View Full Version : My new replacement for the one that died

07-04-12, 08:59 AM
Heres a pic of my new carpet IJ, that my dealer gave me the other night as a full replacement for the one that died.

This one is alot bigger and more active than my first one!

07-04-12, 09:08 AM
Very nice. I like the pattern!!

07-04-12, 09:39 AM
That's awesome! Glad it worked out for you.

07-04-12, 10:22 AM
Good luck with this one. He is gorgeous :yes:

07-04-12, 10:37 AM
Very nice....good luck fella!

07-04-12, 10:32 PM
Good! I'm glad they replaced the snake. Sorry you had to go through that though. I'd take it to the vet and get some swabs done to make sure this one is healthy!

07-05-12, 06:32 AM
Wanna say thanks to all the comments you've all left me! :) I'm over the moon with my new one ( as to be expected ) lol Tho I do feel like im not out of the woods just yet, as the last one lasted a week, this week is bit nervous untill the week is over,lol

Tho There is one thing Ive notice with the new one, that hes alot more active than the last one, the last one hardly moved from day one!

07-05-12, 09:51 AM
Wanna say thanks to all the comments you've all left me! :) I'm over the moon with my new one ( as to be expected ) lol Tho I do feel like im not out of the woods just yet, as the last one lasted a week, this week is bit nervous untill the week is over,lol

Tho There is one thing Ive notice with the new one, that hes alot more active than the last one, the last one hardly moved from day one!

Glad to hear. That is a good sign. Carpets are generally active. Mine comes out like clockwork every night and heads straight for the top of the highest perch inches from the top of the tub. They are really fun snakes. Mine will eat while hanging from the top of their perches. Make sure to give plenty of things for your IJ to climb on! Mine always goes for the top of any structure he can get near, whether inside or outside of the enclosure. When most snakes escape, I would say search low and dark, but if a carpet escapes, I'd say start looking in the bookshelves first :)

07-05-12, 02:27 PM
He is nice looking...

I really hope that if you put him in the same cage as the one that passed away , that you cleaned it REALLY well and also cleaned everything it came in contact with.

07-05-12, 02:30 PM
When you say "dealer", do you mean like a pet shop or a breeder?

07-05-12, 03:41 PM
Glad to hear. That is a good sign. Carpets are generally active. Mine comes out like clockwork every night and heads straight for the top of the highest perch inches from the top of the tub. They are really fun snakes. Mine will eat while hanging from the top of their perches. Make sure to give plenty of things for your IJ to climb on! Mine always goes for the top of any structure he can get near, whether inside or outside of the enclosure. When most snakes escape, I would say search low and dark, but if a carpet escapes, I'd say start looking in the bookshelves first :)

My diamond x jungle is the exact same way. Found him here this morning
And good luck with your carpet man. I hope it works for u.