06-27-12, 05:17 PM
This is a long delayed introduction to a snake who has now been our guest for nine months. Almost two years of age now, this little fellow was a holdback animal that we were lucky enough to acquire when the breeder thinned their ranks of younger snakes. Even more impressive than his color is his pedigree: his father was a stunning Howard Leong male, and his mother from Bryan Hummel stock.
Here he is as of his early mid-September arrival at Living Gems. At that first weigh-in with us, he was 150 grams; since then, he has climbed to 278.
In The Bag (With Sister)
In Tub (Side)
In Tub (Top)
If his looks stay like this, he will be a very strong challenger to our senior orange males for the right to remain a Living Gems breeder.
Thank you for reading,
Here he is as of his early mid-September arrival at Living Gems. At that first weigh-in with us, he was 150 grams; since then, he has climbed to 278.
In The Bag (With Sister)
In Tub (Side)
In Tub (Top)
If his looks stay like this, he will be a very strong challenger to our senior orange males for the right to remain a Living Gems breeder.
Thank you for reading,