View Full Version : What kind of snake is this?

06-26-12, 08:31 AM
This is Fred and he lives in my front yard garden. He's been there since he was relatively small and I always thought he was a garden snake. Never thought much of him but a friend told me he could be venemous. Now it's in my head and I'm thinking I should have it removed. Any help is much appreciated? Thanks.

06-26-12, 09:34 AM
Completely harmless Nerodia.

common water snake - cousin of the garter snake.

I kept one as a pet for years.

06-26-12, 09:42 AM
Yep, looks like a banded water snake. Completely harmless.

06-26-12, 09:54 AM
and to avoid confusion, the term water snake is not 100% accurate, I have found many of them in meadows and in the woods under rocks.. They behave exactly the same as a Garter snake and will eat worms, toads and salamanders just as much as minnows.

06-26-12, 03:12 PM
Fred is not venomous. You can continue to let him live in your front yard :)

06-27-12, 12:14 AM
This is great, you have a "pet" snake with a great "enclosure" that you don't have to move him to clean.