View Full Version : hi everyone...
06-25-12, 09:04 AM
hi i'm new here, can you please help me. im always fascinated with snakes, and when a friend offer me a snake i bought it already, i dont know what kind of snake it is.. here's a pic. thanks
06-25-12, 11:32 AM - Rules (
06-25-12, 11:37 AM
First of all, Welcome to the forum!
Secondly, the image link is kinda messed up.
Pardon me for being blunt, but why would you purchase a snake without knowing what species it is? What if it turns out to be something that grows large, or has a specialized diet?
06-25-12, 07:37 PM
Welcome , you pic link doesnt work ...
snake man12
06-25-12, 07:53 PM
Welcome to the forum
06-27-12, 12:20 AM
Post a pic that we can see and we will try to identify your snake. If you don't know what kind of snake you bought are you sure that it is not a venomous snake? Be careful of unknown snakes you never know what it could be or where it came from.
06-27-12, 12:21 AM
Oh and welcome to the forum.
06-28-12, 08:45 AM
this is the pic. sorry if i didn't check what kind of species i'm buying.
thats why i'm here, to learn some more. i've been facinated to constrictors, pythons and non venomous snakes.
06-28-12, 08:54 AM
Still no image.
06-28-12, 08:55 AM
and how to post a pic correctly?
snake man12
06-28-12, 08:55 AM
You need to use an image hosting site like photobucket or flickr
06-28-12, 08:56 AM
the file is come from my drive and everytime i post it, it messes up.
snake man12
06-28-12, 08:58 AM
You need to have the image code from a hosting website like photobucket. Make an account its free and takes two minutes
06-28-12, 09:01 AM
thanks snake man12
06-28-12, 09:02 AM
still messed up i use flickr.
06-28-12, 09:09 AM
ahhh.. still messed up.
06-28-12, 09:11 AM
06-28-12, 09:11 AM
finally i get it right.. thats my snake.
snake man12
06-28-12, 09:14 AM
That is a green anaconda. I hope you are ready for a giant. That snake could get 15 feet and weigh 150 pounds
06-28-12, 09:16 AM
Doesn't look like a green anaconda to me mostly because the pattern looks off but I don't know much about them.
snake man12
06-28-12, 09:18 AM
That is definetly a green anaconda. Maybe a morph of some kind but yeah it's an anaconda
06-28-12, 09:22 AM
yeah.. if its true. then its GREAT. but what should i feed to it? its about 80cm?
snake man12
06-28-12, 09:23 AM
It's true. I would try large rats right now then when it gets bigger rabbits.
06-28-12, 09:29 AM
yeah thats what i'm thinking before. how will i know when its feeding time.
i search some info on "how to know if a snake is hungry?" they say when its prowling out, and if its tongue flicking in high frequency.
snake man12
06-28-12, 09:31 AM
When was the last time it ate?
06-28-12, 09:31 AM
Two points, please pick the one that applies to you.
IF you have no reptile experience and havent owned snakes of at least 10ft before then go back to your friend, hand over the snake and tell him that he was stupid to give it to you.
IF you have the experience, the space for a huge vivarium, a couple of people that will help you handle him when necessary for the next 25years, a good supplier of large rabbits and the money and inclination to do it right then - CONGRATULATIONS, great snake and hope you can keep us updated with pictures :)
06-28-12, 09:35 AM
At first I was like, no way (actually thought it was diamondback water snake), but the head scalation is all wrong. Definitely looks anaconda-ish, but no morph that I'm aware of for a yellow or a green. I'll admit I don't follow that market though.
Is there another species of anaconda, or perhaps a close relative to Eunectes that more closely resembles this animal?
WAIT A MINUTE, look at the photo...those scales are weakly keeled. Not a anaconda.
06-28-12, 09:38 AM
Now I'm really curious what this snake is!
06-28-12, 09:38 AM
just last week? on a saturday.
Thank you Lankyrob. even though i have no experience at these kind of pet, i will take any responsibility. and take good care of it. its my choice. and i hope there's a lot of people could help me at this. and i'll do my part also.
snake man12
06-28-12, 09:43 AM
It is definetly an anaconda. Try feeding it a large rat today or tommarow
06-28-12, 09:46 AM
It is definetly an anaconda. Try feeding it a large rat today or tommarow
Dude...look at the photo again. That snake has keeled scales. Anacondas do not. Ergo....the snake in that photo is not an anaconda. I don't know what it is, but it's not Eunectes sp.
I'm not trying to best anyone or anything....I just know that animal is not an anaconda, so I do not feel it is right to continue giving the OP care information implying that it is.
Can you not phone your friend and ask him what snake it is?
06-28-12, 09:51 AM
I have to agree, I've been scanning through pictures and it looks nothing like anything i've found.
Personally I think the OP should return it as I highly doubt it is anything but WC and it should be returned to where it belongs.
snake man12
06-28-12, 09:51 AM
Look at the head shape. And those scales are only lightly keeled like an anaconda. It must be a morph. Look at pic of head
06-28-12, 09:53 AM
I have personally held several anacondas, both green and yellow, of various sizes. None of them have keeled scales to the degree of the animal in that photo.
snake man12
06-28-12, 09:54 AM
Stop saying what it's not and say what it is then?????? Look at the pic of the head
06-28-12, 09:57 AM
another pic.
snake man12
06-28-12, 09:58 AM
Thanks bryy. Look at the shape of the lower head and look at the eyes. I know it has different patterning but the head gives it away
06-28-12, 10:02 AM
what ever it is, i think i'll observe and keep it for a while.
snake man12
06-28-12, 10:04 AM
Bryy could you please call your friend to settle this debate between me and studentoreptile
06-28-12, 10:05 AM
Stop saying what it's not and say what it is then?????? Look at the pic of the head
Don't order me around. I already stated that I do not know what species it is. But I have enough experience with anacondas to know when a snake is not an anaconda.
I did look at the picture...several times. I will admit that the head shape is similar to that of an anaconda. However, to my eyes, that is where the similarities end.
keeled scales
again, while I admit I do not follow the 'conda moprh market that closely (apparently you don't either), there's not that many out there, and that snake looks nothing like any of the morphs I have seen.
body shape is too slender; a little subjective, I know, but the snake does not look emaciated or looks reasonably robust for whatever species it is. An anaconda of similar size would and should be a little girthier
the scalation on the body. The scales are too large for an anaconda that size.
It is on the tip of my tongue. I do seem to recall seeing a photo of a snake similar to this (don't say anaconda! :p). Some kinda of exotic water snake of something. Its not Nerodia sp. either.
06-28-12, 10:06 AM
guys easy, just help me with this. i'll send you some updates about my snake but now i'll just keep it. Thanks for all your comments and advice
06-28-12, 10:07 AM
Bryy could you please call your friend to settle this debate between me and studentoreptile
Not a bad idea.
Can we get some shots of the belly while we're waiting, too?
Of course, if the friend is equally ignorant (what if the person who sold it to him was wrong), it doesn't necessarily make the snake an anaconda.
snake man12
06-28-12, 10:08 AM
I apologize for the order but lets just try and find out what it is from bryy023. Maybe not an anaconda but I don't know of any water snake this large and girthy
06-28-12, 10:09 AM
my friend says that its a water python, but first i make sure that its not venomous, he showed me the mouth and no fangs.
06-28-12, 10:10 AM
Dog-faced water snake, Cerberus rynchops
Cerberus rynchops (
Feel free to google both names (common and taxonomic). The pictures match. That is what you have.
snake man12
06-28-12, 10:12 AM
Dog-faced water snake, Cerberus rynchops
Cerberus rynchops (
Feel free to google both names (common and taxonomic). The pictures match. That is what you have.
I stand corrected. They must be pretty rare then
06-28-12, 10:16 AM
ok i'll get some shots
06-28-12, 10:17 AM
Indeed. Sorry if I came across as a little combative there, but I knew that isn't an anaconda, but for the life of me couldn't remember what it is. Just started googling "asian water snake" to see what popped up, and I happened to see a photo.
Upon some casual reading, seems that they're mildly venomous, but pretty docile. Captive care seems pretty similar to our North American water snakes and garter snakes. Mainly fish-eaters.
snake man12
06-28-12, 10:18 AM
Sound good lets see what bryy023 thinks
06-28-12, 10:18 AM
ok i'll get some shots
Don't sweat it. I think we established what it is. Congrats on getting such an obscure species!
Well done :)
Bryyy023 this is a rear fanged colubrid and slightly venomous so I would suggest doing some reading up on it and its husbandry requirements if you intend to keep it.
Cerberus rynchops - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
06-28-12, 10:19 AM
i check it too.. it look like one of those.
06-28-12, 10:21 AM
what its venomous?
06-28-12, 10:21 AM
this is its belly
snake man12
06-28-12, 10:23 AM
Yes mildly venomous I just did some quick reading
06-28-12, 10:25 AM
so.. it means its harmful
06-28-12, 10:27 AM
thanks for the information and for the help.
Not usually to humans. Do some googling/reasearch on it. Here is another link
dog-faced water snake (cerberus rynchops): info fact sheet, photo (
06-28-12, 10:28 AM
on what i heard and what i see. i'll just think.
06-28-12, 10:31 AM
i'm looking at it right know.
06-28-12, 10:36 AM
first i'm gonna do is where to find a anti-venom to it
06-28-12, 10:40 AM
i do my own searching now i know what i'm really having
06-28-12, 10:43 AM
first i'm gonna do is where to find an anti-venom to it
To be honest, there probably isn't one that exists for that species because 1.) I doubt if any deaths have even been attributed to that species, due to the mild nature of the venom and the snake's typical docile nature and 2.) the snake is too obscure in captivity.
In a nutshell, it simply is not worth the effort and expense to manufacture an antivenin for the species.
Think about it: there's no antivenin for hognose snakes, or garter snakes, or false water cobras. Heck, they even stopped making antivenin for coral snakes because the risk of getting bit by one is so low.
Just be careful while you're handling and make sure your hands don't smell like fish!
Here's an interesting thread regarding the bite of a western hognose and how the OP dealt with it. Not saying its the exact same type of venom, but likely the same level of toxicity:
06-28-12, 10:45 AM
sorry for what i've said that i will be keeping it, now i'll just think again. if i'll keeping it.
06-28-12, 10:46 AM
pardon what is the meaning of OP.
06-28-12, 10:51 AM
thanks studentoreptile. and everyone. but i really like to have a constrictor or a python or not venomous, not venomous at all snake.
06-28-12, 10:55 AM
pardon what is the meaning of OP.
OP = original poster
sorry for what i've said that i will be keeping it, now i'll just think again. if i'll keeping it.
I don't want to necessary downplay the snake's venom or anything, and we certainly didn't mean to scare you by saying it was venomous. But realistically, this snake probably isn't going to send you to the hospital if it did bite you.
A lot of colubrids are known to be mildly venomous, including garter snakes, and the ever-popular western hognose snake. People keep them all the time. If there was a real significant danger, this would not be the case. I have a friend who is hyperallergenic to venom...and she breeds hognose snakes.
So obviously, this is your decision, but don't get into a mindset that the snake is radioactive or something and you should never touch it now that you know it is mildly venomous. If you are genuinely interested in keeping it, definitely do some more research. I would try to seek out others who keep or have kept these in the past to find out their experiences.
06-28-12, 10:56 AM
Just saw your latest post. Understandable.
At least now, you can tell whoever gets the snake now exactly what species it is and what they're getting into!
06-28-12, 11:04 AM
ok.. thats OP..
I know, you didn't. i'm just a bit shock. because i have no experience in having a snake or this kind of snake. i always thought of having a snake. but anyway thanks. i'll do my part too. for now on i'll just be more cautious. men i love constrictors. in my country its a bit difficult to have one.
06-28-12, 11:05 AM
yeah. thanks to you and to the others, i love this forum. if i had another snake i'll share it in here.
06-28-12, 11:07 AM
so how about you studentoreptile, what you have?
I don't want to necessary downplay the snake's venom or anything, and we certainly didn't mean to scare you by saying it was venomous. But realistically, this snake probably isn't going to send you to the hospital if it did bite you.
A lot of colubrids are known to be mildly venomous, including garter snakes, and the ever-popular western hognose snake. People keep them all the time. If there was a real significant danger, this would not be the case. I have a friend who is hyperallergenic to venom...and she breeds hognose snakes.
So obviously, this is your decision, but don't get into a mindset that the snake is radioactive or something and you should never touch it now that you know it is mildly venomous. If you are genuinely interested in keeping it, definitely do some more research. I would try to seek out others who keep or have kept these in the past to find out their experiences.
I completely agree.
If you do decide not to keep it (which by your posts is most likely) I would suggest maybe starting you interest with another colubrid, the corn snake. They are a fantastic snake for starters (and more experienced keepers) and are very easily kept.
Good luck in the decision you make.
06-28-12, 11:17 AM
i'll do my part too. for now on i'll just be more cautious. men i love constrictors. in my country its a bit difficult to have one.
What country is that, if you don't mind me asking?
so how about you studentoreptile, what you have?
Snakes? Just a elderly ball python and an Aesculapian snake.
06-28-12, 11:17 AM
I think your right. really? i did some research, its a constrictor if i'm not wrong but there are two types.
06-28-12, 11:19 AM
its ok. Philippines.
Wow i always see that ball python snake whenever i searches.
06-28-12, 11:20 AM
Well, "constrictor" can be a very broad term. A lot of snakes use constriction to incapacitate their prey, not just pythons and boas. Many ratsnakes (including cornsnakes), kingsnakes, gopher, pine and bullsnakes, African house snakes...many colubrid employ the method as well.
06-28-12, 11:23 AM
ahhh.. i see. i read about that, some colubrid are non venomous. but how can i determine by looking at it if its a colubrid or boa or python?
06-28-12, 11:40 AM
ahhh.. i see. i read about that, some colubrid are non venomous. but how can i determine by looking at it if its a colubrid or boa or python?
THAT is a very good question. Most of the differences that separates these three families of snakes are either dental, or osteological (pertaining to bone structure). In other words, for someone completely ignorant about snakes, there's not a clear way to identify whether one is colubrid, boid, or python just be looking at it.
Common names are a start, but not an exact science. Most boas or pythons have "boa" or "python" in their common name.
Colubrids? Not so much. The family is really more of a taxonomic dumping ground for species that don't fit into other families (boidae, elapids, vipers, etc.)...although recent findings show that many colubrids are more closely related to those other families than originally thought.
06-28-12, 05:56 PM
Ahh. thats how. now i'll get a snake from a breeder. so i know what it is and how to handle it.
06-28-12, 06:03 PM
does my snake have a the same feeding time like other, i'm just confused.
06-28-12, 06:18 PM
studentoreptile is there any first aid or treatment if bitten by dogfaced water snake?
06-28-12, 08:18 PM
studentoreptile is there any first aid or treatment if bitten by dogfaced water snake?
Specifically for the dog-face? It would depend on your reaction to the bite. At best....nothing may happen, and you can just treat the teeth marks with some antiseptic and a bandaid if need be.
If there's any additional pain and'or swelling, some suggest Benedryl. I would read that thread I linked to earlier.
06-28-12, 09:41 PM
can you share that link to me? by the way thanks. i just buy some fish for my snake.
06-29-12, 03:39 AM
07-01-12, 06:39 AM
hi guys i'm back..
pls help my snake doesn't eat her food
07-01-12, 09:55 AM
Wish i had been on here sooner. I am glad you figure out what kind it is. I will say i almost fell out of my chair laughing when i read Snake man12 insisting it was a Anaconda. I can kind of see why he thought so. Anyway Bryyy023 nice to have you join us.
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