View Full Version : Has anybody successfully.....

07-16-12, 09:13 AM
Has anyone attempted to keep a hamster and a snake in the same room?

My missus has got two dwarf hamster and is looking to provide a nice big cage for them however the only space in the house with the space requirements is in the same room as my BRB.

I vaguely remember seeing a thread which said this would be a bad move as the snake would smell the prey and vice versa ultimately leaving all animals stressed and on edge....however, by this logic I'm not convinced that king snakes could be housed in the same room without similar effects and I believe some people have successfully done this in their reptile rooms.

I know it may seem a strange question but from the knowledge I've already seen passed around on the forum I think you guys will be able to give a solid answer.

Thanks in advance!


07-16-12, 09:15 AM
The scent of the hamster could trigger a feeding response out of the snakes, this will make them seem more aggressive and harder to handle. I wouldn't keep them if the same room.

07-16-12, 09:15 AM
I would not , it could lead to the snake having very bad rub injuries from trying to find a way out of the cage to get to the pray .

07-16-12, 09:21 AM
I've kept my rats in the same room as my snakes, not my personal preference just what had to be done at the time. I honestly don't see it being a problem as long as you keep them as far away as possible and keep your snake well fed. Just be sure you and the Missus wash hands after handling either animal or their enclosures.

On a completely irrelevant note... Why did your wife decide to get dwarf hamsters? Is she aware that they are evil? lol

07-16-12, 09:29 AM
I had a pet hamster a long time ago (easily 10-12 yrs ago...maybe more) and it was in the bedroom with all my other reptiles. It was in one corner of my room and most of my snakes were on the other end. I don't remember any of them being especially aggressive. Mind you this was a large room (once a one-car garage), with ONE rodent and a few snakes.
When you increase the number of rodents, and then account for room size, and how much furniture (including enclosures) take up space, and the circulation in said room....your situation may be different.

07-16-12, 09:59 AM
I kept my snakes and my hamster in the same room for 2.5yrs. None of them were stressed. My snakes did not get rub marks from trying to get out, my hamster lived peacefully, and I had no problems with the setup. They were about 12 feet away from each other. I didn't notice my snakes being aggressive or anything of the sort because of the hamster's presence. That being said, I never handled them together, and always washed my hands before and after handling any of them.

07-16-12, 10:29 AM
I housed all my snakes in a room with my hedgehog (not sure if this scent would have the same effect) and everyone was just fine.

07-16-12, 10:49 AM
Some snakes get excited as soon as the scent of prey/food is present, others don't...

07-16-12, 11:16 AM
I have kept many diff snakes in the same room with breeding rats and never had an issue.

07-16-12, 11:19 AM
I know of many keepers that house food items ( live rats and mice) in their snake room with no issues at all. Just wash your hands between the 2 and you should be fine.

07-16-12, 11:31 AM
We have guinea pigs and hamsters in the same room as our snakes (including a retic and a jungle carpet with huge feeding responses) and have had no issues whatsoever :)

07-16-12, 04:06 PM
Hey guys!

Thankyou all for your info..based upon this we will run a two week test with them in the same room and providing all seems good we will purchase the aforementioned larger cage....really appreciate the access to advice available on here!!!


07-16-12, 08:19 PM
I would suggest keeping the two hamsters separated from each other by some sort of divider or barrier. IME (and those of friends who have had more than one at a time), they do NOT do well kept together long term. It is common for fights to break out and even for the stronger/more aggressive one to kill the other.

07-16-12, 08:26 PM
I would suggest keeping the two hamsters separated from each other by some sort of divider or barrier. IME (and those of friends who have had more than one at a time), they do NOT do well kept together long term. It is common for fights to break out and even for the stronger/more aggressive one to kill the other.

Dwarf hamsters actually can be housed together, so long as the enclosure is large enough. Of course, the dwarf hamsters should be of the same kind (i.e.: two Campbell's dwarf hamsters, or two Roborovski hamsters, but not one of each).

I successfully kept 2 Roborovski hamsters together for a little over 2 years with no fights, aggression, or deaths. The key is a large, open enclosure with plenty of bedding for burrowing. Avoiding the tunnel sort of cages would be best, rather opting for lots of flat space with good toys, wheels, and other physical and mental exercise equipment. :)


This advice does NOT apply to larger hamsters, like the teddy bear hamster.

07-16-12, 09:55 PM
^As alessia said you can house 2 dwarf hamsters together jsut not syrian hamsters.

07-31-12, 03:59 PM
Hey guys, so we have moved the hamster in for about a week now...no adverse reactions at all!

Sadly we have had to separate them as they decided to have a 'little' fallout (y'know like the rebels and the Syrian Army!!).

They now appear very happy and content. Haven't had any new behaviours snake wise and successful feed on Sunday with no signs of 'smelling' the hamsters out as prey!

Thanks for all your wise counsel!


07-31-12, 04:27 PM
I've been keeping my rodents in the same room as my snakes with ZERO issue for over a decade.
This is first-hand info, not from a guy who told a friend, who told a roomate, who told a neighbours nieces classmate.

08-01-12, 08:20 AM
I keep my mice in the same room as my snakes, and I haven't noticed any change in Boaz's behaviour. I second the "make sure you wash your hands in between".