View Full Version : Nice looking Garter.

06-26-12, 10:33 PM
On vaca here in NY. Loving the wildlife. Got a chance to check out the walleye ponds and moved some siding around looking for snakes. My grandfather said they were all dead and poisoned due to a pesticide incident. But of course, i unearthed about a 100 or so in one stupid move. Needles to say, i am the muskiest of them all. ANYWHO

Found a few beauties. 1 in particular though stood out. Shes/hes a gorgeous little snake and timid too, behavior was better then my king. They come in all shapes,colors,species and such around the area, not sure what it is.

No dark pigment at all, almost like a hypo of sorts. Red and green markings with white stripes and a emerald head.

It goes without saying the pictures do no justice here. very unique colors for around here, and even more so for personality. Didnt musk me at all. Kinda wish i had a snake like this, i really wish i had found it in FL. Would have kept it in a heartbeat.

There was also the more common colors
A very very pissed mama. I put her back as soon as i saw the belly.

There was also a almost solid green and one with some nice blue to it. And a milk snake. An extremely pissed milk snake. Milks are not a very well tempered snake ime.

06-27-12, 01:15 AM
That one is kinda pale, however I find them like that all over (I live in central NY right in the middle of nowhere)

I too am taken by the variety of colourations, the copper red seems to be unique to NYS

So milks have bad tempers... Not my girl Carmella, she's a doll.


06-27-12, 10:05 AM
Nice milk, is she Wild or captive bred? I think thatd make a difference. Most of the wild milks i run into just want NOTHING to do with you. She is beautiful, drop dead pretty. You know im going to end up with a garter snake now right? Just need to find a breeder/a source. Im a huge fan of the copper coloration, as for the green/blue colors as well. You can see the garters nose has a cloudy pattern to it which im pretty sure is just a unique marking to her. The more i read on it the more garters seem like an easy, but interesting, snake to keep.

BTW: I just realized shes letting you handle her while shes eating 0.0 boundaries have been broken.

06-27-12, 11:27 AM
When I first found Carmella in my backyard, she was frozen nearly solid in a heavy frost.

I brought her in and warmed her up, she was had frostbite in her tail, about an inch and a half of her tail died, and I had to dock it, treated with Silvadine SSD (powerful antibitic cream) and she healed up fine.

Her temperment is so sweet I just had to keep her.

Looking for garter snakes?? oh you hit the jackpot here. Check out my web sites.

Garter Snakes (http://www.thamnophis.us/)

Garter Snakes! (http://www.thamnophis.net/)

Thamnophis - Garter Snakes (http://www.thamnophis.co)

06-27-12, 12:39 PM
Great scott those are some hot morphs. Bookmarked. I originally wanted to keep Ring Necked snakes, but as ive learned, not many breeders and not an easy snake.

My friend just put a Ball Python up for offer though, so, i may have to just go ahead and take the snake in need. Shes a cute girly, i wont mind. Still, once im in/out of college, my snake collection will expand.

Im going to try to get more garter and snake pics while im here in NY to see how many morphs i can find. Know of any wild morph directory?

06-27-12, 12:59 PM
Great scott those are some hot morphs. Bookmarked. I originally wanted to keep Ring Necked snakes, but as ive learned, not many breeders and not an easy snake.

My friend just put a Ball Python up for offer though, so, i may have to just go ahead and take the snake in need. Shes a cute girly, i wont mind. Still, once im in/out of college, my snake collection will expand.

Im going to try to get more garter and snake pics while im here in NY to see how many morphs i can find. Know of any wild morph directory?

NY sucks for finding morphs.

There is a colony of Melanistic garters in OH, Albino Radix (Plains garter) in Iowa, Flames in Canada, etc.