View Full Version : Pro-Hybrid Discussion Thread

07-12-12, 12:34 PM
This is a thread for anyone who wants to discuss types of hybrids/intergrades, whether any crossing is possible, which hybrids look cool or ugly, etc.

This is NOT a debate thread to discuss the ethics or morals of whether or not the practice is right or wrong.

Feel free to post pictures of any crossings you think are interesting. Also feel free to post any new hybrids that have been created.
I'll start things off by posting the list of known python crossings.

Hybrids of Ball Python

Carpall = Ball Python X Jungle Carpet Python
Car-Bomb = Ball Python X Coastal Carpet Python (Jag-Sib)
Ball X Blood = Superball
BurmBall = Burmese X Ball
Borneo Short Tailed python x Ball
(Borneo Short Tailed Python x Ball) X Ball
Angolan X Ball
Wall = Woma X Ball Python

Hybrids of Burmese

Borneo Bateaters = Burmese Python X Reticulated Python
Burmese Rock = Burmese X Rock
Burm x African Rock
Burm X Ball = Burmball
Burm x Retic = Bateater
Burm x (Retic x Burm)
Burm x Tiger Retic
Retic x (Retic X Burm) = Jungle Retic

Hybrids of Carpet Pythons

Carpondro = Carpet Python X Green Tree Python
Jungle Carpet X Retic
Diamond x Jungle Carpet = DxJ
Diamond x Coastal Carpet = DxC
Diamond X Bredls
Diamond X (Bredls X Coastal) [Jaguar]
Diamond x Inland (metcalfei)
Bredls x Inland (metcalfei)
Bredls x Jungle Carpet
Bredls X Coastal [Jaguar]
Bredls X (Bredls X Coastal) [Jaguar]
West Papuan X (Bredls X Coastal ) [Jaguar]
Coastal x Inland (metcalfei)
Jungle x Water Python (Liasis fuscus)
Jungle x Coastal Carpet = JxC
Coastal x Macklots
Jungle X (Coastal X Macklots) = Junglot
Jungle x Tanimbar(nauta)
Woma x WP Carpet = Coma
Macklots x Carpet = Carplot
Macklots X Jungle = Junglot
(Macklots X Jungle) X Jungle
(Macklots X Carpet) X (IJ x Coastal Jaguar Carpet) = Jaglot by NERD
Diamond X (Macklots X Jungle)= Dicarplot by NERD
IJ Carpet (WP) X Ball = Carpall AKA Ballpet,Barpet
Carpet (various ssp.) x Green Tree = Carpondro
includes: Coastal X GTP
Diamond X Coastal X GTP
Carpet Python X Scrub Python
(IJ Carpet X Sorong GTP) X Coastal Jaguar Carpet= Jagpondro by Yasser Moustafa 2008


Kinghorni x Coastal
Kinghorni x Jungle
Kinghorni x fuscus by Royal Melbourne Zoo 1978
Moluccan x Barneck
Moluccan x Coastal
Southern x Barneck
Barneck x (Diamond X Coastal) by John Huntress 2008

West Papuan X GTP by Chriss Rouille 2005

Borneo STP X Red Blood
Borneo STP x Black Blood
Black Blood x Red Blood

Ref: List of known Python Hybrids (http://www.reptile-community.com/smf/index.php?topic=13372.0;wap2)

07-12-12, 12:38 PM
As already asked, if you are anti hybrid, please just move on to another thread.


07-12-12, 12:39 PM
Here's another interesting one that I'm following the progress of.

"Lepracuttas" = male Leopard tortoise x female sulcata tortoise


Ref: HYBRIDS FOR A HIPPIE I GOT MY EYE ON YOU - Tortoise Forum - Tortoise Husbandry Community (http://www.tortoiseforum.org/Thread-HYBRIDS-FOR-A-HIPPIE-I-GOT-MY-EYE-ON-YOU#axzz20PrGdAsp)

07-12-12, 02:17 PM
very interesting. didn't know there were that many different hybrids. Alot of people will say "what's the point of a hybrid" and in my opinion there is no point. Just pure fascination and curiosity. I don't think hybrids are any worse than morphs.

Anyway, have you seen these super cool crested gecko(Rhacodactylus ciliatus) X Rhacodactylus chahoua

Also i have always wanted one of these corn X king snakes. I believe they're called jungle corns, anybody know how much they go for?

07-12-12, 02:28 PM
I would love to breed Spot to a Green Tree one day to make a Carpondro. Spot's greens and granite pattern would just look awesome on one...

Oh, and Carpondros are my favorite hybrid as well:
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxcf4ZwhY15j7u9SIYcBUrjwDwr20Pe IJ7YAU-xSo0gG9n7EQNvNwRvxnl

07-12-12, 02:31 PM
I would love to breed Spot to a Green Tree one day to make a Carpondro. Spot's greens and granite pattern would just look awesome on one...

Oh, and Carpondros are my favorite hybrid as well:
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxcf4ZwhY15j7u9SIYcBUrjwDwr20Pe IJ7YAU-xSo0gG9n7EQNvNwRvxnl

Ditto on almost all of it. If you can produce a clutch, I want on that list.

07-12-12, 02:36 PM
Putting aside moral and ethics, I find hybrids fascinating but I know very little about hybrid breeding. Would it be ok to ask if there has been any known defects in certain hybrids? Are some crosses defectively bad? What conditions need to be met for hybrids?

07-12-12, 02:57 PM
Carpondro's are awesome!

Add a poll option!

07-12-12, 03:00 PM
Carpondro's are awesome!

Add a poll option!

What, for every hybrid there is? Good heavens, you'd be scrolling down for over a full minute just see all the ones for snakes alone!

07-12-12, 03:03 PM
Putting aside moral and ethics, I find hybrids fascinating but I know very little about hybrid breeding. Would it be ok to ask if there has been any known defects in certain hybrids? Are some crosses defectively bad? What conditions need to be met for hybrids?


To be honest, [not like I'm any authority on the matter or anything] I personally am not aware of any health defects or issues from any known hybrids. I would certainly be interested to know if there are, though.

07-12-12, 03:08 PM
they are cool, i always liked the blood x ball. i would own one, dont see anything wrong with them... heck look at dogs now, its "uncool" to breed pure breeds any more. :)

07-12-12, 03:10 PM
Some of the colubrid hybrids I find aesthetically pleasing:








07-12-12, 03:10 PM
very interesting. didn't know there were that many different hybrids. Alot of people will say "what's the point of a hybrid" and in my opinion there is no point. Just pure fascination and curiosity. I don't think hybrids are any worse than morphs.


Also i have always wanted one of these corn X king snakes. I believe they're called jungle corns, anybody know how much they go for?

Jungle corns (corn snake x CA kingsnake) have been around for quite a while. Last I checked, they're not much more than the average morph of either parent species: $30-60ish.

I tell you I once had the idea for one hybrid. I wanted to cross an eastern chain kingsnake with a tangerine honduran milksnake. The objective was to have a snake that mostly resembled the chain king, but instead of white/cream color for the chain-link pattern, it would be orange/red. I figured those two species would be a good place to start. Then I found out it had basically already done, although it was really just a pure morph of the honduran (I can't recall the name).

07-12-12, 03:38 PM
One of the prettiest I've seen is the Coelens python....a cross btwn an IJ carpet and Boelens python. This photo is from Tom Keogan's ad on Kingsnakes.com
I've got to give photo credit. I will own a couple of these one day.


07-12-12, 03:48 PM
The Coelens are cool (not a fan of the name though!). He's got them on sale right now to help fund Sean Bradley's medical bills. If I had $1200 lying around...

07-12-12, 03:55 PM
The Coelens are cool (not a fan of the name though!). He's got them on sale right now to help fund Sean Bradley's medical bills. If I had $1200 lying around...

No doubt. Great snake a good cause.

07-12-12, 04:47 PM
That Carpondros is intriguing.


The head on the top snake in the photo Moshirimon linked to was incredibly cool, IMO. It reminded me of a skull.

07-12-12, 06:20 PM
So on doing a little studying i found out Boas and Pythons have been breed together.

A few years back a male White Lipped was crossed with a female BRB. After a couple month the BRB got so big her belly literately burst open killing her.

Another guy breed a male Green anaconda to a female Burmese. She laid eggs and all was looking good until a power outage. Which cause them to all die in the incubator.

I also found out NERDS is got something in the works.

07-12-12, 06:22 PM
That blows my mind. Idk what to make of that.

07-12-12, 06:31 PM
These are a few examples of why I love Carpondros.

07-12-12, 07:19 PM
A few years back a male White Lipped was crossed with a female BRB. After a couple month the BRB got so big her belly literately burst open killing her.

That's AWFUL!

CK SandBoas
07-12-12, 07:22 PM
So on doing a little studying i found out Boas and Pythons have been breed together.

A few years back a male White Lipped was crossed with a female BRB. After a couple month the BRB got so big her belly literately burst open killing her.

What a truly horrible ending:sad:

07-13-12, 08:22 AM
So on doing a little studying i found out Boas and Pythons have been breed together.

A few years back a male White Lipped was crossed with a female BRB. After a couple month the BRB got so big her belly literately burst open killing her.

Another guy breed a male Green anaconda to a female Burmese. She laid eggs and all was looking good until a power outage. Which cause them to all die in the incubator.

I also found out NERDS is got something in the works.

I remain skeptical of any claims of oviparous x viviparous species hybrids.

Marvel, do you have references of those crossings? Surely a hybrid of that magnitude would have been pretty newsworthy in the reptile industry and this is the first I've heard of it. I would definitely like to know more.

Thinking about it more, I can certainly believe that someone tried the crossing and placed a male anaconda with a female Burm. However, we know that snakes can retain sperm, and its possible the female could have been paired up with a male Burm the same season before she became gravid. So its not conclusive the eggs were fertilized by the anaconda. Again, I'd like to know more about this story, and truthfully, unless there's photos of the hybrid itself, I'm calling baloney on this one.

Same goes for the white-lipped x BRB cross.

Marvel, its not a knock against you or anything. Its just the egg-laying x live-birthing species cross doesn't seem plausible IMHO. The species are just too genetically different.

07-13-12, 08:44 AM
Here is the site and thread in which it is talk about. It on page 2 and 3. I was wrong it was a African Rock not a Burmese.
Hybrid Haven.net • View topic - has anybody ever tried to breed a python to a boa? (http://www.hybridhaven.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=55)

07-13-12, 09:08 AM
i know theres at leasty one guy,who successfully crossed a carpet python with a blood python.....

imo,they looked really nice

i have no issues with hybrids :)

cheers shaun

07-13-12, 09:34 AM
Here is the site and thread in which it is talk about. It on page 2 and 3. I was wrong it was a African Rock not a Burmese.
Hybrid Haven.net • View topic - has anybody ever tried to breed a python to a boa? (http://www.hybridhaven.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=55)

Thanks for the link. After reading thread, I want to clarify a few things for you and any others:

1.) The alleged white-lipped python x Brazilian Rainbow Boa hybrid. Her belly did not "literately burst open killing her." The actual text was: "was swollen to the point of bursting, when i say that what i really mean is the skin between the scales was ripping." I don't really know enough about either species, but based on that description, it really doesn't sound like anything beyond normal swelling that occurs. Anyone care to comment?

2.) "I also found out NERDS is got something in the works." - The only reference in that thread is that one of the participants is a moderator on the NERD forums. There was no confirmation that they actually are/were employed by NERD. Also, their exact words were: "Well, if we manage to do this cross, I promise I'll post some pics. Right now it's a pipe dream, but you never know what can happen!" [A pipe dream, by basic definition, is an unrealistic or near impossible goal/plan]

3.) Alleged African rock python x green anaconda hybrid - Original post: "A guy I know has succesfully gotten eggs out of his large african rock python, that was bred to a male Green anaconda. Unfortunatly, the eggs died in incubation due to a power outtage. All the eggs did seem fertile, and I saw them myself. They were bred at Westman Reptile Gardens in manitoba canada."

A few people had made the point in that thread that with reasonably little effort, you can get a horny male snake to copulate with almost anything. Pairing up X to Y is not the problem. You could probably get a randy male BP to lock-up with a Gaboon viper.

The issue is whether or not A.) fertilization can actually occur, and B.) the female's reproductive system can handle the development of hybrid offspring. A non-herp example is the rare tigon (male tiger x lioness). The species are compatible, but the womb of the lioness cannot handle the larger size of a growing tiger (or tigon) cub. That is why that ligers (male lion x tigress) are more common.

07-13-12, 09:51 AM
You know what's sad about the coelen's python? Is that the Boelen's python is still pretty rare in captivity and rather difficult to breed BUT absolutely gorgeous.

07-13-12, 10:04 AM
You know what's sad about the coelen's python? Is that the Boelen's python is still pretty rare in captivity and rather difficult to breed BUT absolutely gorgeous.

It is sad. Definitely one of the most beautiful pythons in the world.

This is one of those cases where I think the reason it was done was just see it if could be done, and specifically, trying to unlock part of the Boelen's breeding puzzle. As I understand it, the main issue is stimulating Boelen's to lock-up, as they are triggered by drastic drops in barometric pressure, something not easily replicated in captivity for such a high-altitude reptile. The few keepers who with successful breedings stated the most successful lock-ups occurred during/after a rainstorm.

If I recall, the coelen's was a male IJ carpet x female Boelens (just presuming since the whole issue was male Boelen's having difficulty getting in the mood). Obviously, it worked.

Now...ethics aside, I wonder if one could successfully breed a male coelen's back to a female Boelens to get back more of that rich silky black. The main question is: have coelens inherited the finicky breeding habits of the boelens?

07-13-12, 10:53 AM
Here's one I saw at the NRBE in Daytona 2008.

Amazon tree boa x Emerald tree boa


07-13-12, 11:05 AM
Here's one I saw at the NRBE in Daytona 2008.

Amazon tree boa x Emerald tree boa


*drool drool drool* I probably will never have one of these simply because I prefer snakes that are more handleable but wow, this is comparable to the exotic colors of the Carpondros!

07-13-12, 04:12 PM
You know what's sad about the coelen's python? Is that the Boelen's python is still pretty rare in captivity and rather difficult to breed BUT absolutely gorgeous.

coelens = carpet x beolens python

as far as i know,there has been NO boelens produced outside Indonesia,imo that being due to them breeding at high alttitude,in the wild

so the coelens will most likely be a male boelens over a female carpet

imo,boelens are incredibally good looking snakes,almost as nice as diamonds

cheers shaun

07-13-12, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the link. After reading thread, I want to clarify a few things for you and any others:

1.) The alleged white-lipped python x Brazilian Rainbow Boa hybrid. Her belly did not "literately burst open killing her." The actual text was: "was swollen to the point of bursting, when i say that what i really mean is the skin between the scales was ripping." I don't really know enough about either species, but based on that description, it really doesn't sound like anything beyond normal swelling that occurs. Anyone care to comment?

2.) "I also found out NERDS is got something in the works." - The only reference in that thread is that one of the participants is a moderator on the NERD forums. There was no confirmation that they actually are/were employed by NERD. Also, their exact words were: "Well, if we manage to do this cross, I promise I'll post some pics. Right now it's a pipe dream, but you never know what can happen!" [A pipe dream, by basic definition, is an unrealistic or near impossible goal/plan]

3.) Alleged African rock python x green anaconda hybrid - Original post: "A guy I know has succesfully gotten eggs out of his large african rock python, that was bred to a male Green anaconda. Unfortunatly, the eggs died in incubation due to a power outtage. All the eggs did seem fertile, and I saw them myself. They were bred at Westman Reptile Gardens in manitoba canada."

A few people had made the point in that thread that with reasonably little effort, you can get a horny male snake to copulate with almost anything. Pairing up X to Y is not the problem. You could probably get a randy male BP to lock-up with a Gaboon viper.

The issue is whether or not A.) fertilization can actually occur, and B.) the female's reproductive system can handle the development of hybrid offspring. A non-herp example is the rare tigon (male tiger x lioness). The species are compatible, but the womb of the lioness cannot handle the larger size of a growing tiger (or tigon) cub. That is why that ligers (male lion x tigress) are more common.
Thanks for clarifying. I was in a hurry and just skimmed threw it. My bad! on the Nerds i got to looking at the dates and i believe the pipe dream came true. I could be wrong, but i think this is it.

19869 Retic x Ball python.

07-13-12, 05:01 PM
i know theres at leasty one guy,who successfully crossed a carpet python with a blood python.....

imo,they looked really nice

i have no issues with hybrids :)

cheers shaun
Here's one for you Shaun Coastal Carpet x Black Blood. Update my litter Hybrids (Coastal carpetX black blood) (http://www.moreliapythons.com/forums/showthread.php?33263-Update-my-litter-Hybrids-%28Coastal-carpetX-black-blood%29)


07-14-12, 05:21 AM
I remain skeptical of any claims of oviparous x viviparous species hybrids.

Marvel, do you have references of those crossings? Surely a hybrid of that magnitude would have been pretty newsworthy in the reptile industry and this is the first I've heard of it. I would definitely like to know more.

Thinking about it more, I can certainly believe that someone tried the crossing and placed a male anaconda with a female Burm. However, we know that snakes can retain sperm, and its possible the female could have been paired up with a male Burm the same season before she became gravid. So its not conclusive the eggs were fertilized by the anaconda. Again, I'd like to know more about this story, and truthfully, unless there's photos of the hybrid itself, I'm calling baloney on this one.

Same goes for the white-lipped x BRB cross.

Marvel, its not a knock against you or anything. Its just the egg-laying x live-birthing species cross doesn't seem plausible IMHO. The species are just too genetically different.

We have a member here that has a wc hybrid ( live bearing x egg laying). His name was Stefan but I can't remember his screen name.

07-14-12, 05:51 AM
Here's one for you Shaun Coastal Carpet x Black Blood. Update my litter Hybrids (Coastal carpetX black blood) (http://www.moreliapythons.com/forums/showthread.php?33263-Update-my-litter-Hybrids-%28Coastal-carpetX-black-blood%29)


thanks Chuck

that is the very picture i was talking about

cheers shaun :)

07-14-12, 05:51 AM
So the more i research hybrids the more i want to call BS on some of these. If people really are producing these snake why is it next to impossible to find pictures of them. It's like oh i cross this and this and got so many babies. Where's the prove? Like they say a picture worth a 1,000 words. Make you think if they aren't forth coming with pictures it's either BS or the babies were just flat out ugly.

If anyone can find proof (pictures of any Hybrids) please post them as i can find pictures of maybe a dozen or so.

07-14-12, 05:58 AM
thanks Chuck

that is the very picture i was talking about

cheers shaun :)
No problem. I think this are really sharp looking. The head pattern reminds me of a Burmese head pattern. I love the color on it. It will be cool to see how it colors up. Being carpets and bloods hit there adult color at around three years it be really sweet to see what they look like in a few years. Oh if you click on the link it as more pictures on it.

Plus it will be cool to see what size these get to be in a couple years.

07-14-12, 06:31 AM
We have a member here that has a wc hybrid ( live bearing x egg laying). His name was Stefan but I can't remember his screen name.

What was the exact species crossing? Any photos?

07-14-12, 06:35 AM
No problem. I think this are really sharp looking. The head pattern reminds me of a Burmese head pattern. I love the color on it. It will be cool to see how it colors up. Being carpets and bloods hit there adult color at around three years it be really sweet to see what they look like in a few years. Oh if you click on the link it as more pictures on it.

Plus it will be cool to see what size these get to be in a couple years.

i would love to see how HARD it strikes.....

considering how bloods and carpets react towards food ;)

cheers shaun :D

07-14-12, 06:39 AM
What was the exact species crossing? Any photos?

One was a northern water snake I believe. His screen name is stephanbakir (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/members/stephanbakir.html).

07-14-12, 10:25 AM
One was a northern water snake I believe. His screen name is stephanbakir (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/members/stephanbakir.html).
http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/images/grunged/statusicon/post_old.gif 01-18-12, 02:32 PM #22 (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/670616-post22.html) (permalink (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-colubrid-forum/89941-hybrids-2.html#post670616)) Kayla90 (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/members/kayla90.html)

http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/avatars/kayla90.gif?dateline=1327271586 (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/members/kayla90.html)

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Re: Hybrids?
Originally Posted by marvelfreak http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/images/grunged/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-colubrid-forum/89941-hybrids-2.html#post670603)
I think your snake is cute and would love to see more picks.

I have a question for everyone. Has anyone ever successfully breed a egg laying snake to one that has live born? This as been a debate between me and a friend for some time. Ihave always wonder if it would be possible?

I have a Northern water snake X Milk snake .. he also happens to be wild caught so it happened naturally..
- Kayla
"To fear death, is to limit life." - EMC Monkeys
1 Northern Water Snake, 1 Snowflake Carpet Python, 1 Jungle/Jaguar Carpet, 1 Albino Ball Python, 1 Garter Snake, 1.1 Savannah Monitor
http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/images/grunged/statusicon/user_offline.gif http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/images/grunged/buttons/report.gif (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/report.php?p=670616) http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/images/grunged/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=670616)

07-14-12, 12:38 PM
I have a Northern water snake X Milk snake .. he also happens to be wild caught so it happened naturally..

I'm assuming he was probably meaning the eastern milksnake. I've seen both species and I can say both look similar.

My opinion is that he probably just found an aberrant-looking form of one or the other and thought it was a hybrid. If he never saw the parents copulating, and obviously, those species are not known for hybridizing naturally anyway...and there's no photo of the hybrid in question nor any genetic testing done to confirm the claim, I will again call BS on this claim.

07-14-12, 05:45 PM
I'm assuming he was probably meaning the eastern milksnake. I've seen both species and I can say both look similar.

My opinion is that he probably just found an aberrant-looking form of one or the other and thought it was a hybrid. If he never saw the parents copulating, and obviously, those species are not known for hybridizing naturally anyway...and there's no photo of the hybrid in question nor any genetic testing done to confirm the claim, I will again call BS on this claim.

re legitamite claims
i would think anyone seriously trying to produce hybrids would.....

1.take pictures of sire and dam copulating

2.record the number of days,after last witnessed copulation,that ovulation occured

3.record the number of days passed after ovulation,that pre lay shed occured

4.record the number of days after the pre lay shed,that laying occured,and if possible take pictures of egg laying (if they caught the dam in the act)

5.record the number of eggs layed,how many were slugs,then wiegh and measure the healthy eggs

6.take pictures of the eggs pipping and record what days after laying,that it occured on

7.record the sex of all the hatchlings

8.take pictures of ALL the hatchlings

then no one could dispute their claims

its how i would do it

cheers shaun

07-14-12, 08:43 PM
I agree, Shaun.

I mean, to date, all the known successful (at least in terms of viable offspring produced) herp hybrids are of oviparous x oviparous species, or of viviparous x viviparous crossings. There is yet to be any even remote semi-evidence of a oviparous x viviparous species hybrid, only unsubstantiated claims and rumors. We might as well be talking about Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.

I wanna see a good photo!

07-15-12, 03:17 PM
I agree, Shaun.

I mean, to date, all the known successful (at least in terms of viable offspring produced) herp hybrids are of oviparous x oviparous species, or of viviparous x viviparous crossings. There is yet to be any even remote semi-evidence of a oviparous x viviparous species hybrid, only unsubstantiated claims and rumors. We might as well be talking about Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.

I wanna see a good photo!
I am also talking about the oviparous x oviparous species, and viviparous x viviparous. Haft the snake on the known python hybrid list i can't find pictures of. Like Shaun said if you want people to believe your claim you got to have proof. If i breed hybrids i would take pictures of everything and keep records. I call BS to 80% of the supposed hybrids people claim to produce.

07-15-12, 08:50 PM
Well, I know I've seen photos of the "wall" (woma x ball). I'll dig one up tomorrow. Personally, if those two species can cross, then I can reasonably believe any of those other python x python crosses (regardless of species), even if there wasn't a photo easily found. Note: all oviparous.

Same with most boa x boa crosses, including an anaconda x rainbow boa, ATB x ETB (thats the only boa hybrids I can think of off the bat). Note: all viviparous.

Same with most New World colubrid hybrids that involve Lampropeltis, Pantherophis (Elaphe), and Pituophis. Note: all oviparous.

07-15-12, 09:24 PM
very interesting. didn't know there were that many different hybrids. Alot of people will say "what's the point of a hybrid" and in my opinion there is no point. Just pure fascination and curiosity. I don't think hybrids are any worse than morphs.

Anyway, have you seen these super cool crested gecko(Rhacodactylus ciliatus) X Rhacodactylus chahoua

Also i have always wanted one of these corn X king snakes. I believe they're called jungle corns, anybody know how much they go for?
http://cccorns.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=25187&stc=1&thumb=0&d=1285267439 (http://cccorns.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=25187&stc=1&thumb=0&d=1285267439)

There was a guy with one at a show today for $60.

07-16-12, 08:37 AM
Haft the snake on the known python hybrid list i can't find pictures of. Like Shaun said if you want people to believe your claim you got to have proof.

Specifically, which ones are you having trouble with finding photos and/or believing?
First of all, some of the hybrids are mentioned twice on that list, because they involve a lot of the same animals.

Secondly, keep in mind that some of them are hybrids crossed back to a pure animal [Ex: Retic x (Retic X Burm) = Jungle Retic]. We know the bateater exists. Is it really farfetched that the hybrid could be bred back to the pure species of either parent?

Also, a lot of those Carpet hybrids are Morelia x Morelia. Again, we know this possible. Additionally, a lot of them are just intergrades and subspecies of carpets.

I mean...just look at the list and think about it. Even if you can't scrounge up a photo easily through google, it doesn't mean the crossing is impossible. I know that may sound contradictory to some of my other statements, but I am also taking account the evidence of KNOWN documented python hybrids I HAVE seen photos of, and evaluating what I think is possible.

07-16-12, 09:45 AM
Ooh sheez... I just found out where I could pick up
a Carpondro.

No! I... must... resist...!

Deja vous! This will not happen!

07-16-12, 11:33 AM
Interesting discussion and pics here.

There have been a limited number of eggs from a Boelen's female laid from a captive breeding. Even fewer of those have hatched.

I would guess that the Coelen's hybrid is from a male Boelen's to female carpet, would like to get some confirmation on that : )

07-16-12, 11:42 AM
I would guess that the Coelen's hybrid is from a male Boelen's to female carpet, would like to get some confirmation on that : )

One of the original threads on the BLBC where Tom announced the hatchlings: Something you normally hear from a proctologist! - Page 2 (http://www.reptileradio.net/reptileradio/showthread.php?37652-Something-you-normally-hear-from-a-proctologist!/page2&highlight=coelen)

About halfway down...

Originally Posted by Robyn@SYR - This is new to me, what is the story? Boelen's male bred to a Carpet female?
Yes actually a Irian Jaya

So I was incorrect earlier...I had assumed it was a carpet male to a Boelen's female.

07-16-12, 12:11 PM
Okay Marvel, I dunno which ones you were looking for, but I'll dig up what I can...

Wall = woma (Aspidites ramsayi) x ball python (P. regius)

Carpall = jungle Carpet (Morelia spilota cheynei) x ball python

Carball or ballpet = IJ carpet (M.s. variegata) x x ball python

07-16-12, 12:26 PM
Superball = Black blood python x ball python

Burmball = Burmese python x ball python

Borneo Bateater = Burmese python x (mainland) reticulated python

Two different variations of the Jungle Retic = Bateater x (mainland) reticulated python

Cateater = Burmese python x African rock python

07-16-12, 12:29 PM
I love the Cateater and the Bateater :D

07-16-12, 12:35 PM
Angry Ball = Angolan python x ball python

07-16-12, 12:39 PM
Junglot = Jungle carpet python x Macklots python

Coma = WP carpet x woma python

07-17-12, 06:20 AM
Okay. I may not be keen on hybrids but I want a cateater. With all the people giving away free cats on kijiji that thing will be easy to keep fed.

07-17-12, 07:23 AM
They said on animal planet that the Cateater (burm X Af Rock) is a larger snake than a pure Burm or Af Rock. Is there truth to this??

07-17-12, 07:33 AM
They said on animal planet that the Cateater (burm X Af Rock) is a larger snake than a pure Burm or Af Rock. Is there truth to this??

Given the typical garbage AP usually airs nowadays, likely not. However, it is possible, as many known hybrids do get a tad larger than both parent species, although the only reptile case I know of where this has happened is a siamese crocodile x saltwater croc hybrid.

In any case, a slight increase in size notwithstanding, the alleged Afrock x burm hybrid is not some huge invincible monster that will utterly turn the ecological balance of the Everglades on end. That special on AP was better suited as SyFy Channel b-movie fodder.

07-17-12, 07:43 AM
That special was fun to watch though! :D

It referred to Cateaters as "killer aliens".

07-17-12, 02:21 PM
Thanks StudentoReptile. I have seen most of them but you had a few i haven't.

The Bateaters and Cateaters are insane looking. the Coma pretty cool to. I like to see it in a couple years to see how it colors up.

07-17-12, 02:39 PM
Maybe I'll tackle some of the colubrid hybrids another day.

07-17-12, 08:33 PM
I'm not really against hybrids i guess...i just haven't found any that look good! They all just kind of look like pointy headed ball pythons *lol*
Honestly i haven't seen a hybrid anything that i've liked more than the parent species by itself. I keep expecting to be blown away by something new and amazing but they are all kind of ho-hum.

Doesn't seem to be too many colubrids.

07-18-12, 07:30 AM
Yeah, a lot of them look cool enough as juveniles, but some (like the carpondro, IMO) get ugly as they mature. Of course, I could say the same for a lot of morphs!

However, another perspective is that while the initial hybrid itself may not be spectacular, when bred back to one of the parents, creates something unique. Ex: the Bat-eater (burm x retic) bred back to a pure retic = Jungle retic. I personally think those stark, neon yellow retics are cool!

07-22-12, 09:07 AM
Does anyone on here know how big a Burmball would get?

07-23-12, 10:06 PM
I'm assuming he was probably meaning the eastern milksnake. I've seen both species and I can say both look similar.

My opinion is that he probably just found an aberrant-looking form of one or the other and thought it was a hybrid. If he never saw the parents copulating, and obviously, those species are not known for hybridizing naturally anyway...and there's no photo of the hybrid in question nor any genetic testing done to confirm the claim, I will again call BS on this claim.

He doesn't post much, but I've seen the pictures and there's definitely something different about it. Dunno if he still has it though, he's moving to the states in a few weeks.

07-23-12, 10:10 PM
They said on animal planet that the Cateater (burm X Af Rock) is a larger snake than a pure Burm or Af Rock. Is there truth to this??

Actually, Student, this is false. I've spoken with a few people who have produced cateaters and they actually stay a bit smaller for some reason. Bateaters are heavier than retics but lighter than burms and seem to split the difference. You've got to take into consideration though that the claims of 20+ft burms is widely disputed, 18 ft is the biggest I've seen proven (the famous Baby was a little over 18 IIRC)

That special was fun to watch though! :D

It referred to Cateaters as "killer aliens".

If you enjoyed listening to drivel based on half-truths and lies.

07-23-12, 10:12 PM
Does anyone on here know how big a Burmball would get?

I've read 8-12 ft depending on sex. I might produce dwarf burmballs in a few years, I dunno.

07-23-12, 10:14 PM
oh, and this is my favorite carpondro I've ever seen.

07-24-12, 02:29 AM
So unusual!

07-24-12, 02:56 AM
I absolutely love hybrids! They're fascinating, and would love to create a few new ones (like the secret projects that I have in the works ;) ).

One of the prettiest I've seen is the Coelens python....a cross btwn an IJ carpet and Boelens python. This photo is from Tom Keogan's ad on Kingsnakes.com
I've got to give photo credit. I will own a couple of these one day.



07-24-12, 04:28 AM
He doesn't post much, but I've seen the pictures and there's definitely something different about it. Dunno if he still has it though, he's moving to the states in a few weeks.

Yeah, I love to see photos before making a definitive conclusion. But I gotta say, the evidence is against him! Check out this thread - http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-discussion/93617-hybrid-s-how-best.html

Originally Posted by MoreliAddict:
They said on animal planet that the Cateater (burm X Af Rock) is a larger snake than a pure Burm or Af Rock. Is there truth to this??
Actually, Student, this is false.

I never said it was true! ;)

07-24-12, 02:23 PM
Yeah, I love to see photos before making a definitive conclusion. But I gotta say, the evidence is against him! Check out this thread - http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-discussion/93617-hybrid-s-how-best.html

I never said it was true! ;)

Ha ha, I saw that thread, I was wondering why that picture of the carpondro wasn't in this thread, thought it was the same. Anyways, I'll ask him if he wouldn't mind commenting on the subject.

My bad, didn't mean to come across like I was saying you had. You asked if there was any truth, mis-communication.

07-26-12, 08:29 AM
He doesn't post much, but I've seen the pictures and there's definitely something different about it. Dunno if he still has it though, he's moving to the states in a few weeks.
the snake in question was given to Kayla, I'm leaving the country and having enough trouble bringing my retics into the states.

07-26-12, 04:31 PM
I'm not really against hybrids i guess...i just haven't found any that look good!

Really? I don't know how most of these look as adults, but there are quite a few snakes in this thread that I think look amazing!

12-26-12, 11:02 AM
ive seen some cool loking hybrids between those.
milk snakes make cool looking hybrids when crossed to corn snakes and cali kings.

12-26-12, 11:11 AM
oh, and this is my favorite carpondro I've ever seen.

This is my favorite


Little Wise Owl
12-26-12, 11:53 AM
Hybrids fascinate me. I love all the Ball Python crosses. I remember reading somewhere that Burmballs were, for some reason, really nasty in temperament. Which is a shame because I would love one.

12-31-12, 04:57 PM
Hybrids fascinate me. I love all the Ball Python crosses. I remember reading somewhere that Burmballs were, for some reason, really nasty in temperament. Which is a shame because I would love one.


12-31-12, 10:05 PM
i love burmballs, i would take one if i had room for it.:)

01-22-13, 03:51 PM
i saw something about someone about to cross a bateater to a rock, i want to see one!
the green carpondro is a carpondro x green tree python.

02-18-13, 01:45 PM
has anyone seen anything about the retic x carpet? i hear about but cant find it.

04-07-13, 07:10 PM
i was wondering is there a retic x rock ?

04-10-13, 05:47 PM
there is, I saw a topic on one on another website, there was a pic but it wouldn't load up

04-12-13, 03:46 PM
I'm not really a hybrid fan (I know that's not what this thread is about, just had to throw that in), but ever since the first pic I saw of a bateater I have been fascinated by them!

04-21-13, 12:45 PM
Here's a few hybrids for you.
BallTic ball x retic


Superball Blood x Ball python

Mâle Morelia CARA/BREDLI


Super Tiger Retic X Burmese python ( Tiger Bateater )


04-21-13, 01:28 PM
I'm working on a scrub X platinum het albino retic combo, tons of locks but no eggs so far... Gonna try again next year.

04-21-13, 05:10 PM
The ball x retic is sexy.

The ball x blood looks more like a balloon or sausage than a snake.

04-21-13, 05:15 PM
The ball x retic is sexy.

The ball x blood looks more like a balloon or sausage than a snake.

Is it ball x blood or ball x stp?

04-21-13, 05:22 PM
Is it ball x blood or ball x stp?

I don't know much bout bloods, borneos, whatever. I don't like bloods or balls because they look like chodes. I just said blood x ball because thats what was posted lol either way its still ugly.

04-21-13, 07:46 PM
Is it ball x blood or ball x stp?
That i am not sure of. Check out a facebook group called (Hybrid Pythons, Boas and Reptiles).


You'll have to join it but it worth it all kinds of cool hybrids on there.

08-04-13, 05:36 PM

BRB and Conda

08-04-13, 06:04 PM
Has a python head.

08-04-13, 06:28 PM
Whats the difference in the number of chromosomes between a boa and a python?

08-04-13, 07:32 PM

BRB and Conda
It actually a Yellow Anaconda to a Columbia Rainbow boa. the picture is from a ad that was on kingsnake.com some pet store was selling it.

08-04-13, 07:34 PM
Ah I just saw it in FB and thought Id share. Sorry

08-04-13, 07:47 PM
Ah I just saw it in FB and thought Id share. Sorry
Oh that find. They had it wrong on there and me and a couple others corrected them. It was only about a year ago that it was posted. After seeing it me and my buddy Shawn who had a CRB had talked about crossing them. but he fell on hard times and sold his CRB. I have a guy on another site who been trying to talk me into crossing my female BRB with my male Yellow.

Crossing a Yellow and BRB i think would look sweet with some cool color. But throw a Green Andie or CRB in the mix just kind of ruins it. Then i think you just chance getting a bunch of muddy looking snakes, but then again we'll never know until someone tries it.;)

08-05-13, 08:51 AM
I personally own three hybrids at the moment, and all of them are solid, healthy snakes.

The first is an Atheris broadleyi x Atheris squamigera. She's about 2 years old now, growing like a weed, never skips a meal and her colors are only getting better with size. She's the healthiest, easiest Atheris I've ever worked with.
http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh115/Will0W783/Vipers/20121111_174833.jpg (http://s254.photobucket.com/user/Will0W783/media/Vipers/20121111_174833.jpg.html)

I also have a 3-year-old male Crotalus scutulatus x Crotalus viridis. He's another very healthy, solid animal with an excellent disposition. He's easily the calmest rattlesnake I've worked with so far and is another great eater. Perfect animal, and in my opinion one of the coolest-looking buzztails out there as well!
http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh115/Will0W783/20130609_150306_zpsc7e6610b.jpg (http://s254.photobucket.com/user/Will0W783/media/20130609_150306_zpsc7e6610b.jpg.html)

Finally, a good friend of mine sold me his 3.5-year-old male Batwing rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus x Crotalus horridus) at the Hamburg show yesterday. This thing is gorgeous...about 4 feet, laid-back, BIG head....neat snake. I can't get my phone to upload the pictures to Photobucket right now, but I will get some as soon as I can.

I personally love my hybrids, and, having worked with a lot of the parent species, can definitely say that there is something to the idea of hybrid vigor.

08-05-13, 05:14 PM
One of the other things me and my buddy have talked about is crossing my male Savu Python with his female Irain Jaya Carpet. We both think we would get some insane looking snake with amazing color.

08-06-13, 06:35 AM
As promised, here are some pictures of the Batwing rattlesnake (Bruce):
http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh115/Will0W783/20130803_214058_zps4138175c.jpg (http://s254.photobucket.com/user/Will0W783/media/20130803_214058_zps4138175c.jpg.html)
http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh115/Will0W783/20130804_213028_zps5155ef36.jpg (http://s254.photobucket.com/user/Will0W783/media/20130804_213028_zps5155ef36.jpg.html)

08-09-13, 06:58 PM
this thread....omg just best thing ever

09-07-13, 08:49 AM
I'm going to breed my greenish rat (black+yellow) to a corn when She is of breeding age.
That batwing is a gorgeous snake!

11-22-13, 05:29 PM
So i was checking out some Hybrids and came across some really cool looking ones.
Ball x Blood cross.

Ball x Retic Golden Child.


Ball x Carpet Python


11-23-13, 07:02 AM
The ball x blood and ball x carpet have already mentioned, but thanks for posting the ball x retic golden child.

11-23-13, 07:41 AM
So going back there is thread i realized there are ton of python hybrids but not many boas so i went searching and found these. Some have been mention before but these are newer pictures. Not many Boa hybrids out there.

Yellow Anaconda x Boa Constrictor

Amazon X Emerald Boa




Green Anaconda x Boa Constrictor



11-23-13, 07:45 AM
Those last pics are bateaters..... and the ball x golden child retic is a ball x Angolan woma hidden gene..... sorry, but I had to point that out

11-23-13, 07:57 AM
Those last pics are bateaters..... and the ball x golden child retic is a ball x Angolan woma hidden gene..... sorry, but I had to point that out
Ok! I was going by what the pictures said, but when i checked out the link i see your right. GREEN ANCONDA x BOA CONSTRICTOR - Redtailboa.net (http://redtailboa.net/forums/other-boas/57823-green-anconda-x-boa-constrictor.html)

Which is the problem i have with finding some of this is they are mislabeled.

11-23-13, 08:16 AM
Just a question, not sure if it's already been answered but i didn't see it, anyways are these hybrids fertile? Or is it a mule thing where it can't be bred?

11-23-13, 08:46 AM
Just a question, not sure if it's already been answered but i didn't see it, anyways are these hybrids fertile? Or is it a mule thing where it can't be bred?
I believe it's just a bunch of BS. Bateaters have been bread back to Bateaters no problems from my understanding.

11-23-13, 08:47 AM
Just a bunch of BS. Bateaters have been bread back to Bateaters no problems from my understanding.

I see.. so someone could theoretically create a line of hybrids bred to hybrids? I wonder if you could breed the carpball to a bateater and get anything...

11-23-13, 08:59 AM
you can, hannibal. Most snakes have 46 chromosomes (i think thats the number? but most snakes have the same number) which is the reason their offspring are fertile. In mules, the infertility is due in part to the fact that the parents had different numbers of chromosomes.

11-23-13, 11:15 AM
Which is the problem i have with finding some of this is they are mislabeled.

Seems to be the whole problem with this hybrid thing.

11-23-13, 04:56 PM
Here we go a Yellow X Green Anaconda hybrid.

I really hope these works out. I think the babies would be insane looking. Jungle carpet to a White Lipped.


11-23-13, 05:29 PM
This was taken at the Knoxville Zoo in TN. I believe this was a hybrid between an EDB x timber rattlesnake.

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b400/MDC_Leviathan/RainforestAdv/Ripleys%20Aquarium/Clingmans%20Dome/Dinosaur%20Museum/Knoxville%20Zoo/IMG_0627.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/MDC_Leviathan/media/RainforestAdv/Ripleys%20Aquarium/Clingmans%20Dome/Dinosaur%20Museum/Knoxville%20Zoo/IMG_0627.jpg.html)

12-12-13, 06:30 AM
i´ve always wondered why no one has tried using subocs for rat snake hybrids, or indian pythons for bateaters etc.

those are no-brainer parent species for stellar hybrid progeny imho...

12-12-13, 08:10 AM
We have a stray cat problem here in Cleveland. I need a cateater that can handle sub freezing temps!

03-22-14, 10:27 AM
Does anyone like the look of the BOACONDA'S, I will be getting these when my big Common Boa Bonnie gives birth in the near future. She's getting bigger everyweek, the pictures of the young are what got me started thinking about breeding them. I got a Yellow Anaconda last year and he was paired up with our Bonnie they got on well but we never caught them lock up so it has been a case of patients. You can clearly feel the babies in her belly so all is good so far.
Sheffield, England, Uk

03-22-14, 11:15 AM
Came across a bunch of hybrid pics. Gonna share here.

Jungle Corn (Corn Snake x Cali King):


I think this one is AWESOME. Pueblacorn:




Mexicorn (mexican milk x corn)


03-22-14, 11:22 AM
Imperial Pueblans are INSANE (Banana Cali King x Pueblan Milk) :Wow:






03-22-14, 11:22 AM
Then there's these insane Theyeri King x Pueblan Milk x Corn x Banana Cali Kings:





03-25-14, 08:21 AM
Some gorgeous hybrids. My plans for Boaconda's fell threw when i found my buddies Hypo female dead. :sad: Turn out she had a bad RI but never showed any signs. My Yellow might be getting a new girlfriend to finish out the season. but i am keeping that hush hush for now. Could be a first.:D

03-25-14, 08:59 AM
Some gorgeous hybrids. My plans for Boaconda's fell threw when i found my buddies Hypo female dead. :sad: Turn out she had a bad RI but never showed any signs. My Yellow might be getting a new girlfriend to finish out the season. but i am keeping that hush hush for now. Could be a first.:D

Chuck pm me what it is. I'm dying to know. And my male yellow isn't breedable yet and I have no other boas so there's no harm done. Pa-pa-pa- please?

03-25-14, 08:23 PM
Anyone ever heard/seen of any dumerils hybrids? I imagine those would be pretty cool, mixing their pattern with other boa colorings

03-25-14, 08:54 PM
I know a guy in England has a male Yellow Anaconda with a female Colombian, Hog Island, and Dumeril boas trying to breed the Yellow to any of the females. He did post post pictures of one lock between the Dumeril and Yellow. I been thinking of putting my male Dumeril with my female BRB if my male BRB don't start showing interest in her.

03-28-14, 06:18 AM
I came across this link for the Burmball Python it does look like a chunky snake fully grown.
The Royal Python Forum - Burmball !! (http://www.theroyalpython.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8784)
Sheffield S25 2RN