View Full Version : Basement Reptile Rooms.....

07-13-12, 05:36 AM
For those of you that have reptile rooms in the basement I'd like to ask a question. There is a corner of my basement that is unused and has many outlets installed. The previous owners of the house must have had some kind of workroom in this area or something. with all those outlets going unused it would be a perfect place for some cages. I've never used this area though because I worry about whether the animals would thrive down there, particularly the diurnal animals. If you have a basement reptile room, do you feel your animals seem "happy" down there? Particularly the diurnal ones?

07-13-12, 06:05 AM
If you run the proper light cycles, can maintain the correct temperatures and humidity, there is no reason not to.

07-13-12, 05:38 PM
I keep mine in the basement and there are just fine. I do turn on the light in the room for 10 to 12 hours a day during the winter as they don't get as much light coming in the window. I have found humidity is a lot easier to keep up down there to.

07-14-12, 07:16 AM
I keep mine in the basement and there are just fine. I do turn on the light in the room for 10 to 12 hours a day during the winter as they don't get as much light coming in the window. I have found humidity is a lot easier to keep up down there to.

i would imagine basements will be good for,achieving low temperatures during brumation

cheers shaun

07-14-12, 11:40 AM
This last winter was the first time i had them down there and i was amazed at how easy it was to maintain the the room temp. I put a radiated heater in the snake rooom set on low and it would keep it right between 72 to 75. On nights i knew it would get real cold i turn it up a little and it worked perfected. The temp in there never dropped below 72.

07-14-12, 12:25 PM
i am in the process of building a room down there, i feel that it will be better since i willl have more control over the temp down there, where they are at now, i cant since the ac has to be on, and all that. the humidity is deffinatly going to be better down there i can already tell.

07-14-12, 02:53 PM
What been really nice is down there even with the temps hitting a 100 outside it's stayed 75 degrees down there. In a cool on the hot summer days. When it's not to hot out i open the window and will let fresh air in down there. Every time i do every single snake will be out and about. They love it when the windows open.