View Full Version : Garters and blood worms

06-02-12, 07:57 PM
Garters are SO cute! See some pics here on the first and second page of this thread

SO, I was at the fish store today getting some guppies to feed my fresh water catfish...and I thought I'd try some live blood worms for my baby garters. I hadn't read that it would hurt them, only that they may not eat them.
So i put some in a dish for each of them, and added a little water so the worms would really wiggle around. Set them each in their perspective feed boxes...and the male is pretty shy, so he hid. The female however came out and watched the worms, then proceeded to act confused, and just want out of the box (tupperware).
So i took some trout i'd been feeding them, and put just a dash in the dish with the worms.

Female came out and sniffed around....then went crazy eat and eating *lol*
She accidentally came across the little bit of trout while trying to get a mouthfull of worms, and carried that around for a bit, then swallowed that down too. She's been in there now being fat and trying to eat every last little bit of worm. She keeps going in the water and hunting away.

The male i've noticed, wants to hide.....unless he sees the female out. So i put the tupperwares next to each other and turned them so he could see her moving around in her tub. He came right now, and started hunting.
Very interesting behavior! I've only fed them a couple of times, but i've seen him act timid until he sees her eating. Cute really.

So, now he's also eating worms...he too came across the piece of trout by accident while he was opening and shutting his mouth repeatedly in the water trying to catch ONE blood worm....which for those of you who know...blood worms are REALLY tiny tiny worms, and trying to catch one by itself is really silly. He was just om-nomming om-nomming then suddenly...trout! He looked so confused *lol* but of course swallowed it right down.
He's been over there testing the water and still trying to catch them one at a time, though i did see him get a couple clumps (blood worms mostly clump together).

So very cute!
Wayne, have you fed blood worms before? Do you know if it's healthy for them?
Anyone else?

BTW I still need names for these guys. : )

06-02-12, 09:11 PM
No I have never tried bloodworms.

I feed babies chopped up fish and pinkie (Goulash)

once they are about a half a year old, I feed just pinkies.

once adults, large pinkies or small hopper mice.

06-03-12, 05:05 AM
How about naming them Brad and Angelina?! lol ;)

06-03-12, 03:46 PM
you seem to be enjoying your garter snakes, glad to see that!

bushsnake (http://bushsnake.yolasite.com)