View Full Version : Is it a black blood? pics

01-17-03, 06:33 PM
Hehehehe... :D


01-17-03, 06:34 PM
whoa.. looks VERY black to me.. haha

01-17-03, 06:48 PM
Wow! That's as black as they come! Wanna sell?;)


01-17-03, 07:01 PM
It's not mine unfortunatly. I put it on my photo account cause I couln't post it from where it was!

01-17-03, 07:04 PM
Who owns that snake??....I NEED to know!!!

01-17-03, 10:44 PM
Thasts a text book black blood. Awesome!!...Did I mention awesome!!!!(Drools on self)

01-17-03, 11:06 PM
Wow! That's a real beauty! :D

01-17-03, 11:37 PM
It's on the king snake . com classified

01-17-03, 11:56 PM
no that is NOT black.... it is a normal ... so .. i'll give u $65.. what i paid for all my normals :-D lol j/k


lol that is a VERY VERY VERY sexxxy snake! :)

Grant vg
01-18-03, 12:17 AM
I saw that snake on the classifieds as well, i wasn't quite sure what it exactly was,,,,it looks more like a worm or somethin. lol
Just my opinion though, its pretty different from many blacks ive seen.

01-18-03, 12:28 AM
yeai 'd have to admit the blacks that i've seen look a little like axanthic ball pythons.. black witha little silver.. but still sexxxxy

Aztec Fred
01-18-03, 02:24 AM
No...thats not a black blood, it looks to be a anethryistic ball python. Very, very common in the pet trade, inporters sell a number of these each year to Petco. Just so happens I have one like it thats a female just like it..sooooI will trade you some of my high end boas for it, ...cause I am feeling in a giving mood!! l0l

Nice snake!

Fred Albury
Aztec Reptiles

jason h
01-18-03, 05:24 PM
actually it is a blood if you look closely at the head you can tell buy the markings and the shape of the head, but it truly is the darkest iv ever seen

01-18-03, 11:46 PM
now that i look again .. i'd rather get a black and silver black blood... hmmm .. actually with my current luck with bloods.. it should be illegal for me to own one! my friends are making fun of me for how i am taking care of my new blood. They like to come and and watch the snakes eat and today is feeding day. They were like can we see the new one?! i screamed NOOOO! and pulled them away .. nobody is allowed within about.. 4 feet of the enclosure unless they are completely washed with dial antibacterial soap. and then they are under close supervision and cannot handle it if it has been in contact with a snake in the last 24 hours. I am not exagerating this is the truth. This blood is NOT going to get sick! unfortunately i think it is dehydrated. it's urates were as hard as a rock! i couldn't crush them .. so i had to help him out with them and poop came out too! it looked liket his jimmie dean sausages! LOL anyway my girlfriend is yelling at me. we need cuddling time :( (confidentially i'd rather spend an extra hour in the chat room LOL ) she saw that :( i'm in trouble :( crap! anyway yea! so.. thats what i think .. and thats my story and i'm sticking too it ! lol later!
