View Full Version : caging help

07-03-12, 09:44 AM
ok so, i went from a 64 qt, to a 18 qt, and now i am moving to my 12''x12''x12'' cage i use for my royals and my corn, and rtb....

eventually everything will go in racks, BESIDES, corn snake, rtb, and BRB, those will be in "display cages" ...

i have the BRB cage at 75 ambeint temp, cool side is 72, and warm side is 81. i set the flexwat to 94, JUST TO WARM THE CAGE UP, SINCE IT WAS OFF FOR LIKE 4 WEEKS.... i will be setting thermostat down to 80 after a few hours (brb is NOT in cage)

any way, those temps sound good? i have a huge humid hide inthere for her with moss that is very humid, i need a hydrometer still...

and since those three snakes will be in display cages, i want to get something really nice for them to go into if any one can point me to something they use and is nice.

07-03-12, 09:57 AM
The Exo-Terra terrariums come in a variety of sizes and are reasonably affordable. I don't think they offer one large enough for an adult RTB, though.

Vision, Boaphile, Animal Plastics....or you can custom build your own.

07-03-12, 10:04 AM
The Exo-Terra terrariums come in a variety of sizes and are reasonably affordable. I don't think they offer one large enough for an adult RTB, though.

Vision, Boaphile, Animal Plastics....or you can custom build your own.

thanks, i did build my own, i am worried about humidity for the BRB though, my rtb and corn dont need high humidity so i was thinking of maybe boaphiles though...

pics are also welcome guys!

07-03-12, 10:46 AM
Animal plastics has a 48x24 x12 for 150$ plus shipping i think and ships in 10 days . Otherwise i would just use a 110 qrt tub until they are over 3 feet. I have a 48x24x15 AP cage on order for my BRB , easy to control humidity with the PVC cages. Boaphile , Animal plastics, boamaster are all good cages. Some ship faster than others.

07-03-12, 10:56 AM
Animal plastics has a 48x24 x12 for 150$ plus shipping i think and ships in 10 days . Otherwise i would just use a 110 qrt tub until they are over 3 feet. I have a 48x24x15 AP cage on order for my BRB , easy to control humidity with the PVC cages. Boaphile , Animal plastics, boamaster are all good cages. Some ship faster than others.

ill check those out.. .ike i said i would want 3 of the same, maybe smaller for the corn, but all same for display.

07-05-12, 01:34 PM
well i put her in my 3x1x1 (for my BP, but he went to a tub) the temps stays right at 81 ( i set it to go 1 degree high, since i have a big tub sitting on the flexwat, so in the tub is 80..) cool side is usually around 74 and ambient is 76. so shes got a nice temp gradient... got some leave and a branch in there for here too... pics:





still playing around with temsp a little, i would like the ambient to get up a little more...

07-05-12, 01:48 PM
I think your ambient temp is fine. From what I can see in your pics that BRB will thrive :)

07-05-12, 01:56 PM
I think your ambient temp is fine. From what I can see in your pics that BRB will thrive :)

good!! thanks also.

i have been playing with thermostat to get it just right... i ill leave the ambient if it is fine though.

07-05-12, 02:00 PM
The most important thing with the BRB's is humidity.You're obviously not new to the hobby so you know which signs to watch for if your husbandry is a little off. Also, I would venture to say it's probably a little warmer in that box than 80 ;)

07-05-12, 02:03 PM
The most important thing with the BRB's is humidity.You're obviously not new to the hobby so you know which signs to watch for if your husbandry is a little off. Also, I would venture to say it's probably a little warmer in that box than 80 ;)

yea, i realized that when i was typing it that the heat would get it.. so i moved the probe inside the tub instead of under it. so it is 80 in the tub. and the whole cage is very humid, i know to keep it very high especially for babies (neonates). i will probably keep higher humidity up through juvinile just to be safe..

(on my own mistakes i hurt me last BRB) so going to be very cautious this time.

07-05-12, 02:05 PM
It needs to be high when they're adults too if you want to keep the iridescence bright.

07-05-12, 02:09 PM
It needs to be high when they're adults too if you want to keep the iridescence bright.

right, just not as high as when she is a baby.

i was saying i will always provide an area (or try to) where she can get a spot of around 88-90 humidity.

07-07-12, 11:23 AM
you can custom build your own cage that will A. look nicer than the boaphile or similar cages (if you want a living room quality show peice put dont want to build your own check out cages by design) B. Will hold humidity better. C. Will be EXACTLY like you want it. If you spend a couple hours learning how to carve you can even carve out designs on the cage

07-08-12, 05:39 PM
you can custom build your own cage that will A. look nicer than the boaphile or similar cages (if you want a living room quality show peice put dont want to build your own check out cages by design) B. Will hold humidity better. C. Will be EXACTLY like you want it. If you spend a couple hours learning how to carve you can even carve out designs on the cage

I will probably just build one, i will (for now) use melamine... but i would like to be able to build something made of plastic or something?

07-12-12, 10:37 AM
I just made my cage for my dragon out of glass and stained wood. It is similar to one of the cages cages by design sells for 2,000 I will post pics when I get the background done

07-12-12, 12:07 PM
I just made my cage for my dragon out of glass and stained wood. It is similar to one of the cages cages by design sells for 2,000 I will post pics when I get the background done

ok cool, looking forward to it!