View Full Version : Basement questions-

06-21-12, 07:30 AM
so as many of you know, im building a room in my basement to move all my snakes and stuff down into- since they baby is going into the current room they are in... my questions is this....

currently, and till prolly Sep/Oct, it is around 80 in my basement.

all my snakes are in sealed cages, or racks and was wondering if i could just put them in there now? over all humidity is 76 or so, and temp is 80... in the basement...

as i said, they are all ina cage (except tortoise, hes on a tort table)

would the normal spiders and stuff down there bother them? the grand daddy long legs and other common small basement spiders are down there. should i spray and get rid of all of themt 1st then will it be safe?

just looking ofr some info, thanks guys

06-21-12, 07:47 AM
You don't have to worry about household arthropods and insects disturbing your reptiles unless they are: a) Big enough to eat your reptiles b) Ants. Ants in large numbers can irritate/kill any animal.

Sprays are never a good idea unless absolutely necessary. If it can kill other forms of life, it can't possibly be good for you and your reptiles.

06-21-12, 08:13 AM
I have kept my snakes in my basement before without problems.


06-21-12, 08:19 AM
My whole set up is in my basement. I also have my breading mice and asfs in the same space...I know it isnt the hest to bread the mice close to the snakes,but I don't have other space. They have been there for over a year and are healthy.

06-21-12, 09:29 AM
You don't have to worry about household arthropods and insects disturbing your reptiles unless they are: a) Big enough to eat your reptiles b) Ants. Ants in large numbers can irritate/kill any animal.

Sprays are never a good idea unless absolutely necessary. If it can kill other forms of life, it can't possibly be good for you and your reptiles.

very good point...

and the corner where the room will be going is cleaned out, just some normal spiders and stuff, i would sweep/vaccumm the best i could to make sure i can get everything out, and i have an outside wild cat that can get it, so i would leave the tort in my office for now...

I have kept my snakes in my basement before without problems.

awesome, i need to start the babies room, and i need to move ALOT of crap 2 storys down.. lol need to get a move on.

My whole set up is in my basement. I also have my breading mice and asfs in the same space...I know it isnt the hest to bread the mice close to the snakes,but I don't have other space. They have been there for over a year and are healthy.

few quick pics?!?! :) please!?

06-21-12, 10:19 AM
I keep my snake room in my basement. I use two radiant heaters to hold the room at 80-85. It sets up a temp gradient from floor to ceiling and cage fronts to cage backs. I set up my snakes based on who does best at what temps, and supplement with radiant heat panels where needed.

I've not had any issues with this set up for two and a half years.

06-21-12, 10:27 AM
I keep my snake room in my basement. I use two radiant heaters to hold the room at 80-85. It sets up a temp gradient from floor to ceiling and cage fronts to cage backs. I set up my snakes based on who does best at what temps, and supplement with radiant heat panels where needed.

I've not had any issues with this set up for two and a half years.

once i get the room i plan on keeping it at a constant 70, then have the racks/cages heated to the right temp for the warm sides ect... just for now, there will be no room, just putting them down there in a corner where the room will be going... im just worred cuz its a little dirty....

06-21-12, 10:28 AM
diamataceous earth is an all natural insect killer, it basicallt takes out anything with an exo-skeleton and is not dangerous to any other animal. it is pulverized fossils of sea creatures!! you can get it at most hardware stores or garden centres, and sometimes even pet supply stores (they are starting to sell it as a natural flea product)

I have used it all around my house for years, including in my room (where all my snakes are) and never had a problem.

06-21-12, 10:43 AM
diamataceous earth is an all natural insect killer, it basicallt takes out anything with an exo-skeleton and is not dangerous to any other animal. it is pulverized fossils of sea creatures!! you can get it at most hardware stores or garden centres, and sometimes even pet supply stores (they are starting to sell it as a natural flea product)

I have used it all around my house for years, including in my room (where all my snakes are) and never had a problem.

maybe ill look into it, i trust you, but its a big risk if it hurts all my reptiles, ya know?

06-21-12, 11:47 AM
it doesn't hurt any reptiles or mammals. it is the consistency of dust and you're not putting it in the vivs themselves, just along the walls on the floor. it works by dehydrating the insects it comes into contact with.

Like I said, I use it in my reptile room and I have 18 snakes in there right now, 9 of them hatchlings.

06-21-12, 12:05 PM
it doesn't hurt any reptiles or mammals. it is the consistency of dust and you're not putting it in the vivs themselves, just along the walls on the floor. it works by dehydrating the insects it comes into contact with.

Like I said, I use it in my reptile room and I have 18 snakes in there right now, 9 of them hatchlings.

i will try and find it :) thnaks

06-21-12, 12:16 PM
no problem!!

06-22-12, 06:50 AM
Safer 5168 Ant and Crawling Insect Killer_Speedy Delivery_866-275-7383 (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=eiatsh&tok=RGnQrAipqp3KKAEpv08v4Q&cp=9&gs_id=10&xhr=t&q=safer+ant+and+crawling+insect+killer&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1600&bih=799&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=8758120781731305510&sa=X&ei=mWnkT86DGqSK0QGR8_j7CQ&sqi=2&ved=0CIMBEPMCMAI)

so i got this stuff, it has the diatomaceous earth stuff as 77% of the ingredient, i couldnt find anything else... is this what you use? is this safe for around snakes, it says it kills anything like crickets, ants, ect...

06-22-12, 12:16 PM
bump it up, need to know asap if this will be fne.