View Full Version : Pound website-made the mistake of looking..

06-30-12, 06:23 PM
It was weird, i knew they'd have snakes, and for some reason i knew they'd have something other than ball python. I can't believe how long that little baby ball has been there : (
WHy do i look at this??

Lost Other Animal (http://www.vchca.org/public-health/animal-services/lost-other-animal/)

Everyone is upstairs, i could quarantine downstairs...buy a couple UTHs...
Truth is, i'm kind of at my limit taking care of all i have right now. I've been so tire from work.
I wish i had the energy and the means! Ten dollars to save a life, though : (

06-30-12, 06:37 PM
man they have a lot of birds...

07-01-12, 02:53 PM
Yeah when they got loads in like that, it's usually someone died or a raid. They randomly have tons of chickens sometimes too.

I don't even dare look at the dogs. I don't know why i keep looking at the snakes!

07-02-12, 05:51 PM
you're just a crazy snake person like the rest of us...

You'll grow out if it eventually :P

07-02-12, 09:24 PM
my pocket book wishes i would, but i don't really see getting out of the crazy any time soon *lol*

I do go around telling other people it's only ten bucks to adopt a snake at the pound though. Kind of all i can do right now. It's also sad, for me, that it's not just "oh that one needs a home" but it's "hey i don't have one of THOSE yet!!" lol ugh..