View Full Version : Hi everyone!

07-06-12, 06:36 PM
Hey guys & girls! My name is Jamie, I just turned 18 and I got my first snake for my birthday! She is a Normal Ball Python and her name is Tinkerbell! She is one month old and i LOVE her. I research new things every day to learn more about how I can make her happy.

07-06-12, 06:48 PM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


07-06-12, 08:31 PM
Welcome , we need to see some pics of tinkerbell ....

07-06-12, 08:58 PM
Coming soon!

07-06-12, 09:11 PM
Welcome to the forum! Please read our sSNAKESs forum rules. (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/new-forum/53647-read-first-forum-rules.html)


07-06-12, 10:07 PM
Okay guys here are some pics of my new baby girl TinkerBell & thank you all for the Welcome posts!!

This is her posing for the camera! What a beautiful baby..

I THOUGHT she was supposed to be a ground dweller..

but she disagreed with instinct..so I went out and got her a climbing log the next day. We have to make our babies happy don't we? She's a little shy but never fails to pose.

Weird angel, and I'm not really looking at the camera but hey! Who cares.. Mommy and TinkerBell <3

Can I get some opinions on length? I can't get her still enough to measure her and I'd rather not handle her like that so soon.

__________________________________________________ __

Thanks everyone for looking at my pictures and I hope you liked them! TinkerBell is a 1 month old 100% het hypo ball python. I was kind of stunned to see how long she is because Gerrick Demeyer (the breeder I received her from) said she was weighing in at only 61 grams, I did not expect her to be so long! She's gunna be mommas big girl! If I could only get her to eat. She's a little shocked from the change and is used to live hoppers. I'm trying to get her on f/t hoppers. Last night I tried feeding her, she acted like the hopper wasn't even there. Dipped it in chicken broth and she immediately struck (TWICE!) but she is a little skittish so I think she got to nervous and wouldn't eat it, even though I left her alone with it for a good 2 hours. I will be trying again on Sunday. & no more handling for her especially after this big photo shoot!

hehe sorry this has been so long. Thanks everyone!! comment, and add me!

07-06-12, 10:12 PM
Very nice BP, lovely smile...(you)

It's great to see such enthusiasm.

07-06-12, 10:58 PM
Welcome to the forum! Looks like Tinkerbell is going to be in a good home for sure. And don't worry about the eating thing. My lesser didn't eat for me for the first month after I got him. Bps can be picky at first, sounds like eating won't be an issue though since she struck a mouse all ready. Keep us posted.

07-06-12, 11:07 PM
Tinkerbell is real sweet :) Congrats!!
Does she have TWO hides in there? I only see one, and the climbing log on the other side. You'll want to invest in digital thermometer/hygrometer. Those Petco analog ones can be wildly inaccurate sometimes. How are you heating her cage? Do you have a thermostat? :)
Since she's new and still getting used to her new environment, try not to handle her until she's eaten for you a few times. Ball pythons (even babies) can go a while without eating, so don't stress if she doesn't eat on schedule for you yet. Remember to only offer food every 7 days if she's not eating for you (offering food any more often can be stressful).
Congrats on your new scaly baby!! :D

07-06-12, 11:17 PM
I heat her cage with a UTH and a heat lamp to get the temps perfect. I have the UTH connected to a thermostat and I use the petco thermometer to just range the ambient temp. I do only have one hide on the hot side, she seems to like and feel safe high up on her log on the cool side, she can hide up there nice and snug. Thank you for the tip on not trying to feed her too often because I have already tried to feed her twice in a week! I greatly appreciate the new information you provided me! :) I love her with all my heart, and you know for being shy, a little skittish, and probably hungry. she hasn't even came close to biting me. Also, I don't really need to worry about humidity too much.. I live in south east texas so the humidity is pretty high outside so inside it stays around 60%.

07-06-12, 11:54 PM
Hello and welcome

07-07-12, 07:06 AM
hi and welcome!

07-07-12, 07:38 AM
Aww so pretty. :) Welcome to the forum.

07-07-12, 07:50 AM
I heat her cage with a UTH and a heat lamp to get the temps perfect. I have the UTH connected to a thermostat and I use the petco thermometer to just range the ambient temp. I do only have one hide on the hot side, she seems to like and feel safe high up on her log on the cool side, she can hide up there nice and snug. Thank you for the tip on not trying to feed her too often because I have already tried to feed her twice in a week! I greatly appreciate the new information you provided me! :) I love her with all my heart, and you know for being shy, a little skittish, and probably hungry. she hasn't even came close to biting me. Also, I don't really need to worry about humidity too much.. I live in south east texas so the humidity is pretty high outside so inside it stays around 60%.
IMO you should still offer a hide on the ground on the cool side.
You're doing great with Tinkerbell so far :)

07-07-12, 01:52 PM
She looks great , i can tell you will be a very good mom to her .. Just a warning , you will want more snakes in the future .....But thats a good thing .. You can let her stretch across a table or in the floor and mark where her head and tail are then measure the distance between for her length , least thats how i do it ..lol She is a beauty for sure ...

07-07-12, 02:57 PM
hello and welcome

cheers shaun

07-07-12, 04:14 PM
thanks for the tip! once she eats and i handle her again i will try that out and let everyone know how long my baby is! and thank you all, i do love her very much and she will always have her permanent home with me :)

07-07-12, 04:37 PM
Thanks for the tip & thanks everyone! I do love her very much and she will always have a permanent home with me :) I probably will want more than one snake haha! My bf already wants to look in to albinos! I told him "lets get this little girl figured out first haha"

07-07-12, 08:27 PM
Hi, welcome to the forum! Cute snake.