View Full Version : New member..

05-16-12, 08:26 PM
Hello everyone! So excited to have found this forum. I have been an owner of a boa, GTP, mexican black kingsnake and now a blood python. I just got my blood and she is so sweet and a wee little baby. I have had her 2 weeks now and she just won't eat. The guy I got her from said she was from captive bred parents and her origin is Peninsular. This is my first blood but I am an experienced snake owner I have used all my little tricks to get her to eat. I am trying F/T what the previous owner said she ate. Should I try live? Thanks and happy to be a member!:freakedout:

05-16-12, 08:29 PM
I forgot to introduce myself!! LOL My name is Nicole! :yes:

05-17-12, 01:07 AM
Hello . nice to meet you

05-17-12, 04:38 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum. I see you said you have had your snake for 2 weeks but yet you have tried all your tricks to feed her. 2 weeks without food is nothing for a snake. You should only be offering food once every 7-10 days and no more often. The more you offer food the more you will stress your new snake out. I would not offer live yet give it time. I am unsure of how you have offered but no matter I would double check your temps and set up, wait 10 days until you try again. In this time do not handle her at all just let her do her thing.

05-17-12, 04:49 AM
Welcome to the forum!

05-17-12, 06:25 AM
hello and welcome

cheers shaun

05-17-12, 07:03 AM
Try offering your Blood a thawed item at night. Just place it at the opposite end from the snake, cover the tank, walk away and don't disturb it until you peek under the towel the next morning.

Bloods are *very* insecure snakes and it can take a while to get them eating. The more you disturb it by even being in the same room (let alone watching it), the less likely it will be to eat.

Once it's eaten a few times, it'll start eating in front of you, but until you reach that point, don't treat it like any other snake 'cause it's not :cool:

05-17-12, 07:12 AM
hi & welcome

05-17-12, 07:35 AM
hi and welcome!!

05-17-12, 07:44 AM
Thanks everyone so much! It's great to be on this forum. I know that 2 weeks is nothing for a snake but I guess that I am just wanting to baby her! LOL! They only snake I have had when they were a baby is my Black kingsnake and she will eat anything/anytime/anywhere! ha! I got my GTP when he was 2 years old and he was a pretty good eater and my boa when she was a year and she had no problems either. I will try to leave her be for a week then put a F/T pup in her tank at night and cover her and see what happens. Thanks for all the help. Hope everyone has a great day! -Nicole:laugh:

05-17-12, 07:53 AM
Welcome to the forum!

05-17-12, 10:46 AM
Welcome to the forum, Nicole :)

05-17-12, 10:52 AM