View Full Version : New viv for BRB

05-22-12, 07:57 PM
Its been two weeks since I have started this project slowly but surely its coming along, its a 4'x2'x2' presure treated wood and ply wood. Just wanted to share some pics of where im at with it now. Im going to add

-Radiant heat panle
-red l.e.d rope light for night
-white l.e.d for day
- 12" flourecent light for display
-fold down front
-plexi glass sides
-lower area will be a shelf for electrical with doors and side panles

and much much more

05-22-12, 08:49 PM
Queston from you guys experiance where should I drill the vent holes, on the warm side or humid side? and what size? Also should I add a small fan to cerculate fresh air every so often?