View Full Version : New savannah in water dish a lot.

06-22-12, 11:59 AM
I recently purchased a 2 month old baby savannah monitor. He is pretty active for the most part but last night he layer in his water bowl for what seemed like most of the night. I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. I read "the truh about savannah monitors" the $5 E Book before my purchase and I had been planning to get one for abouta year.

Here is his container info
4' by 2' by 2' custom glass aquarium. Sliding screen tops(now I know I shouldn't have Made screen tops because of humidity regulation)

4-6 inches of organic topsoil/play sand mix. 60:40

Two large branches with basking spot and several places to hide/burrow around.

One large bowl for bathing or other and a smaller bowl on the other side so he has constant clean water.

The ambient room temp is 72-80. About the same as the cold side of his habitat.
The warn side's air temp is about 90-98 and the basking spot is around 115-120

The humidity sits at 50-70% I covered up most the screen to hold humidity.

I have fed him a large meal the first day smaller the second large the third and now it is today. (meaning I have had him 4 days)

His food is crickets right now with a calcium vitamin powder.

He has a dark light for night and a day light. Both 150W both make about the same temp and keep the basking spot in the same place.

Also he doesn't go to the cooler side very often and the humidity at that side will sit from around 45-50 I figured I may as well make a humidity gradient with temp to see which he likes more.

06-22-12, 12:52 PM

Please read my web site, there is some additional information that you will need.

The whole fish tank enclosure has to go, it simply will not do for keeping a monitor in it, The screen top lets all the humidity escape, the high wattage bulbs are drying out the air as it is.

Savannahmonitor.co is in my signature line, just click on it.

06-22-12, 12:58 PM
Is there anything I can use to cover the screen tops? or any adjustments I can make to it?

06-22-12, 01:35 PM
If you love your sav then listen to Wayne, he knows his stuff :)

snake man12
06-22-12, 03:43 PM
If you love your sav then listen to Wayne, he knows his stuff :)

I agree^^^

06-22-12, 03:59 PM
For the time (as a temporary fix) you can use a piece of plywood...

06-22-12, 04:01 PM
Okay, I went out and got 3 50W bulbs.

and tonight I could go get plywood to slide into where the screens are.

Also, thank you for the help.

06-22-12, 04:06 PM
Here is an example photo...


Videos...... Infernalis1 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/Infernalis1?feature=mhee)


06-22-12, 08:38 PM
Just wanted to say thank you again and Steve seems to be way more active in his tank now. he will bask a bit and then walk around and sometimes go in the hiding spots in the dirt mix.

And don't worry, I most definitely do not plan on keeping this tank for a long time, I am in an apartment right now which I am moving out of after summer, once I get my new place I am going to be building a full size tank for him.

06-22-12, 09:07 PM
Just wanted to say thank you again and Steve seems to be way more active in his tank now. he will bask a bit and then walk around and sometimes go in the hiding spots in the dirt mix.

And don't worry, I most definitely do not plan on keeping this tank for a long time, I am in an apartment right now which I am moving out of after summer, once I get my new place I am going to be building a full size tank for him.

That is great..

Don't be afraid to ask anything at all.

06-23-12, 09:19 PM
Plexiglass works great for temporary monitor enclosure tops.

06-23-12, 11:30 PM
Plexiglass works great for temporary monitor enclosure tops.

I found a nice piece of plywood that a friend wasn't using, it fits almost perfect, (It is a little larger but it works well.)

06-23-12, 11:50 PM
Yeah, scraps of plywood are a lot easier to get than scraps of plexi.

06-24-12, 08:12 AM
Very true.

Oh, and you may want to try to bump the basking spot by about ten degrees. This is very easily accomplished. All you have to do is raise the basking spot closer to the heat source.

06-27-12, 04:45 PM
Hey, was wondering if you guys had any specific cage brand for a sav? I build cages for my bigger monitors and snakes, but wanted to see what good alternatives are out here

06-27-12, 08:51 PM
You aren't going to find an enclosure large enough for a savannah monitor in a store unless you're willing to pay $5,000+. Most people who keep monitors build their own enclosures or hire somebody else to do it.

06-29-12, 04:36 PM
Find a decent carpenter... theyll knock one up for you :)

06-29-12, 05:24 PM
If you find a carpenter make sure to specify what the use of it will be and all the things you need. Like that it has to hold humidity and temperature decently and the wood has to be sealed to avoid rotting.