View Full Version : Albino Burm Found

07-05-12, 06:48 AM
As some of you know, I will be moving in a few weeks. Shortly after that, I will be acquiring a Burm and cage. Last night I found a cbb 2012. She's an albino green and she comes included with a 6x3x3 enclosure. I will get this entire setup for $175, of which I already laid down $80. I am so looking forward to bringing her home 8/4.

07-05-12, 07:01 AM
Pics or it didn't happen. Lol

07-05-12, 07:11 AM
Pics as soon as I get 'em.

07-05-12, 08:24 AM
congrats, that's a great price too.!

07-05-12, 08:34 AM
Thank you Wayne :)

07-05-12, 10:09 AM
I've been doing a paper on the reptile ban, so i've been reading a lot about Burms and I have been wanting one to lol. I won't get one though, I'll live through pictures lol. Very good deal and can't wait for picture s!!

07-05-12, 10:23 AM
I ha ve a pic now so as soon as I get home and on my computer, it will be posted.

07-05-12, 10:51 AM
Congrats! Can't wait to see pics :D

dave himself
07-05-12, 02:18 PM
Congrates mate looking forwards to the pictures

07-05-12, 08:47 PM
Congrats! Can't wait to see pics :D

Congrates mate looking forwards to the pictures

Everybody, say hi to Medusa, my latest acquisition. She is an albino green, that is actually cbb 2011, Hatch date 8/11. She is 3' long and tame as can be.

The friend Im moving in with actually was the original owner/breeder and he sold her to this kid 4 months ago. So yeah, I now know the history behind her and it will stay simple because she will remain with me the rest of her long life.

dave himself
07-06-12, 03:03 AM
She's lovely mate once again a big congratulations to you and let the growing begin

07-06-12, 03:11 AM
Nice. Congrats!!

07-06-12, 03:08 PM
She's lovely mate once again a big congratulations to you and let the growing beginThank you and yes let the growing begin. We have plenty of rats to get her well on her way and I will feed her what she needs to sustain that growth.

07-06-12, 04:06 PM
Congratulations, a lovely new addition to your collection

07-07-12, 10:31 AM
Thank you. Ive been wanting a Burm for a long time and the way this is getting done works well for me. I plan on handling her a lot while she is still small. That way she will be more handleable when she gets bigger.

07-09-12, 10:33 PM
That's a really nice burm you got! A huge congrats as I know you've been wanting one for a loooooong time. I'm really happy for you :)

I handled both of mine alot when I first got them. Although I don't handle them as much, they still get handled frequently and they're very docile. They aren't shy at all with any human and even my small niece (3) and nephew (4) can handle either one without me worrying (with help and supervision of course). As I've said before, the only time one of them gets really grumpy is during shed and even I hate to have to take her out to clean her enclosure when she's in shed. Then it's hurry up and put her back in lol

Seriously though...a huge congrats to you. I hope your burm experience is as pleasant as all mine have been :)

07-10-12, 11:44 AM
NICE little one you got there...she wont stay that size for long lol

07-10-12, 12:01 PM
Very nice Burm! I wish you the best of luck with her; Burms are great- you're going to love her!

07-10-12, 02:15 PM
Congrats! That one sweet albino green.

07-10-12, 03:04 PM
That's a really nice burm you got! A huge congrats as I know you've been wanting one for a loooooong time. I'm really happy for you :)

I handled both of mine alot when I first got them. Although I don't handle them as much, they still get handled frequently and they're very docile. They aren't shy at all with any human and even my small niece (3) and nephew (4) can handle either one without me worrying (with help and supervision of course). As I've said before, the only time one of them gets really grumpy is during shed and even I hate to have to take her out to clean her enclosure when she's in shed. Then it's hurry up and put her back in lol

Seriously though...a huge congrats to you. I hope your burm experience is as pleasant as all mine have been :)Thanks. That's my plan; frequent handling when she's little. It makes for a more docile giant.

NICE little one you got there...she wont stay that size for long lolThanks. I'm looking forward to when she does get bigger.

Very nice Burm! I wish you the best of luck with her; Burms are great- you're going to love her!
Thanks. I am so stoked about this. I already do love her. I am going to enjoy watching her grow.
Congrats! That one sweet albino green.
Thank you. I was very pleased when I saw that she was available.

07-18-12, 06:40 PM
Very nice pickup Gary, and that deal was a steal. I love my burms to death, you certainly won't regret this! Just be ready for some explosive growth, the pearl female I got in March has put on over 3 feet in 4 months!

Good luck and have fun with her :)

07-18-12, 06:41 PM
Thank you. Yeah Im looking forward to it. :)

01-12-13, 08:33 PM
NICE little one you got there...she wont stay that size for long lolBoy ain't that the truth! I have 3 progression pics that illustrate that point.

The first pic, I just recently received that helps to fill in her history and shows what she looked like in Aug. 2011, just a week after she hatched. The second pic was what she looked like almost a year after she was hatched and the first pic I ever saw of her when I saw her CL ad. She didn't grow much during that time as she was only 3' long then. The last pic I took of her tonight. She is about 5 1/2' long now, just 6 months after bringing her home. Man what a difference actually feeding her what she's supposed to eat makes!

01-13-13, 01:44 AM
Sweet snake!

01-13-13, 04:52 PM
Very nice looking.

Mark Taylor
02-03-13, 06:11 AM
Can't wait to get a burm. That,s nice mate.

02-03-13, 02:02 PM
Sweet snake!

Very nice looking.

Every day that she continues to add to her size and coloring, not only do I enjoy her more and more but I also am very happy that I got her in the first place.

Can't wait to get a burm. That,s nice mate.

After a few years of keeping snakes, including Black Betty and all 9 1/2' of her, I figured I was ready for Burms. Yeah I have Medusa plus I have a Normal male (Poseidon) and I'm also helping to take care of his clutchmate brother (Tiny). What I'm really finding out is just how fun it is to take care of these Burms. Life is good

Mark Taylor
02-03-13, 02:11 PM
You just make me want one even more, hope she grows big and strong for you.

02-03-13, 02:22 PM
Thank you for that Mark. Keep in mind, keeping Burms is going to be a challenge for me when they get bigger, which is why I'm handling them a lot now, so that when they do get bigger, they will be more handleable then. I do respect giants like Burms and will take every precaution I need to with them, but at the same time, I also find it very rewarding for me to work with them now as I continue to work with them as they grow.

Mark Taylor
02-03-13, 03:17 PM
Sounds like a plan mate. I decided not to get one last week probably for the best as it seemed to have some sort of health probs, which I posted in another thread. It got me thinking that I should buy one from a reliable breeder not many around these parts so my search continues also money is a little tight atm so not really the time to get one.Not in a rush as I still have my boa's to care for. Hope you post pics regularly so we can see how she grows .

Thanks Mark.

02-03-13, 03:34 PM
Oh yeah, you know that'll happen! I'm also going to pick up her permanent cage in a couple of months. It's an AP T25.

02-03-13, 03:56 PM
Oh yeah, you know that'll happen! I'm also going to pick up her permanent cage in a couple of months. It's an AP T25.

That's sad. She'll out grow a 6 foot enclosure.

I wish people who kept giants actually kept giants these days.

02-03-13, 04:11 PM
If and when she outgrows it, I will replace it with a bigger one. Her mother was only 9'half long and even if she outgrows her mother and I find the need to get her into a bigger cage like a T60, she still has time for me to make sure she's in a big enough cage.

02-03-13, 08:05 PM
I should edit my last statement...

I wish people who kept and bred giants actually kept and bred giants. Sad.

02-03-13, 10:29 PM
What do you mean and is that a blanket statement?

02-03-13, 11:54 PM
What do you mean and is that a blanket statement?

Rogue, it's not at you or really at anyone in particular. So please don't take offense.

It's sad that a 9 foot burm was bred and the owner's of the babies are presuming at this time that they will stay smaller because of it.

It's sad that that's considered a giant these days. This is true because on this very forum plenty of people come here talking about their 2 and 3 year old 8 foot males and how "healthy" they are. Ajamichelle, has a FIFTEEN foot male. Even if we take a bit of exaggeration it's still quite a size compared to a lot of what's taken as "adult" these days.

These animals should be obtaining 12 - 16 foot on a regular basis. This was common 10+ years ago when I owned them. Too many people want giants but really aren't prepared for the commitment so they "maintenance feed" the animals so they reach acceptable "adult" size.

02-04-13, 02:59 AM
I totally get what Aaron is saying. When i thing adult size cage for a Burmese i automatic think from a cage at least 10x4x5. When i had my 13 footer i keep him in a 10x4x3 and i felt like it wasn't big enough. I felt like it didn't give him enough room to climb and get exercise. When planning for the giants you need to think on long the lines of this is going to be at least a 15 foot snake. Not it should stay on the smaller side. What if it don't?

I am not having a go at anyone. I am just saying people should from the get go plan on them becoming massive. What happens if it does get a lot bigger than one plans for. Do you still have the room to provide it a suitable cages? Or Will you just feed it enough to survive at the size you want? Sadly many do the latter. I am not saying anyone here would do that, but it does happen.

02-04-13, 09:36 AM
I also agree with Aaron in that too many people deliberately keep their Burms smaller by underfeeding them. I think this practice is wrong and should never be done. If you buy a Burm, do so with the expectation that it will reach 14+'. Otherwise if you want a smaller snake, get a Ball or a Corn. Medusa was a CL snake and as I stated before, she was 3' long at almost a year old. She was mite infested, a hisser and obviously way underfed. Since I brought her home, we've been feeding her more appropriately sized meals and that has resulted in her gain of 2 1/2' in 6 months. She's still on the small side but I'm doing everything I can, short of powerfeeding her, to get her closer to her normal size. There's another thing I learned about her history after I brought her home. Her mother was small. I know the guy who had her mother and I'm here to tell you she was not underfed nor bred too young. She just happened to be smaller than normal. She was healthy in every other way and so were her babies. I also want to say that when I brought Medusa home, I fully expected her to reach 16' and 75-100 lbs. Will that happen given all I know now? I don't know. I do know this, to me it doesn't matter if she will top out at 10' and 60 lbs. or reach 16' and 100 lbs. I will be just as happy with her either way.

The boys on the other hand were both acquired as hatchings and as such, we have more influence on their growth rate and I say this now, we have always fed them appropriately sized meals. We fully expect both Poseidon and Tiny to reach their normal size of at least 14'. In fact, we're looking forward to it and when necessary, we will provide them with large enough housing space for them.

02-04-13, 05:31 PM
I just wanted to see what point you were trying to make. I myself have 2 burms, clutch mates....a little over a year and a half old now. Baby Girl, who's been nothing but a prime example of a burm is a tad over 9' now (I tried measuring her the other day...I know she's over 9' but not sure how much because she was moving too much). Allie, who was a problem from the very beginning, is approaching the 9' mark. I am constantly speaking with other burm owners and breeders to make sure I am doing everything possible to ensure they're where they should be (Allie is slowly catching up).

But I can see where you're coming from. I've seen so many burms that are undersized. It causes me to worry about my own animals at times.

I've noticed with burms, it's usually one way or the other: either they're undersized or overweight (usually females for breeding). It's getting to be rare that you see a good healthy burm anymore.

However, I will mention that I've heard from Tom Reagan and Sam Bearden, two burm breeders that even they've had animals (not rare but not common) that are a little on the small side regardless of how fed (genetically small) that are good healthy animals.

02-05-13, 03:55 PM
I just wanted to see what point you were trying to make. I myself have 2 burms, clutch mates....a little over a year and a half old now. Baby Girl, who's been nothing but a prime example of a burm is a tad over 9' now (I tried measuring her the other day...I know she's over 9' but not sure how much because she was moving too much). Allie, who was a problem from the very beginning, is approaching the 9' mark. I am constantly speaking with other burm owners and breeders to make sure I am doing everything possible to ensure they're where they should be (Allie is slowly catching up).

But I can see where you're coming from. I've seen so many burms that are undersized. It causes me to worry about my own animals at times.

I've noticed with burms, it's usually one way or the other: either they're undersized or overweight (usually females for breeding). It's getting to be rare that you see a good healthy burm anymore.

However, I will mention that I've heard from Tom Reagan and Sam Bearden, two burm breeders that even they've had animals (not rare but not common) that are a little on the small side regardless of how fed (genetically small) that are good healthy animals.

That's fine and dandy for some to be a little smaller. It happens in all species, some grow huge and some smaller. It shouldn't be the norm and that's what we see these days.

8 foot "adult" males. As Chuck said people should plan for the huge but the problem is people are pushing 8 - 12 foot for adult burms of either sex as "full grown healthy" adults. It isn't true. Yes, I do understand that burms generally stay under 16 foot but you don't even see 14 footers really. This goes for all giants too.

02-05-13, 03:57 PM
I also agree with Aaron in that too many people deliberately keep their Burms smaller by underfeeding them. I think this practice is wrong and should never be done. If you buy a Burm, do so with the expectation that it will reach 14+'. Otherwise if you want a smaller snake, get a Ball or a Corn. Medusa was a CL snake and as I stated before, she was 3' long at almost a year old. She was mite infested, a hisser and obviously way underfed. Since I brought her home, we've been feeding her more appropriately sized meals and that has resulted in her gain of 2 1/2' in 6 months. She's still on the small side but I'm doing everything I can, short of powerfeeding her, to get her closer to her normal size. There's another thing I learned about her history after I brought her home. Her mother was small. I know the guy who had her mother and I'm here to tell you she was not underfed nor bred too young. She just happened to be smaller than normal. She was healthy in every other way and so were her babies. I also want to say that when I brought Medusa home, I fully expected her to reach 16' and 75-100 lbs. Will that happen given all I know now? I don't know. I do know this, to me it doesn't matter if she will top out at 10' and 60 lbs. or reach 16' and 100 lbs. I will be just as happy with her either way.

The boys on the other hand were both acquired as hatchings and as such, we have more influence on their growth rate and I say this now, we have always fed them appropriately sized meals. We fully expect both Poseidon and Tiny to reach their normal size of at least 14'. In fact, we're looking forward to it and when necessary, we will provide them with large enough housing space for them.

Is there any proof that the mother was never bred too young or kept small? Or just someone you "trust" to give their word?

Very few people I trust in this industry at their word. I can count them on one hand.

02-05-13, 04:40 PM
I understand how you feel in this and why. Where to go with this... There are two things I need to discuss in this.

First off, I don't need to provide proof to you or anyone else because Medusa is mine and will always be mine. The guy who bred her mother did so about a year or so after my friend sold her and she had not grown much at all in that time. That tells me that because of her age, her growth had already slowed down.

Besides all that, it's not her mother I have anyway. Its Medusa I have. If in fact her mother was bred too young, what does that mean? Her mother's size is not genetic and Medusa will reach 16' and 100 lbs? I'm OK with that. If in fact it is genetic, I'm OK with a 10' snake as well even though I would prefer a 16' snake. Bottom line is that either way I still have Medusa with me and that will never change. She's a beautiful snake and I am very happy with her even though she was a Craigslist snake and all the implications that came with that all apply here. At least I know her history and I also am happy in that I took her out of her less than ideal background and she is now being taken care of like she should have been all along.

02-05-13, 05:44 PM
I understand how you feel in this and why. Where to go with this... There are two things I need to discuss in this.

First off, I don't need to provide proof to you or anyone else because Medusa is mine and will always be mine. The guy who bred her mother did so about a year or so after my friend sold her and she had not grown much at all in that time. That tells me that because of her age, her growth had already slowed down.

Besides all that, it's not her mother I have anyway. Its Medusa I have. If in fact her mother was bred too young, what does that mean? Her mother's size is not genetic and Medusa will reach 16' and 100 lbs? I'm OK with that. If in fact it is genetic, I'm OK with a 10' snake as well even though I would prefer a 16' snake. Bottom line is that either way I still have Medusa with me and that will never change. She's a beautiful snake and I am very happy with her even though she was a Craigslist snake and all the implications that came with that all apply here. At least I know her history and I also am happy in that I took her out of her less than ideal background and she is now being taken care of like she should have been all along.

You obviously missed my point in asking about proof. I couldn't careless if I saw it or not. I was asking for YOUR benefit. Who wants to know a false background on one of their snakes? You seem really happy with the background you're given on your snake so you know it's entire history. It would suck to have it not be true because that would mean friends lied to you.

Secondly, I sure hope she isn't a 100 pounds at 16 foot. That would be a relatively small burm.

02-05-13, 06:15 PM
Even if she gets bigger, I''m OK with that too and will take care of her no matter how big she might get.

02-05-13, 06:19 PM
Even if she gets bigger Dums I'm OK with that too and I do everything possible to take care of her no matter how big she might get.

Good on ya!

Just don't attempt to force feed her ;)

02-05-13, 06:29 PM
That's funny. No worries there Aaron.

02-06-13, 10:53 AM
I just realized Medusa gas a profile thread that was started after this thread for the purpose of intro and to track her growth and progress. I would like for furher discussions about her to be done on her thread. Thank you very much for your interest in her.