View Full Version : Cera hostility video.(Camera Attack!)

07-22-12, 10:37 PM
If you are offended by live prey, don't click play.. I needed to cull off rats, one of my colonies dropped three litters last night, I have too many rats as it is, so yes the pinkies are squeaking.

She kept trying to attack the camera.


07-22-12, 11:20 PM
Holy CRAP Wayne!!! That's incredible. I had no idea they can jump so high! She was losing it! and I LOVE how you put your hand in afterwards lol :)

Thanks so much for sharing it! I love your videos!

Why do you think she was so hostile?

The only behavior similar to this I have seen from Liam is her jumping attempt at stealing the roach dusting bag. She was successful and ran off with it. :)

07-22-12, 11:34 PM
Littlefoot Jumps too.

Cera has been impossible to work with, Usually because Littlefoot keeps charging in and bullying her.

That's why I took Littlefoot out, without him trying to steal her food, I could get her out in the open.

If you watch all my other feed videos, Cera stays under the ramp and just pokes her head out long enough to grab the food, Usually while I restrain Littlefoot with my other hand.

I didn't film it, but Littlefoot was quite angry with me for making him sit in a 20 long while I fed her. He got over it really quickly though.

It's hard to tell, but she actually grabbed the camera strap just before I laughed, she was trying to yank the camera out of my hand.

07-23-12, 12:23 AM
Hey my name is Liam too! She looks pretty awesome but a little mean. Is she always like this or is it just because she is in feeding mode?

07-23-12, 12:31 AM
I thought Little Foot was the shy one and Cera was bold... Did I miss something?

What did he do when he was in the 20?

And no wonder she was so stoked! Are you going to separate them? Or only during feeding?

Hey my name is Liam too! She looks pretty awesome but a little mean. Is she always like this or is it just because she is in feeding mode?

Awesome! I named my savannah Liam Neeson when I got her and she was sexed as a male. The name just stuck lol :) It's a good name.

07-23-12, 04:02 AM
Hey my name is Liam too! She looks pretty awesome but a little mean. Is she always like this or is it just because she is in feeding mode?

Normal juvenile sav... if your baby sav dunt behave like this theres a very good chance... your husbandrys off...

They do get better as they age.

Wayne dont think i need to tell you what im thinking...

p.s. i love the fact your mrs is telling you off good to know im not the only one

CK SandBoas
07-23-12, 07:46 AM
Cera has got so much attitude, i love her! :D

07-23-12, 07:47 AM
Is she always like this or is it just because she is in feeding mode?

This one has not had the interaction time of the other, she's usually hiding while Littlefoot steals all the attention.

07-23-12, 07:55 AM
I thought Little Foot was the shy one and Cera was bold... Did I miss something?.

About a month ago it became very obvious that the names were incorrectly given at the beginning.

Development and growth rates + head shape all strongly suggest that I had the names backward, so I reversed them.

Seems to fit, because if you remember the movies, Littlefoot was the really laid back one, and Cera was a bit of a stubborn bitch.

"Three horns don't hang out with long necks"

07-23-12, 12:08 PM
About a month ago it became very obvious that the names were incorrectly given at the beginning.

Development and growth rates + head shape all strongly suggest that I had the names backward, so I reversed them.

Seems to fit, because if you remember the movies, Littlefoot was the really laid back one, and Cera was a bit of a stubborn bitch.

"Three horns don't hang out with long necks"

Ah!!! I definitely remember! :) That makes more sense!

07-23-12, 08:38 PM
So cute! LOL i love the hiss. What a little pistol. Mom telling her to behave but clearly someone wasn't listening! hehe

07-23-12, 09:05 PM
About a month ago it became very obvious that the names were incorrectly given at the beginning.

Development and growth rates + head shape all strongly suggest that I had the names backward, so I reversed them.

Seems to fit, because if you remember the movies, Littlefoot was the really laid back one, and Cera was a bit of a stubborn bitch.

"Three horns don't hang out with long necks"

awesome movie, i lived on land before times!!!

great video wayne, your videos and pictures always amaze me!

07-24-12, 02:01 AM
lol Cera's a gutsy one!

I still love the fact that you named them after that movie. Ducky was always my favorite. Yep! Yep! Yep! :D

Thanks for sharing. I absolutely love the spunk she's showing. :)

08-02-12, 11:42 AM
That's how my monitor behaves. If he ever stopped responding to food like that I'd take him to the vet.

08-02-12, 11:52 AM
That's how my monitor behaves. If he ever stopped responding to food like that I'd take him to the vet.

Be very careful with your vet choice. Most of them know nothing about varanids.

I took one to the vet, he looked up Savannah Monitors on the internet while we were driving there, needless to say he did a "checkup" DUH not real effective when it's the first big lizard you have ever seen)

He prescribed baytril and called it RI, when in fact it was kydney distress, and my lizard died.

This is why it's so important to keep them right, their own bio immunity system is kickass, as long as the animal has proper support.

08-02-12, 12:08 PM
My girlfriend is a vet and she will admit that what you say is true. At the very least they can do an x-ray and look for things like an impaction. I wouldn't expect them to be able to give very decisive answers on internal medical issues unless they feel like taking the case on as a personal challenge. They do have access to papers that we may find a little difficult to get a hold of where treatments for issues were successful.

I have fish too so I know that when it comes to exotics we have to be our own vets and that should start and end with husbandry.

08-02-12, 03:21 PM
Be very careful with your vet choice. Most of them know nothing about varanids.

I took one to the vet, he looked up Savannah Monitors on the internet while we were driving there, needless to say he did a "checkup" DUH not real effective when it's the first big lizard you have ever seen)

He prescribed baytril and called it RI, when in fact it was kydney distress, and my lizard died.

This is why it's so important to keep them right, their own bio immunity system is kickass, as long as the animal has proper support.

Genius Kidney problems and baytril in a reptile...

08-02-12, 04:08 PM
I've used Baytril on fish before. Worked well.

10-13-12, 12:19 PM
I think she really wants to kill my camera. I use electrical tape to stabilize the mini tripod, She ripped the tape right off as she tried to drag the camera into her burrow.


10-13-12, 12:27 PM
I think she wants to eat your camra lol! You might have to mount it from the roof so she can't reach it!

CK SandBoas
10-13-12, 12:27 PM
Cera is the "Sean Penn" of Sav's ! :D She just does not like the Papparazzi, hehe

10-13-12, 01:43 PM
That was pretty cool, did she get your hand right at the end?

10-13-12, 02:17 PM
No Rob, she has not bitten me in at least a week. The last time, she did very similar to the camera clip, clamped down on my thumb and tried pulling me into the enclosure.

10-13-12, 10:12 PM
now that's a great feeding response lol, that's funny. what a silly baby critter

10-13-12, 10:21 PM
now that's a great feeding response lol, that's funny. what a silly baby critter

At least she is "taming down" a little, a couple months ago, I could hardly get near her, now she will run right up to me.

Mouth open, tail raised, hissing, inflated and ready to bite. But it's progress right?

10-14-12, 09:26 AM
Lol omg that is so cute xD

10-17-12, 08:21 PM
haha that is definitely progress. :)