View Full Version : Loki my mischievous Anery

05-29-12, 11:15 PM
I bought an Anery corn and named him, Loki (because my other Corn is named Thor) only a few months ago after my candy corn,named Oyster passed from a birth defect.
Anyways, Loki got mites a few weeks ago, so i Ultra cleaned the tank and gave him some baths,.. I thought since the bedding was aspen it was moist and the mites were breeding and living in it. so i went to my local pet store and bought some Brown Reptile Terrarium Liner, but when i cut it out to fit in my tank it started rolling up, so i used tape to keep it down.
the next morning i was getting ready for college, and i felt something in distress and i look in my tank and my snake physically looked melted on to the masking tape! I was in shock, it was my Fault and i was Mortified! i screamed for my bf to awake and help my Loki, he too the tapped snake into the bathroom while I open my laptop to search for HELP.
Then i came across this site with a similar story on this Life saving site and they spoke of using veggie oil, so i run downstairs and grab the oil.
after the incident hes jaw was unhinged and hes skin looked pilled backward on his mouth. , he lost a few scales on he side and hes eye cap popped off, i was crying my eyes out blaming myself , i had no idea tape and snakes DO NOT mix..
I left him alone for days because i did not want to stress him to death and the vet appt was a lot more days away.
2 days later i look in hes tank and hes jaw looked so much better! and he was moving hes tongue so i took him to see a pet store assistant manager who has a lot of experience with snakes and told me my baby was going to survive!!! the only thing is that he could be blind in one eye
I am soo lucky to have Loki with me he is so Amazing!
hes right eye still looks a little smaller, i hope hes able to grow it back, but i love him regardless

05-30-12, 08:42 AM
Could you get close ups of both his left and right eye?

Are the mites gone now? What did you bathe in him? I recommend not using that lining stuff anyway. It grows bacteria like no tomorrow. Paper towel works well for cleanliness as well as for ensuring no mites are left.

05-30-12, 11:08 AM
That sounds like a frightening experience. A photo of his eyes would be good. And just use paper towels for now.

05-30-12, 02:40 PM
I will buy some paper towels :)..,, i bathed him in luke warm water in a tub and hes mites are gone..

05-30-12, 03:35 PM
Love the names. Did you name them pre avengers?

05-30-12, 04:37 PM
Was the bath the only treatment you gave for mites? If so, you still have mites, you need to treat the enclosure too :)

05-30-12, 06:47 PM
I treated him and the cage with reptile spray for mites.. And yes we named them before the avengers movie . My bf is norwegian and loves norse mythology.

05-30-12, 06:56 PM
Poor thing! That would have horrified me as well. Those photos are a little too blurry to tell the damage to the eye, but I'd keep the vet appointment and see what they say. Here's hoping he heals fast and the mites are gone!

05-30-12, 10:09 PM
Thank you :)