commercial types. Oh, I know it's a tall order, but let's see where it goes...

07-26-12, 10:39 AM
I don't quite make 20 years, but I've definetely been keeping herps for well over 15 years. And with no corpses. :)

07-26-12, 10:42 AM
I don't quite make 20 years, but I've definetely been keeping herps for well over 15 years. And with no corpses. :)

That's awesome, Lisa! Congratulations on a job well done and kudos to you for sticking with it so long. 15 years is certainly nothing to sneeze at :cool:

07-26-12, 10:43 AM
Great thread topic, Todd!

I haven't been keeping reptiles on a large scale for 20 years, as I am only 25 years old! Haha... but I got my first turtle (Eastern Red Eared Slider) when I was 4 years old at a Pet Shop in Corner Brook, NL, and I've been keeping reptiles ever since.

I immediately fell in love with reptiles of all kinds and started talking about getting a boa with my step-father, but my mother would not have it (she did not want to feed rats). So it was just the turtle!

Then when I was 8 or 9 we got a Western Painted Turtle, and we fashioned an awesome set up for her. And at 12 I got one more Red Eared Slider and that was it for turtles... I left home at 19 to join the Navy and my turtles fell under the care of my little brother (Who still has the Western Painted, and the second Red Eared Slider... the first Red Eared Slider sadly passed away when it was 19 years old)

My first year in the Navy I got my first ball python (and only), and became obsessed with all things snakes. 3 months later I got my first boa, and then my snake obsession turned into a boa obsession and became my passion, and now 5 years later my snakes have their own room, and I custom build them all their own enclosures which give them the most space possible.

I hold onto all the values that were instilled in me as a young 4 year old boy with his first turtle. My Mom said, "This is a life that you have to care for. Try to give it the happiest life possible". Nothing is nicer than seeing an 8 foot boa climbing around in an enclosure that is fitting for a snake that size!


CK SandBoas
07-26-12, 10:49 AM
This is a terrific thread Todd! I still have a long way before i reach 20 years, but i've been keeping my own snakes for 8 years now, with no illnesses or deaths, so i feel incredibly blessed to still have my 2 original snakes i started out with, my Royal Python and My BRB.

I have been around reptiles for more than 30 years, thanks to my fathers own collection, but i don't thin that counts:p

07-26-12, 10:54 AM
I kept a couple Corn Snakes when I was a kid for 4-5 years. I just got back into it after college, I'd say collectively I have 7 years. No repti-corpses. :)

I'd love to see your enclosures, Rob!

07-26-12, 10:57 AM
Def more than 20 yrs...My first snake was a Lined snake that I caught in 1975. "her" name was Margo (after the lady whose backyard I found it in!). I had it for prob 2 yrs before it passed. A lot of the husbandry was very fly by night.

Back in the mid to late 70's, the husbandry for reptiles seemed sketchy at best. As a grade school kid who fell in love w snakes, I must admit, there were several Lined snakes (V. striatula), Garters, rough green, etc...that didn't fare well....they were part of the "learning curve" unfortunately. Moving into the 80's, and the use of "hot rocks" etc., seemed to improve things (a little)...

Now, it is really awesome how much the science of keeping AND actually breeding reptiles has advanced since then...Heat tape, actual molded cages (not just aquariums or slapped together wooden boxes), temp guns, learning and applying genetic principles to breeding.

Things have come a LONG way. I do have my share of corpses starting out, though thankfully, none in a very very long while.

07-26-12, 11:02 AM
My first "official" herp was a green iguana I got in 1991. I was 11 at the time. That is more or less when I consider my hobby began.

In Jan 1995, I got my first issue of REPTILES magazine.

When I was 16 (1998), I started working at our LPS and continued to work there off and on until 2010.

Sometime either in 2000 or 2001, I bred my first corn snakes.

Somewhere during my later years of college (2003-2004), I really started entering the internet aspect of the herp industry, joining forums, browsing Kingsnakes everyday, etc.

In 2008, I started to get into seriously breeding African house snakes and building my collection. This was also around the same time USARK was founded and herp-themed media such as Reptile Radio and SnakeBytesTV was taking off, stimulated a renewed interest in the hobby in general.

In 2010, I founded a herp society in our area.
Now....I say all that to say this. IN all that time, I kept a wide variety of different species. One could say that I know a few things about a lot of species, and a lot about a few species. I have also had more than a handful of animals die or escape while in my care, simply due to improper housing or husbandry.

I don't necessarily think that if someone has ever killed a herp, that detracts from their experience or their "herpetoculture resume." Every mistake or loss is an opportunity to learn. However, if someone is repeating the same mistakes over and over, then thats a different story. The key is keeping an open mind and always be learning. That is how you move forward.

To those with a "spotless" record (no corpses), fantastic. I applaud your success. I'm pretty sure that's everyone's goal. It certainly is mine!
One thing I can say is that I also have my original snake, a ball python since 1993.

07-26-12, 11:57 AM
Interesting read so far :)

I'm happy to report that I've only left 2 repti-corpses in my wake in all this time, and one was old age. I'm not sure what took the first one about 20 years ago, but for all I know she was an old broad too because she never really grew in all the years I had her, so she clearly wasn't any spring chicken, so to speak.

Just to clarify, we're talking *consecutive* years, as in we've had at least 1 herp the entire time, right? That's what I'm counting, anyhow :D

07-26-12, 12:16 PM
Just to clarify, we're talking *consecutive* years, as in we've had at least 1 herp the entire time, right? That's what I'm counting, anyhow :D
Learning with and taking care of Corn Snakes for a few years did not teach me nothing ;)

So, consecutively I have about 2 years. Collectively I have about 7.

07-26-12, 12:19 PM
That's awesome, Lisa! Congratulations on a job well done and kudos to you for sticking with it so long. 15 years is certainly nothing to sneeze at :cool:

I wouldn't think of not sticking with it. I love reptiles too much!

and yes, I'm talking consecutive years when I've had at least one herp the whole time. There was a few years there when my kids were little that I was down to only two reptiles, but never less than that.

07-26-12, 12:20 PM
I have a spreadsheet that I started a while back that listed every single herp I ever owned, where I got it from, where it went, if it died in my care, what was the cause, etc. I need to take a gander at it and update it.

07-26-12, 12:46 PM
I have had 7 snakes for 2 years so can i count that as 14years experience?? ;) :)

07-26-12, 01:09 PM
Also, I believe that I'm probably one of the oldest members on this forum. If you take a look at my join date you will see I'm working on 10 years being a member here. It's hard to believe it's been that long!!

07-26-12, 01:10 PM
I have had 7 snakes for 2 years so can i count that as 14years experience?? ;) :)

Haha, a valiant effort, Rob, but even being terribly dyslexic I can tell that your unique perspective on mathematics doesn't quite add up to 20 :)

Dyslexics UNTIE!

07-26-12, 01:16 PM
I wouldn't think of not sticking with it. I love reptiles too much!

and yes, I'm talking consecutive years when I've had at least one herp the whole time. There was a few years there when my kids were little that I was down to only two reptiles, but never less than that.

That's what I'm talkin' 'bout, right there :cool:

As for being a long-time member here, for your years of dedicated service to the group, you get this:
I make them myself ya know, and I don't go around handing those out to just anyone - you gotta *earn* one of those babies :D

07-26-12, 01:17 PM

CK SandBoas
07-26-12, 01:21 PM
For those keepers with 15 + years, did any of you ever think that you would stay with this wonderful hobby for so long? Or did any of you get remarks from either friends or family saying "Oh, this is just a phase, it will pass".

I hope you don't mind me asking this in your thread Todd, i'm genuinely interested in the answers.:)

07-26-12, 01:29 PM
CND Blood and Lisa127....let's start an "over 40 herp crowd" :)
(that makes me depressed!)
Anyway....yep, at least 20 years continuously. Sometimes it may have been one animal, other times multiple. My mother STILL asks me when I'm going to give up this "hobby"....

07-26-12, 01:34 PM
CND Blood and Lisa127....let's start an "over 40 herp crowd" :)
(that makes me depressed!)
Anyway....yep, at least 20 years continuously. Sometimes it may have been one animal, other times multiple. My mother STILL asks me when I'm going to give up this "hobby"....

lol.....yes, sometimes being on the forums can make you feel a bit old. It's funny too.....if someone would meet me on the street they would never guess my love for all things herp. I'm going on 44 years old, I have two basically grown children. I'm quite conservative in looks and dress and I have salt and pepper hair. I'm a "rule follower" type person by nature. No piercings, no tattoos. I work at an elementary school.

No one in my family asks me when I'm going to give up this "hobby". I come from a family of huge animals lovers. Though they are not into reptiles themselves, they just see it as part of my love of animals.

07-26-12, 01:38 PM
I think after the first decade, they resigned themselves to the reality that it wasn't going to pass. Reptiles will always be a part of my life.

07-26-12, 01:39 PM
It's funny too.....if someone would meet me on the street they would never guess my love for all things herp. I'm going on 44 years old, I have two basically grown children. I'm quite conservative in looks and dress and I have salt and pepper hair. I'm a "rule follower" type person by nature. No piercings, no tattoos. I work at an elementary school.

Yeah....as a physician, I def get "the look" from my colleagues. Its kinda fun :)

07-26-12, 01:44 PM
...I hope you don't mind me asking this in your thread Todd, i'm genuinely interested in the answers.:)

Not a problem, I'd like to hear the answers too :)

07-26-12, 01:47 PM
CND Blood and Lisa127....let's start an "over 40 herp crowd" :)
(that makes me depressed!)
Anyway....yep, at least 20 years continuously. Sometimes it may have been one animal, other times multiple. My mother STILL asks me when I'm going to give up this "hobby"....

Haha! I'm not so sure I need to be reminded of my age at any given time anymore, but I'll give it some thought, lol.

As for Ma and her 'hobby' idea, put her on the phone - I'll straighten this out for ya :D

07-26-12, 01:48 PM
For those keepers with 15 + years, did any of you ever think that you would stay with this wonderful hobby for so long? Or did any of you get remarks from either friends or family saying "Oh, this is just a phase, it will pass".

I hope you don't mind me asking this in your thread Todd, i'm genuinely interested in the answers.:)

As I stated above, my family does not question it because they do not view it as a hobby. My entire family are huge animal lovers. And though they do not enjoy reptiles themselves, they just see this as part of my love of animals. And to be honest, when I first started keeping herps that's how I saw it as well. I've lived with animals my entire life and our pets become part of the family. So I didn't wonder how long I would be in this hobby because I didn't view it that way.

07-26-12, 02:11 PM
I started keeping herps in the 80s. I grew up on 20 acres with 6 ponds. The herps I kept were the ones I found field herping (we did not know that it was called field herping back then...lol).....In 1993 I found a clutch of eggs in the wild, took them home and successfully incubated & hatched them.
I was hooked after watching 13 meahllmorum hatch. Back before they was even meahllmorum.
When I first got a home computer I learned others were out there like me and I soon built a breeding stock by frequenting all of the Texas Reptile Expos. I produced my own California, Nuevo Leon and Gray Banded kings in 1997. It has been a time consuming passion ever since then......I've kept well over 100 colubrids (mainly kings) since 1995 and I would consider myself to have nearly 30 years experience just finding and keeping reptiles with the last 15 of those years being a successfull breeder. I currently have about 200 colubrids in my collection even though I cut back some....LOL

07-26-12, 03:53 PM
I got my first snake in 1992 with in six months i had 5. I had my first 5 for over three years. In that time i had added 6 more. Then i had my first death the sweetest baby Blood i ever had got sick and ended up passing because of carelessness on my part giving her shot. That was the one of the saddest days of my life.

A year goes by and i added a new boa to my collection which i found out later had it IBD. With in a couple months all my snake were dead. After that I became super anal about quarantining new snakes. Since i have only had two other snakes pass in my care and both were Bloods. It wasn't until late 1999 when my collection was stolen that i gave up on keeping snakes.

2001 I got with my wife Tami. She knew i had always love reptile and so that year she got me a big 7 month old Jungle carpet for Christmas. I have had Electra every since. Then 4 years ago i had a Ball python given to me. That when the addiction truly began again.

Out of the last 20 years i have keep snake 18.5 years of that time. Though i had some death along the way i haven't had one in over 14 years.

07-26-12, 04:24 PM
Well, I have a lot of time in but not much breadth. I've have Rudy, my 30-31 yr old Haitian Boa (got him as a 19-20 inch baby in 1982). I inadvertently got a pregnant ribbon snake as a kid and "weaned" them a bit before releasing then Bronx Park in a wetland area near the Bronx River with a lot of frogs and bugs. I also briefly had a newt and an anole, originally juvenile snake food but not eaten whom I kept for their short lives ( they were already adults of unknown age). If I ever manage to get a tegu and/or super dwarf retic, maybe they could I could be fortunate enough to get old with them.

07-26-12, 04:45 PM
Well Todd....I have 20+ years,but you already knew that:D
Follow link below for details!

07-26-12, 04:53 PM
As I'm not even 20 yet, there's no way I can have that kind of track record. But, I've had my ball python for 6 years, and got my second snake, a boa constrictor last year. I've been catching and studying various reptiles most of my life. Not extensively on all, just ones I plan to keep, for most of my life. I have never been bitten by a wild snake out of the 7+ years I've been catching them, although I've been bitten by my fair share of skinks in Minnesota. lol I can be fairly sure I'm in this for the long run, though, and hope to still be herping in the next undefinable amount of years to come.

07-26-12, 07:16 PM
Well Todd....I have 20+ years,but you already knew that:D
Follow link below for details!

You were the one I was referring to in the original post, but like you said, you already knew that, lol. It turns out that we're not alone in the 2 decade + club, which is nice to know :)

07-26-12, 07:35 PM
Well I sure hope when I've hit 20 years in this hobby I'm still allowed to keep the species that I love, and am still willing to discuss things without turning into a pompous prick when someone disagrees or I think they're wrong. Many people in this thread are inspirational people whom I respect and aspire to emulate. I too have had the question about when I'll get out of the hobby and some of the drama really burns me out.

07-26-12, 08:23 PM
Not 20 years yet. Wish it was. I don't consider it a hobby...animals are my life! I just wish i'd figured that out a long time ago. I plan to take care of and keep all of my snakes for as long as they'll have me. I plan on giving a good home to a few more dogs, too. My baby basset (not a baby anymore and two and a half lol) and my snakes are what makes me happy!

Anyway...I hope I'm around long enough to say it's been 20 years plus!!

07-26-12, 10:02 PM
I have been keeping reptiles for 24-25 years. Makes me feel a little old :(

07-26-12, 10:16 PM
Only for about one year for me and my boyfriend with snakes but i have had a turtle when i was about 5 and happy to say hes still in the family! I am actually going to be going to school this fall for a vet tech program! I love animals and i want to work with them for the rest of my life!

Amy and Mike (=

07-26-12, 10:16 PM
I have been keeping snakes for over 30 years now. I started when I was 18 and have been keeping all kinds of snakes varying in numbers from 5 when I started out to over 200 at times, with right now at around 100. I took my love for snakes and do educational snake programs as well as run a snake rescue and adoption.

07-27-12, 04:21 AM
I have been keeping reptiles for 24-25 years. Makes me feel a little old :(

Age is relative, so be proud that you've got that much experience and have made it so far!

My 25th anniversary is tomorrow and I remember everything about getting my first snake like it was yesterday. There were a few circumstances that cause me to remember the date and time and I consider myself very luck to be able to pinpoint that moment :)

07-27-12, 04:23 AM
I have been keeping snakes for over 30 years now...

You're in the lead so far then, but are you a private kinda keeper or a commercial type?

07-27-12, 05:34 AM
Not 20 years yet. Wish it was. I don't consider it a hobby...animals are my life! I just wish i'd figured that out a long time ago. I plan to take care of and keep all of my snakes for as long as they'll have me. I plan on giving a good home to a few more dogs, too. My baby basset (not a baby anymore and two and a half lol) and my snakes are what makes me happy!

Anyway...I hope I'm around long enough to say it's been 20 years plus!!

That's how I feel. Both of my dogs had birthdays this week. One turned 4 and the other turned 11. That makes me kind of sad that she is 11 now. They don't live long enough!

07-27-12, 05:37 AM
l started keeping British Grass snakes when l was 10' about 75' ,moving on to Garters Retic pythons and Boas
so thats 37 years

07-27-12, 05:40 AM
CND Blood and Lisa127....let's start an "over 40 herp crowd" :)
(that makes me depressed!)
Anyway....yep, at least 20 years continuously. Sometimes it may have been one animal, other times multiple. My mother STILL asks me when I'm going to give up this "hobby"....

Hey, it looks like we have more for our "over 40 herp crowd" than I thought!!

07-27-12, 06:21 AM
You're in the lead so far then, but are you a private kinda keeper or a commercial type?

I'm a private keeper that uses my snakes to educate people. We also take in unwanted snakes and relocate them to good homes. We are not a business, it is a passion.

07-27-12, 06:51 AM
We are not a business, it is a passion.

Very cool.... :)

07-27-12, 07:49 AM
I'm a private keeper that uses my snakes to educate people. We also take in unwanted snakes and relocate them to good homes. We are not a business, it is a passion.

That's exactly what I was hoping to hear :)

07-27-12, 08:30 AM
I probably have 20 years worth of reptile keeping stories, does that count? :D

07-27-12, 08:55 AM
Age is relative, so be proud that you've got that much experience and have made it so far!

My 25th anniversary is tomorrow and I remember everything about getting my first snake like it was yesterday. There were a few circumstances that cause me to remember the date and time and I consider myself very luck to be able to pinpoint that moment :)

Happy Anniversary!!

I am proud that I have had the pleasure of keeping these wonderful creatures as pets for so many years :D But I am not gonna lie....getting older hurts a little ;)

07-27-12, 11:03 AM
I probably have 20 years worth of reptile keeping stories, does that count? :D

lol, I can't count that, but it sounds like it'd make a good thread of it's own :)

07-27-12, 11:05 AM
Happy Anniversary!!

I am proud that I have had the pleasure of keeping these wonderful creatures as pets for so many years :D But I am not gonna lie....getting older hurts a little ;)

Well thank you :)

I don't mind aging so much - snakes find hanging out on my walker quite comfy :)

07-28-12, 03:36 PM
Todd i just like to say may you have another wonderful 25 years of reptile keeping.


07-28-12, 03:37 PM
Todd i just like to say may you have another wonderful 25 years of reptile keeping.

Haha! Thanks Chuck :)

07-28-12, 03:42 PM
Haha! Thanks Chuck :)
Your a class act all the way and any reptile you care for is an lucky animal.
This hobby could use more people like you and Jerry.:)

07-28-12, 04:08 PM
Your a class act all the way and any reptile you care for is an lucky animal.
This hobby could use more people like you and Jerry.:)

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I've seen pictures of your snakes and they look like they are very well taken care of. You need to put yourself in that group of people that the hobby could use more of.

07-28-12, 05:22 PM
Your a class act all the way and any reptile you care for is an lucky animal...

Well thanks for the kind words, but as far as 'a class act' goes, are you sure you've got the right guy? I could understand if you said something like 'Nobody can skin 'm alive like you can' or something, but class? Are ya new? LOL :D

07-28-12, 06:50 PM
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I've seen pictures of your snakes and they look like they are very well taken care of. You need to put yourself in that group of people that the hobby could use more of.

Thanks that means a lot coming from you.

Well thanks for the kind words, but as far as 'a class act' goes, are you sure you've got the right guy? I could understand if you said something like 'Nobody can skin 'm alive like you can' or something, but class? Are ya new? LOL :D
Yes i am sure your a class act and yes you can skin them alive like nobody else. lol

To me this is what makes a great reptile owner.

A great reptile keeper will admit they don't know it all, but are always trying to learn more. So they can know as much as possible to give their reptiles the healthiest, safest, and happiest life possible. They are always willing to share what they do know with help others. They care first and four most about the animals. This is what makes a truly great keeper.

07-29-12, 12:54 AM
Happy late Anniversary Todd! It's been a pleasure talking to you about your animals. I have learned ALOT from you and hope to learn even more. :)

A great reptile keeper will admit they don't know it all, but are always trying to learn more. So they can know as much as possible to give their reptiles the healthiest, safest, and happiest life possible. They are always willing to share what they do know with help others. They care first and four most about the animals. This is what makes a truly great keeper.

^^^^ This ^^^^ Best definition of a great reptile keeper...it's what I believe as well and something I strive for everyday with my own animals as well as those I don't keep.

07-29-12, 05:02 AM
Your a class act all the way and any reptile you care for is an lucky animal.
This hobby could use more people like you and Jerry.:)

Spot on Chuck! These two are the first on my list of people to look to for help. Not only have they put their the in but they will help others whenever they can.

07-29-12, 05:03 AM
You're all too kind :P

07-29-12, 07:24 AM
I got my first legitimately purchased (as opposed to catching snakes) trio of corns back in 1994 and been keeping and breeding balls since 2000. Almost there. I do not deserve your admiration or respect for another two years I suppose....

07-29-12, 10:13 AM
I got my first legitimately purchased (as opposed to catching snakes) trio of corns back in 1994 and been keeping and breeding balls since 2000. Almost there. I do not deserve your admiration or respect for another two years I suppose....

i admire/respect you mate.....

for your 37 years of sarcasim;):D

keep up the good work my friend :laugh:

cheers shaun :)

07-30-12, 05:50 PM
I got my first legitimately purchased (as opposed to catching snakes) trio of corns back in 1994 and been keeping and breeding balls since 2000. Almost there. I do not deserve your admiration or respect for another two years I suppose....
You along with about a dozen other on here have my up most respect.
Some might not like the way you give it but you always give sound advice.