View Full Version : Welfare Check Schedule

06-29-12, 07:49 AM
I am assuming we pretty much all own at least one snake that spends all its time hiding and isnt seen out and about.

I was wondering how long you would leave this animal before checking that it was "ok".

Most of my snakes are pretty active and will be seen at some point during the day moving around their enclosure, but i have one young corn and a Royal Python who both spend 99% of the tiem that i am awake hiding away, i might catch a glimpse every few weeks or so but it is rare.

With these two i will lift their hide once a week to check that they are still alive and well and then replace it and leave them be, what do you do?? :)

06-29-12, 08:00 AM
well, most of mine are in a rack, so i can see through if they they are in the back.. for the ones in cages, my RTB is always hid under the aspen, so like one time a week, ill just make sure hes still in there, and usually will hold him and my corn weekly, but i do what you do, 1 gime a week i will make sure hes in there and alive, when i give water, everyother day, i do not disturbe the ones hiding..

CK SandBoas
06-29-12, 08:04 AM
My BRB is very secretive, but i will usually get a glimpse of him cruising around at night.

My Royal is actually one of my more visible snakes, as he'll be lounging on or under his platform any time of the day or evening.

My Gravid Paradox Albino Sand Boa i check in on every few days, just to make sure she's okay, and that there aren't any little ones slithering around :)

06-29-12, 08:08 AM
I check on everyone every other day when I change water. Although I see all of mine out every night when lights go out. I don't have any that just hide all the time.

06-29-12, 08:29 AM
Around here most people get their welfare check and food stamps on the first of the month.

06-29-12, 08:32 AM

I feed mine weekly, so they get checked weekly!! (I only have 2 that hide all the time) like you, a corn and a BP

CK SandBoas
06-29-12, 08:39 AM
Well, 2 of mine have decided to grace me with their presence this morning, lol

My Grey Banded King

And My Royal Python


06-29-12, 08:47 AM
that grey banded king is pretty!!

06-29-12, 08:52 AM
Around here most people get their welfare check and food stamps on the first of the month.

I know...I opened up the thread, and read the OP, wondering what in the heck does a welfare check have to do with checking on your snakes?!

06-29-12, 09:15 AM
I thought the same thing. WTH is he talking about.

My hognose never rests. My JCP shows up on her branches at night. My bps never show themselves unless they are hungry. I know my bull is fine, she leaves me "presents" every day in her water bowl. My red tail cruises around at night. And my corn makes enough noise rearranging his "house" to wake the dead. All quirky lil buggers.

06-29-12, 09:26 AM
Well, 2 of mine have decided to grace me with their presence this morning, lol

My Grey Banded King

And My Royal Python


Honest question.

What kind of wood is that in the enclosures? Looks rather porous to me. How do you keep it clean if it is?

06-29-12, 09:29 AM
It looks like laminated wood to me. I'd imagine it's been sealed well if it is porous. I would hope so anyway. I personally don't use wood in my enclosures. The only actual wood that is in any of the cages is Shelby's trap box, and that has been heavily varnished so it is non-porous now and can be wiped clean.

06-29-12, 10:38 AM
i check them every 48 hours when i change water , and make sure they move and look healthy . I try to get them out at least an hour a day to stay healthy and strong , more on the weekends.

06-29-12, 11:25 AM
Around here most people get their welfare check and food stamps on the first of the month.

Hahaha, that's what I thought this thread was about.

06-29-12, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Tekpc007:I try to get them out at least an hour a day to stay healthy and strong

Honestly Tek, holding a snake for an hour or more every single day is stressful to it. They do not need or particularly want to be picked up and handled. While most non-venomous species do require handling to keep them docile, every day is a bit excessive. I would cut it down to maybe once or twice a week. I don't handle my snakes very often- they usually are handled when cages are cleaned, which is once every 2-3 weeks (I spot clean poops as needed without removing snakes), and mine are much healthier and more relaxed than they were when I picked them up all the time.

06-29-12, 03:07 PM
Honestly Tek, holding a snake for an hour or more every single day is stressful to it. They do not need or particularly want to be picked up and handled. While most non-venomous species do require handling to keep them docile, every day is a bit excessive. I would cut it down to maybe once or twice a week. I don't handle my snakes very often- they usually are handled when cages are cleaned, which is once every 2-3 weeks (I spot clean poops as needed without removing snakes), and mine are much healthier and more relaxed than they were when I picked them up all the time.

I totally agree with this, my snakes seem a lot more relazed also since i stopped handling every couple of days. They proabaly each get handled once a month or so now and i think they are better for it :)

06-29-12, 03:22 PM
I should say , all my snakes for about an hour total so about 15 minutes each or so . I check them over well and let them roam my desk , most of the time they sit on a lttile climbing stand i have on the desk. They all enjoy it , none of them seems stressed at all and are very socialized . I used to let them be for a week or so , except feeding/water but they became more snappy and fearful . To each his own i guess ...

06-29-12, 03:31 PM
I only have 2 snakes, so there's no excuse for me not to check them every day and change their water. Only rarely do I not check on them. I check them at night before bed, since that's when they're more likely to be out and about, so I won't have to bother them when they're in their hides.

06-29-12, 03:33 PM
My RTB lives in a tall enclosure, with the hot side up by the lamp and the cool side on the ground. She'll usually stay on the top rack, which is hidden so she can see me but I can't see her. Other times she'll soak herself in her sink or in her hide on an UTH.

Usually if she hasn't at least re-situated herself in a day I'll pop my head in and see if her tongue comes out. That's the #1 sign I look for to check for life :P

06-29-12, 03:38 PM
I should say , all my snakes for about an hour total so about 15 minutes each or so . I check them over well and let them roam my desk , most of the time they sit on a lttile climbing stand i have on the desk. They all enjoy it , none of them seems stressed at all and are very socialized . I used to let them be for a week or so , except feeding/water but they became more snappy and fearful . To each his own i guess ...

Tek, 15 minutes each is just fine. I pretty much do the same thing, except after feeding for a few days, (depending on prey size) and when in shed. My snakes are not stressed at all, have healthy appetites, and have good dispositions. I check up on them multiple times a day. They are in a rack so it's quite easy to see without having to disturb them.

06-29-12, 03:47 PM
Tek, 15 minutes each is just fine. I pretty much do the same thing, except after feeding for a few days, (depending on prey size) and when in shed. My snakes are not stressed at all, have healthy appetites, and have good dispositions. I check up on them multiple times a day. They are in a rack so it's quite easy to see without having to disturb them.

right , i leave them be in shed and after eating for several days. I do not play with them when out per se , more to let them stretch and move so i can observe for any problems as far as skin and movement and breathing . Maybe 15 minutes a day is too but they dont seem to mind it it at all . My hogs love to be out of the cage and bask in the sun by the window near my desk .

06-29-12, 08:18 PM
I check on then a few times a day but I only get them out and handle them a few times a week. I dont want to stress them out. When everyone is in bed I will take the burm out and give him the family room to play for an hour or so. The boa being a baby just gets to hang with me lol

06-30-12, 01:27 AM
I thought welfare checks to put in the bank as well lol

I check once a day, and try to give water daily, though i have slacked since my new job and only do it every couple of days. Most of my snakes will come out, flick at their water dish, and then actually turn their heads to stare at me though so i'm obligated to do water just about every day *lol*

Usually everyone comes out, or at least peeks their head out when i come into the room. Half of them used to cruise around when they were in the living room, but now i only see them all once a day.

If someone decides not to come out, they will get peeked at...and may get disturbed. I only handle for a few minutes, and then replace. If i don't poke or disturb, i do watch them for a second and look for a tongue flick. I know all the hidey spots so they know i'll peek at them and if i can't see them, they know i'm coming in after them *lol*
Once a day, everyone is peeked upon!

Usually only handled when spot cleaning, or once a month cleaning (for those who have bedding...many have paper towels and get "spot" cleaned by removing everything out and it getting sprayed, wiped, washed with water, all things replaced). They all know the drill now.

As a side note, i've found that since it's warmer weather and since i've had them all in one warmish room, of course even the hiders are all more active now. Even if they hide i can usually peek before bed and some some cruisers who came out at night!

07-06-12, 03:52 AM
i check mine atleast 2 times a week once on feeding day and again 4 days later when i change water and bedding

07-06-12, 07:49 AM
I check on them once a day for no real reason other than personal preference. A personal preference that was birth by the realization that it's easier to find an escapee if you have a rough idea of when it might have gotten loose. Now I know we've all got adequate caging and yada yada yada, but still, I've seen some pretty crazy things happen. Take for example my little pueblan milksnake who use to squeeze the hinge on the lock until he actually unlocked that side of the cage and then wriggled out. Little ******* had me thinkin' I was losin' my mind only locking half the cage. That is until I caught him in action. I know it sounds far-fetched but I'm sure those of you who've been herping long enough have some sort of strange story of your own. ;)

07-06-12, 11:16 AM
I am assuming we pretty much all own at least one snake that spends all its time hiding and isnt seen out and about.

I was wondering how long you would leave this animal before checking that it was "ok".

Most of my snakes are pretty active and will be seen at some point during the day moving around their enclosure, but i have one young corn and a Royal Python who both spend 99% of the tiem that i am awake hiding away, i might catch a glimpse every few weeks or so but it is rare.

With these two i will lift their hide once a week to check that they are still alive and well and then replace it and leave them be, what do you do?? :)

i don't have that problem very often with my carpets mate

but if i do,then i just open the viv doors and have a sniff,if theres a dead snake you will smell it mate

if theres no smell,then i leave them in peace (usually deep in shedding proccess)

cheers shaun