View Full Version : Calling all Reptile Keepers of the Southeast

06-25-12, 02:40 PM
The National Herpetological Society (NHS) is in the process of compiling an updated list of all the active herp societies/organizations in the country. The purpose of this is to (among other things) have a list of societies to help direct newcomers to the hobby, in case they are unaware of herp clubs in their respective areas. The NHS will soon maintain a presence at most Repticon expos (although this is not a Repticon-affiliated organization) and hopefully other reptile shows/expos as well. So, having such a list will be a great asset to us, because one of our main goals is to help facilitate the growth of local herp societies everywhere.
But the first step is making the list! So right now, myself and one other member are responsible for the Southeast. I've pretty much got Alabama covered, and he is working on Florida.

My request is to anyone from the following states: Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana. If you are aware of any active herp societies in your state, please let me know. You can post it here, send me a PM, or email me at GulfCoastARK@gmail.com.

There's a lot of websites out there with outdated information, so we're just trying to sift through it all, making calls, sending emails, and making inquiries to see which ones are active and which aren't. Any information you can provide will be appreciated. Thanks for your help!
The NHS itself is still in the infant stages. If you're on Facebook, and wanna take a look, the page is: National Herpetological Society | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/NationalHerpSociety?ref=ts)

06-25-12, 03:06 PM
hi i live in alabama and i dont know about any herp clubs here around birmingham could u direct me to one plz. i have no friends here that luv snakes in fact they r all scared of them and wont even let me talk about mine lol. i get so excited about snakes and reptiles i have no one to share it with and feel all alone at times

06-25-12, 03:20 PM
Just sent you a PM.

helen davis
06-25-12, 03:37 PM
my fiance and i live in tennessee we are fairly new to the amazing snake/reptile world. we have one female ball python. anyways we would love some info about clubs and organizations in tennessee. we haven't been able to find any, so if you could send us some info on a few that would be great. and if we find any we'll send you their info. hope u can help us!! thanks.

-Mr. and Mrs. Davis

06-25-12, 03:44 PM
Helen, so far my searches for Tennessee herp societies have resulted in one big goose egg. Just asked a longterm keeper in the state and he said he's never heard of any, and was considering starting one himself. I'll be sure to let you know what develops.

Part of me wonders if the lack of TN herp clubs may be because of the somewhat strict laws for herps. TN is not one of the most reptile-keeper friendly states. For starters, you can't own tortoises or turtles. If I'm not mistaken, venomous aren't allowed to be kept, and I think you have to have some sort of permit if you are breeding anything. [shrugs]

helen davis
06-25-12, 04:14 PM
we have heard of those laws and restrictions. we think they are kind of stupid but oh well. thank you for checking for us though. please let us know if you find any. also if you don't mind we would like some info about georgia and kentucky. we don't mind having to travel. thanks so much for all your help we appriciate it.

-Mr. and Mrs. Davis