View Full Version : Rosy Boa Shed

07-04-12, 08:16 AM
Just wondering how long it takes your rosy boa to shed? This is my first shed with her, her eyes capped over about a week ago and she hasnt shed yet. (My corn pulls a perfect shed in 3-4 days).
Also, I would like any tips you may have on helping the shed while keeping humidity low. Thanks

07-05-12, 10:02 AM
My girl is spending all of her time in her water bowl right now. I was not aware that rosy boas soaked.

07-05-12, 10:45 AM
Don't have experience with Rosys but soaking is *sometimes* a sign of mites. You might want to do a closer inspection.

07-05-12, 01:51 PM
While keeping the overall humidity low, rosys need access to higher humidity(such as a humid hide) especially during shed. Try filling a margarine tub with damp moss. I believe you will find this helps greatly with shedding and overall health.

07-05-12, 01:53 PM
While keeping the overall humidity low, rosys need access to higher humidity(such as a humid hide) especially during shed. Try filling a margarine tub with damp moss. I believe you will find this helps greatly with shedding and overall health.

Great suggestion! I had similar problems with my Rosies and my Kenyans. The humidity box solved everything.

07-05-12, 05:03 PM
ok thanks guys. while I have you here, what do you guys use as substrate for your rosy boa?

07-05-12, 06:08 PM
Newspaper but if you're looking for a more aesthetically pleasing setup you can go with cage carpet or ground english walnut shells.

07-05-12, 07:01 PM
I use aspen. Have been for years with no problems. If you go with the walnut shells be sure not to feed on them.

07-05-12, 08:04 PM
She is on aspen right now, but I want to switch over to decomposed granite. I think that is close to their natural substrate? Do you guys know anything about it?

07-06-12, 05:19 PM
when I see mine are ready to shed I'll move part of their water dish over the heat source till they are done shedding (flex watt in my case)

07-14-12, 06:50 PM
My rosy boa, Boaz, actually just finished shedding again this past week. He's usually fairly slow to shed...it seems to take him ages from go through the stages. I usually give him a couple good hour-long soaks in a plastic tub with a really wet towel, one while he is in the blue, one when he goes "clear". It seems to help him out a lot.

The moss idea is also a good idea.

I use reclaimed cellulose fibre for his bedding, he seems to love it since he can burrow easily in it. Rosies love to burrow. Just make sure you don't get sand - very bad substrate.