View Full Version : 49 foot retic!!!

06-21-12, 08:49 PM

Check this out from MSNBC:

49-foot python captured in Indonesia - World news - msnbc.com (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3845750/ns/world_news/t/-foot-python-captured-indonesia/#.T-PcKh2YNOA)

snake man12
06-21-12, 09:27 PM
I had made a thread about this to. It turns out it was a fake that was in the twenties

06-21-12, 09:29 PM
if truly confirmed at 49 feet, it would be quite impressive. Heck, 39 feet would be impressive.

06-21-12, 11:25 PM
I had made a thread about this to. It turns out it was a fake that was in the twenties

Dammit! That would have been incredibly impressive had it been real...

06-22-12, 05:43 AM
I was just thinking the other day it was about time this news article be resurface again. Usually does about every year or so.

[sigh] Look at the date of the article. 2004. Its old news and fake news, at that. Like everyone else said, it was debunked. The 49-ft, 900+ lb python mysteriously shrunk when a real biologist went over there and whipped out a measuring tape. Who'da thunk it?! I seem to recall it was only like 23 feet or so. Still big, but no record-breaking monster.

Just Indonesian politics trying to get some publicity for their village and stupid gullible American journalists ate it up.

06-22-12, 07:38 AM
This same "news" report shows itself every year around this time.
Seems there's more than one sucker born every minute.

06-22-12, 07:00 PM
I guess at least it's better to hear about exaggerated animal measurements that what t-shirt Justin Bieber has chosen to wear today.

I swear "news" seems to be getting less and less "newsworthy" and more mundane and pretentious.