View Full Version : Big snake crap!! Video ( gross but interesting)

06-16-12, 05:58 PM
Well my female JCP hasn't left me a nice log in quite a while. I took her outside for some play time hoping this would bring on some action. And it did. And it was nasty. And although its upside down I got it on camera.
Warning ----- this is gross as hell and you will laugh but I thought I would share as I know some people who own corns or smaller snakes might wonder what a big snake can do. And imagine this in a small enclosure.
Here you go. I warned you!!!

But still no big log. She is huge and I suspect its all poo. Hope she goes now that the plug is gone.

snake man12
06-16-12, 06:03 PM
That was one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen. Don't ya just love your snakes?

06-16-12, 06:03 PM
So that's what I have got to look forward to when mine grows up :) nice :)

snake man12
06-16-12, 06:06 PM
At least my dum doesn't poop like that

06-16-12, 06:09 PM
That was one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen. Don't ya just love your snakes?

Oh yeah. We love her. She is super calm and seems very comfortable with us.
She was in a 2x2x2 when we got her and very nervous when handled. Now she has a bigger enclosure and a much better life.

As I typed this she dropped about a pound of crap. Success!!!

CK SandBoas
06-16-12, 06:11 PM
That reminds me how my Grey Banded King poops, only on a much larger scale :D

06-16-12, 06:13 PM
So that's what I have got to look forward to when mine grows up :) nice :)

Maybe not quite this bad. She has only gone once since she laid her clutch in late February and it was just fluid. I was worried she may have had one more egg stuck in there but she is pooping like mad since I shot this.

06-17-12, 08:28 AM
I figured there would be more comments than this lol!!
My kids laughed hard watching my wifes face when she saw this.

06-17-12, 08:42 AM
LOL that was nasty!! something only true snake lovers could appreciate :laugh:

06-17-12, 09:18 AM
Wow. That was let's just say, very educational LOL. I have to admit, I've NEVER seen anything like that before.

06-17-12, 09:36 AM
I will have to take some post poopy shots. She shrunk a lot. Looking more lean now. Thank god!

06-17-12, 10:06 AM
That was gross! Only on this forum.

06-17-12, 10:08 AM
A snake poop video. A new low.

snake man12
06-17-12, 10:26 AM
A snake poop video. A new low.

I agree entirely, but still a funny sight

06-17-12, 11:07 AM
A snake poop video. A new low.

Tell me you didn't laugh and say "ewww"!!

06-17-12, 11:59 AM
Definatly better out side, does he beg at the door when he needs to be let out?

06-17-12, 12:00 PM
Definatly better out side, does he beg at the door when he needs to be let out?

Wouldn't that be great!!!!

06-17-12, 01:33 PM
oh my gosh *lmao* that was horrifyingly awesome.
UGH..i just imagined the smell...diiiisgusting!

She had to lean over and check it out afterwards too *lmao*

06-17-12, 02:40 PM
Yeah, but still gross...

06-18-12, 06:27 PM
Wow omg hahaha... Thanks for the post... I guess

06-19-12, 12:24 AM
That video was 'crap'!!!!! LOL:wacky:
Am I the only one who rewound and watched that 'pop, PLUUURRRRRGGGEEEE' part a few times??? :wacky::wacky:
we need more of these vids on here!! :3eyes:

06-19-12, 12:33 AM
I just think it's adorable how they lift their tails up to avoid goin thru their poop.
When I first got my python, mum said " I don't want u wearing the same clothes inside the house that u had ur python on. Theyr dirty animals, they slide thru there poop and all!" and the first time I saw him poop mum was putting out the washing and I said "hey look mum he's pooping!!!" and she watched out of curiosity and when he finished he lifted up his tail and moved away from the poop and I looked at mum and she was amazed! I said "see! They are actually very clean!!" and she said " well I'll be darned! I'm impressed!". I then cheekily said "wanna hold him now??" and I went to pick him up and mum bolted!! LOL!!!!:wacky:

06-19-12, 01:14 AM
Good God. And to know all to well how BAD it stinks makes this all too vivid. Ugh.

Kinda glad I've only encountered the aftermath of my RTB's bowel movements.